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'Big D' offers little help

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Look, if Dallas can't handle it, they should just say so. Oh, they already did. You know, the more you defend Mythic Mayor Miller and how tough it is to handle 40,000 evacuees, the more impressed I become with Houston/Harris County's taking in 200,000 (27,000 in city shelters). Before, I thought I was just bragging. Now, to hear Dallas' very own mayor say that what Houston did is more than they could ever hope to accomplish...why that's just damned impressive.

Shaw said the city of Dallas could not handle it. My wife has worked with every facility in the city and she believes that is true. In the end the county and other counties like Tarrant and Collin will pick up the slack, and this whole thread will be all about nothing, except just a thread to let Houston pat themselves on the back and tell themselves how great they are. Which would be fine and well-deserved except for the odd contradiction of claiming part of what makes you so great is your are so humble. :wacko:


Try reading the article, Jason.

Read it. Print it out if it helps you.

I read it and I challenge you to state specifically where I have misunderstood something.


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just a thread to let Houston pat themselves on the back and tell themselves how great they are. Which would be fine and well-deserved except for the odd contradiction of claiming part of what makes you so great is your are so humble. :wacko:


I think this is more about how Dallas can't and probably won't handl what Houston did, the pat on the back is just a side note :D

Edited by JGraspo
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Next time though, I'll come down and volunteer with you then. If this were turned around the other way though, I'll add that people here would say you must not have gotten enough help from the people of Houston.


Help me understand what you are saying here.

Houston was never short of Volunteers (unskilled). Actually there were times when they had to tell volunteers to go home because there were too many. That is the kind of people we have in Houston. And you can rest assured that if Dallas needed help from Houston, we would be there ready and willing to help. Even if we were "inconvienced" in doing so.

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That's exactly the type of chaos they don't want, and is the motivation for a plan to be put in place. And no it doesn't sting that a city of 1.2million can't handle the same as the 3.6million Harris county, it is just common sense.


What chaos? The only chaos we saw was in NO. It seems our operation ran as smooth as could be.

But it's OK, Jason, we can carry your load-no prob.


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Help me understand what you are saying here.

Houston was never short of Volunteers (unskilled). Actually there were times when they had to tell volunteers to go home because there were too many. That is the kind of people we have in Houston. And you can rest assured that if Dallas needed help from Houston, we would be there ready and willing to help. Even if we were "inconvienced" in doing so.

Well then that would match the situation we had in Dallas, where people like myself had to struggle to find something to do while others like my wife couldn't walk 10 feet without finding someone she could help in some way or another. I said that specifically as a response to what Redscare said, which was that basically they could use all the help they have, which contradicts what you're saying. I bet it could be explained by spatial and temporal variances in the volunteer requirements of course, but my comment about what would have been said still stands.


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I've got to agree with Jason on at least one point...I think this is really a thread to meant for us Houstonians to pat ourselves on the back, while pointing the "finger of shame" at Dallas.

Let's be honest about this too...if you had asked the Mayor and County Judge last August, "can Houston/Harris County accept 200,000 evacuees within a 24- to 36-hour period, without any preparation?", we all know the answer would be a resounding "NO!"

There's a big difference between planning and doing. When you're up against the something like we faced last year, you find a way to do the impossible. I'm 100% confident that if Houston faced a Katrina-sized disaster, Dallas would find a way to accept all of us, and more.

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That's exactly the type of chaos they don't want, and is the motivation for a plan to be put in place.


good point. if Houston is obliterated, it would be HORRIBLE for Dallas to to have to take in any chaos they don't want <_<

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Actually, Jason, I said I was bragging. That's OK, though. At least you guys admit your limitations. None of that hokie "Can-Do" crap for you. Just the facts. I'm glad to hear the honesty.

Actually, the load requested by the state will likely be performed in full. That's my prediction anyway. What was said was the plan wasn't drawn up to do it. Of course, it's in the forum's best interest to claim we will fail.


good point. if Houston is obliterated, it would be HORRIBLE for Dallas to to have to take in any chaos they don't want <_<

If you build up a plan you can try to avoid as much chaos as possible. Is that too much to ask? Apparently. You know, like getting people out of a city plan? Making sure people aren't stuck on 45. Oh whoops. Who could have predicted from Friday night traffic what would happen on 45???


Edited by JasonDFW
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if you had asked the Mayor and County Judge last August, "can Houston/Harris County accept 200,000 evacuees within a 24- to 36-hour period, without any preparation?",

Your odd reasonig might make sense if Rita and Katrina never happened. Or if we just forget 2005 ever happened.

And the request for Dallas is to shelter 40,000, not 200,000.

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Well then that would match the situation we had in Dallas, where people like myself had to struggle to find something to do while others like my wife couldn't walk 10 feet without finding someone she could help in some way or another. I said that specifically as a response to what Redscare said, which was that basically they could use all the help they have, which contradicts what you're saying. I bet it could be explained by spatial and temporal variances in the volunteer requirements of course, but my comment about what would have been said still stands.


Not a contradiction of Red's comment. Like he said they put him to work, and I'm sure they did. They put thousands of unskilled people to work. I'm pointing out that at times there were so many volunteers that they had to send some home (which mostly likely came back later to take their turn).

And to further agree with Red, we are bragging, because we have an Awsome city, and mayor, who stepped up to the plate even when we were not called upon to do so.

And we respect Big D of admitting their limitations.

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Your odd reasonig might make sense if Rita and Katrina never happened. Or if we just forget 2005 ever happened.

