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Earth Quest Adventures


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The report said that the EarthQuest project IS NOT dead and that the developer (Contour, who they didn't even mention) has until December to purchase the property.

They also failed to mention that Soapboxmom broke the story. You should sue!

Like all stories I've heard about EQ in the last year, this was a very incomplete story that has nothing definitive to say about the project. They certainly didn't report ANYTHING that was not already WELL KNOWN about the status of the project.

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Part 3 is very informative. The CEO behind the defunct Earthquest Institute and brainchild behind the perpetually stalled and likely failed Earthquest theme park are on in the same --- Don Allen Holbrook.

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...are on in the same - what? :wacko:

The brainchild of EarthQuest was/is 'Dino' Don Lessum. Don Holbrook just tried to get it funded and sued you for slander (or something) which is why you are still all over the internet conducting your own personal war with him. Although, as you can see from the lack of responses - NOBODY GIVES A DAMN.

Contour Entertainment has control of the project now. And they have until December to purchase the land.

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Dino Don came in with an interactive dino museum aptly named Dinosaur City with an interactive dino museum, dino dig and IMAX theater that was projected to cost around $50,000,000.00. Earthquest is the blown-up mega theme park born of that seed that Don Holbrook is very much responsible for.

Judging from the intensifying media coverage, it seems the public is quite interested in Don Holbrook's role in this dino disaster. He was the focus of much of Click 2 Houston's recent stories. Sadly, Don Holbrook is still threatening everyone who dares to comment. The taxpayers should never be afraid to discuss where and how their tax dollars are being spent!


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Don Holbrook just tried to get it funded and sued you for slander (or something) which is why you are still all over the internet conducting your own personal war with him. Although, as you can see from the lack of responses - NOBODY GIVES A DAMN.

I give a damn. It's just that I'm used to my current events news being delivered in broad strokes rather than pointing to research and minutiae that require time and mental effort to process. So yeah, maybe its my fault for appreciating her diligent research, but not actually looking at every little bit of it in order to derive a comment.

I encourage her to keep talking, if only because someone tried to intimidate her into being quiet. Let her vocal stance a lesson to bullies with attorneys.

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Without knowing the specifics of know where the money was spent, the amount doesn't really seem like a lot for such a huge project. The deal guys are always a little shady, but they make great things happen. What kills deals like this are lack of momentum and confidence. Too much FUD and they can't get the next round of funding. The bottom line-- If they had gotten the money they needed, it would have been built and it would have created something relevant in an area that has very little to offer. Now it will be a shooting range and more urban sprawl. Congratz soapboxmom! You broke it alright.

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When I say NOBODY, I was referring to normal people. People who spend all day wasting time on the internet are not normal.

If EQ ever becomes are reality, no one will give a rat's behind about any of this behind the scenes crap. If EQ becomes a reality, all money spent to make the project happen (assuming it will be profitable) will have been justified. And life will move on.

Face it. Few people are even acknowledging or following this story. Sure, I am, and you are, but despite the few stories that have come out over the months about how money was spent on developing EQ, most people still are not even aware that this project even exist. The public doesn't seem THAT interested in Don Holbrook. A few people on the internet with nothing better to do and reporters trying to fill airtime on slow news days doesn't exactly constitute the scandal of the century, now does it?

Just put this in perspective. A lot more people are interested in Houston getting a new theme park than what goes on in Soapboxmom, Holbrook or some internet blogger's personal life.

The only important information that was revealed in that lame channel 2 report is...

1. The project is still trying to get financing and is not dead. The new developers have until December to purchase the land (already knew that).

2. Frank McCrady and others from the EMCID paid back the extra expenses that were made on the trips that were made to gather data about successful theme park resorts out of their own pocket. Eventually.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Don Allen Holbrook has continued to pillage and plunder the EMCID taxpayers for a defunct charity he helped to run into the ground. Through May of this year Frank McCrady paid Holbrook $8,334.00 a month of tax dollars (which was the only income listed on his August 2011 ongoing bankruptcy). All this time Holbrook claimed the Earthquest Institute was on hiatus and he told the accountants to withhold documents required by law to be public.

Frank McCrady is trying to withhold documents concerning the exorbitant amount the taxpayers are spending on high priced attorneys he had to hire as multiple agencies are investigating the Earthquest debacle. It is time to show Frank McCrady the door!!!

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Awesome update! Notice all the opinionated Texans speaking out on the comment section. Don Allen Holbrook will not silence the taxpayers of the great State of Texas!!!

Chris Brown isn't going to get away with claiming Earthquest is a private business matter after the millions upon millions of tax dollars thrown at this pipe dream!

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Everything in this article was opinion, except for the fact that the project is STILL being developed.

"I still think we have a project that is viable," McCrady said during an interview with Local 2 Investigates in September.

McCrady said a new developer has until December to raise millions of dollars to buy the land and start the process of planning and building the amusement park project again.

Sounds like Contour is working hard to get the financing. You can ask all the questions you want, but Chris Brown isn't obligated to tell anybody anything while they are still working on the financing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This has not been well-publicized. Here is the late notice:

EMCID Board Meeting


Name: EMCID Board Meeting

Date: December 13, 2012

Time: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Back to Calendar


EMCID Board Room

21575 Hwy 59 N.

New Caney, TX 77357

Contact Information:


Chris Brown of Contour Entertainment and his financial person are expected.

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All good news. EarthQuest seems far from dead as so many have claimed it to be. I'm sure many people are happy to hear that Contour has agreed to pay EMCID $8.6 million. I, of course, am elated to hear that Chris Brown is so optimistic that the project is on course for funding.

I know we have heard this before from the EMCID and Frank McCrady. But hearing it from Chris Brown of Contour gives me renewed hope, especially since he is giving us more specific timelines and transparency.

"Between 30 and 45 days, Contour will develop a investor package proposal. Within 90 days, Brown said they expect to receive sufficient feedback on the investor contacts. Brown said high net worth individuals and corporations have already expressed an interest, though he did not reveal any names. And, 90 days after that period, Contour will "hopefully" be funded at least with half of the $500 million needed in order to move forward."

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  • 3 weeks later...

During a recent EMCID board meeting, Brown said the Earthquest project is still alive because the financial markets have improved and he believes investors will line up to fund the $500 million idea.

The improvement district board voted to give Brown another six months to secure that funding and then buy the land to start the project over again.

"I'm very confident this is going to happen," Brown said. "That's why I keep spending money every month, like an idiot. hoping it's going to happen. If we only raise $150 million, we're going to do a project. We want to raise the whole $500 million. I believe we can."

"We have a developer who has a mission to accomplish," McCrady said after the meeting. "Certainly, we are very confident and are placing our faith and trust in the reports we're getting back from our consultants."

As of Friday, EMCID is not spending any new tax money on the project. The new developer is paying for all the costs associated with the pre-development. If the project breaks ground and gets final approval, Brown said his company would pay back around $8 million to EMCID.

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So the Montgomery County is in the hole from the first developer. A second, more experienced developer is using their own money and will pay back $8 million if they successfully get financing. Why not support them in every way possible? Why the continued spread of FUD?

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  • 2 weeks later...


This is really getting interesting.

The EMCID now seems to be encouraging the developers of the Grand Texas Theme Park to build near the EarthQuest Resort. They want TWO theme parks in East Montgomery County to compliment each other to bring more tourist into the area.

Last I heard, Grand Texas was scouting out locations near the Woodlands or somewhere in Ft. Bend County. Sounds like they have had no luck in those areas. But now it sounds like the EMCID is going after them.

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  • 2 months later...

More great reporting from one of America's premier news sources, The "Our Tribune" has outdone itself in its investigative reporting. Not one, but two complete sentences this time, I'm impressed!


At the EMCID meeting last night, Chris Brown of Contour Entertainment said that they have several investors lined up and are still working to get a main investor for the project. He said that he is comitted to getting EarthQuest built and has no plans of scaling it down from the original $500 million dollar vision. He also said that he would build the park in phases if he has to. He did not go in to details at the public meeting but he did meet with the EMCID board in a closed session. The EMCID is still pursuing the project and Chris Brown has NEVER sounded more committed to getting EarthQuest built.


I remember a time when NO ONE from the EarthQuest development team showed up to these meetings at all. At least now the developers are there in person to give timely updates on the project.


Hardly a 'dead' project. For what it's worth SBM, I'm betting on Grand Texas TOO!



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