Actually, the fact that it did happen is the only reason that post made sense. I think you missed the point entirely.


I'm pointing out that at times there were so many volunteers that they had to send some home (which mostly likely came back later to take their turn).

Yes, like I said the confusion was merely due to temporal variance in the people required. Makes total sense.


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Should Houston have to endure a Katrina-like strike; I suggest Houstonians just by-pass Dallas and y'all just head on up and over and enjoy the unquestioning hospitality of FORT WORTH. You're ALL welcome.

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And we respect Big D of admitting their limitations.

Don't worry, the metro will pick up the slack just as the state suggests.


Should Houston have to endure a Katrina-like strike; I suggest Houstonians just by-pass Dallas and y'all just head on up and over and enjoy the unquestioning hospitality of FORT WORTH. You're ALL welcome.

Well if the state wanted DFW to house 40,000 people, and they're all welcome in Fort Worth, then why would this thread exist? On a side note, Houston will not have to endure a Katrina-like strike. There are reasons Houston is as far inland as it is.


Edited by JasonDFW
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Although this article is dissapointing, to say the least, Dallas did recognized what Houston did for Katrina victoms - in the form of Houston being recongized as "Texan of the Year". I know, I'm going soft on you guys. And as much as I would love to say something negative about today's article, i'ts just to easy of a target anyways. Besides, I prefer to have some more fun with things like, oh, I dont know, The Port of Dallas!

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Let's be honest about this too...if you had asked the Mayor and County Judge last August, "can Houston/Harris County accept 200,000 evacuees within a 24- to 36-hour period, without any preparation?", we all know the answer would be a resounding "NO!"

There's a big difference between planning and doing. When you're up against the something like we faced last year, you find a way to do the impossible. I'm 100% confident that if Houston faced a Katrina-sized disaster, Dallas would find a way to accept all of us, and more.

agree. but dfw versus houston is always a fun lunchtime distraction :D

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They're talking about the Dallas Metro Coog. Terribly confusing for you in the past, I know. Actually you just have trouble reading the context of the use of the word, which as I mentioned is certainly not the first time you've done it.


Edited by JasonDFW
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It is well known thoughout America that Dallas is a city. I'm talking about the local government and the general population. Dallas is completely without character, substance, or soul. There is nothing in this article that is the slightest bit surprising.

What a classy place. Not.

Edited by Subdude
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Wrong. I guess Kenny Shaw is now the spokesman for the Metro?

No, he is not. That's been my point all along. Let's go to paragraph 3:

At a recent meeting in Corsicana, an official with Gov. Rick Perry's emergency management division asked North Texas officials to reserve shelter for as many as 40,000 such residents from Harris County.

Let's go to one official in the whole metro and run a story on it! Make him guess as to what the rest of the metro can hold, and run with it. That's good reporting!


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I'm quite sure that when push comes to shove, Dallas will pick up their fair share, though I am also sure that it will come with all of their griping about how put upon they are. This is not a bad thing at all for Fort Worth, though, who will do what needs to be done, without carping, as they did last year.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not passing up the opportunity to lambaste The City of Dallas for their self-centered attitude. This is not a slap at the rest of the Metroplex. In fact, Jason and all of the other non-Dallas residents should be jabbing Dallas for making them look bad. There are two black eyes that Dallas is giving itself. One is the selfish image it is giving itself. The second is the appearance that it cannot handle something big, especially when another city already did it. These are not statements made by us. These are statements made by DALLAS officials.

Laura Miller could fix this by making a statement. She refuses. 'Nuff said.

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Read this quick, it will probably be edited by subdude.

It is well known thoughout America that Dallas is a city of (I've been censored but it began with the letter A). I'm talking about the local government and the general population. Dallas is completely without character, substance, or soul. There is nothing in this article that is the slightest bit surprising.

What a classy place. Not.

I understand that a few pea brains might get offended by the word A**H***, but what's wrong with calling a city self-serving when it claims to be big (as in Big D), brags about buildings, jumbotrons, and mall art, but can't or won't pull it's weight to HELP PEOPLE in an emergency?

I didn't relize the occasional light profanity was cause for a moderator to completely change the context of the message.

I never said Dallas was a city.

Edited by Mister X
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Read this quick, it will probably be edited by subdude.

It is well known thoughout America that Dallas is a city of (I've been censored but it began with the letter A). I'm talking about the local government and the general population. Dallas is completely without character, substance, or soul. There is nothing in this article that is the slightest bit surprising.

What a classy place. Not.

I understand that a few pea brains might get offended by the word A**H***, but what's wrong with calling a city self-serving when it claims to be big (as in Big D), brags about buildings, jumbotrons, and mall art, but can't or won't pull it's weight to HELP PEOPLE in an emergency?

I didn't relize the occasional light profanity was cause for a moderator to completely change the context of the message.

I never said Dallas was a city.

Read the reminder at the top of the thread. This isn't a forum for Dallas-bashing. If you want to just toss out insults and start a flame war about Dallas then do it somewhere else, not here.

Think of the board as being rated "PG". Profanities will be edited out.

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Understood, No Dallas bashing and rated PG. But it's hard not to toss out insults, especially on this forum. The Dallas lovers come to this forum all the time bragging about silly things that most cities already have and TRYING to impress with false images of grandure. On days like today, when reality strikes, and Dallas is seen as the superficial place that it is, it's very hard for people to contain themselves. But I promise I will try to be good from now on.

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