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Why I love H-Town

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My wife and I both have today off from work. We decided we'd take the little one down for a stroll at the Galleria & do a little window shopping while there. Well, it was raining around 11 this morning. However, we still managed to leave our house, go to the Galleria, window shop, eat lunch, and return home - all with out getting a single drop of rain on us.

The reason I tell this story is to debunk all those who gripe about the Galleria just being another indoor mall. How they think it would be better if it were more like other cities, where the stores would be outside. If those stores were outside in Houston, we would have never left the house today. (Granted, now at 3 pm the sun is shining, so maybe we would have anyway!)

FOCUS: Here lately on the board there have been alot of complainers and whiners about how Houston sucks this, or Houston sucks that. How about we flip the coin and share some of the idiosyncrasies about H-Town that we love. Like how I love that the Galleria is indoors, but when there I don't feel like I'm in just another mall.

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I can't believe it, someone actually wants to talk positive about Houston. Imagine that.

I actually like the way our freeways are laid out, I know it sounds insane but I like em. The fact that I can exit onto the feeder, get a beer or gas and hop right back on is very cool to me, and very convenient.

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where do i begin? i love the fact the the most well planned evening or one that is not planned at all, can turn out unique or very interesting here in houston.

i took some people visiting houston for a training seminar in to downtown for a little look-see. we started at saba (now defunct) for drinks and dinner. we had the most interesting waitress, daisy. she was from south america, very informative and cheerful....magnetic. most of the people at the table were from atlanta. they were overwhelmed by the service, the environment, the food and the wine. we then decided to move down main street by way of notsuoh. it seems the woman at the counter was somewhat psychic and entranced several of my guests for quite some time. those not inclined to that atmosphere moved on to pete's for martinis.

the point of this story is that wondering around houston can be a hell of alot of fun. if you are of the right mindset, you can brings guests along for the ride. i'm seldom disappointed at the eclectic mix of entertainment, food and personalities that one encounters. the only people who seem to not enjoy this mix are usually persons who are only comfortable in a sleek, upscale club with just the "right" people allowed in. these people usually want to replicate what their idea of a "cool" place is. it seems that "seekers" and the adventerous types enjoy houston's unusual clash of cultures and subcultures most.

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I love two things:

--That we are rediscovering downtown. In so many other major cities, they have already discovered their central business districts and made them great. We are at a crossroads where we can make it whatever we want it to be. I can't tell you how many times per week I get a little giddy when I see all the action on our streets and sidewalks and think "hey, I do live in a REAL city!"

--festivals/hometours: I guess because there is a rush to get all the outdoor stuff done before summer hits, all the festivals (art and culture) and home tours are pretty packed together in the spring and fall. We rush from event to event to try and get them all in. It's tiring, but hey, we can sleep it off during the summer.

Edited by travelguy_73
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FOCUS: Here lately on the board there have been alot of complainers and whiners about how Houston sucks this, or Houston sucks that.

Not allowed. You don't love Houston unless you're constantly bemoaning its myriad faults. For example, I saw a stop light hanging haphazardly across W. Gray this morning. This town is dooomed. I'll bet they don't have sagging streetlights in Jacksonville or <insert city here>

Edited by The Great Hizzy!
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I have never thought of the Galleria as just another mall.

I love H-Town for it's cool neighborhoods like Montrose, Rice Village, etc. The many wooded neighborhoods on the other side of the freeway from Ikea. Those are very, very, nice. There are many nice neighborhoods in Houston.

Highland Village the entire Uptown area and the Galleria.

The musem district area, really nice.

This may sound weird, but I love driving on beltway 8, the part where it sinks under ground level (where Town and Country Mall use to be) I also like the wooded area south of there.

Sometimes I for get about all the good stuff in Houston. And Houston really does have lots of good stuff!

Edited by citykid09
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This may sound weird, but I love driving on beltway 8, the part where it sinks under ground level (where Town and Country Mall use to be) I also like the wooded area south of there.

This is realllly weird but 1.) I actually agree with you and 2.) on the subject of freeways of all things. :wacko:

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This is realllly weird but 1.) I actually agree with you and 2.) on the subject of freeways of all things. :wacko:

Its the truth, thats a nice section of freeway. Also the beltway 8 going towards the airport (going east) it looks all new and clean in that area. I like freeways to be below grade for somereason it looks better to me and it keeps the city togeather.

Here is a picture of beltway 8 in the Town & Country area:


Just south of it:


I just thought of something, It would have been nice to have the west loop in the Galleria area below ground like that section near the old town and country and have bridges going over it with trees all around, or even a tunnel for that section. but then again, you do get a nice view of Uptown with the freeway the way it currently is.

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Beltway 8 and an EZ-Pass at 3:00am=Bliss.

I had my picture taken when I was going threw the EZ-Pass part (about 90-ish). now I learn to slow down around there.

**now that I think about it, could have been lightning? :closedeyes:

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Almost everyone I know well is either from a different country or from a small town. I've gotten more than one comment about our magnificent freeway architecture from visitors. People that haven't been indoctrinated into the "freeways are bad" set of arguments sure are impressed by concrete and steel.

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No. It's not about speed, but about a feeling of freedom. Especially on a humid night with the windows down.

Yeah I can't wait :wub: Like I might of mentioned in previous threads....just love driving around AC blasting on a hot day listening to my own music and driving whenever and wherever I want.

I can't do that much here. I have to watch out for pedestrians all the time and cars that are illegally parked on corners or on streets forcing traffic to one lane. Drivers making three point turns in traffic :angry2: I swear before I go back to the States for good this summer, I will take the beat up junker I have now rub up against those parked cars "by accident" ....maybe take out a mirror....knick a pedestrian......serves them well for running out into traffic with no regard of getting hit or causng an accident. >:)

:wacko: end rant......USA!!!!

Edited by Houstonian in Iraq
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A little of topic, but is it free after a certin time? I here it is? Is that what you mean?

they're only free during evacuations.

but actually, i've been meaning to ask-

some of the manned-exits on the belt between 45 and 288 are vacated at night on the weekdays. so the gate is just up. i'm assuming its makes more sense for them to leave the gate up then to pay someone to man the booth?

of course i have an ez tag, so i still get charged even if the gate is up. i'm tempted to take it down, but i'm guessing it'll still pick up the ez tag even if i have it on the ground in my car.

has anyone seen this on other parts of the beltway?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really do love the Neimans in Houston its my fav out of all the ones that I've been to.

I love it when at night in Aug you open your car door and the thick humid hot air hits you in the face. The air conditioning in your car, home, where ever you are, feels so good in Houston.

The mysterious huge live oaks and pine trees mixed with the lighted mixed style River Oaks mansions at night is enchanting, and attending a party especially at the Thrash's manse at night in Memorial is unforgetable.

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I really do love the Neimans in Houston its my fav out of all the ones that I've been to.

I love it when at night in Aug you open your car door and the thick humid hot air hits you in the face. The air conditioning in your car, home, where ever you are, feels so good in Houston.

The mysterious huge live oaks and pine trees mixed with the lighted mixed style River Oaks mansions at night is enchanting, and attending a party especially at the Thrash's manse at night in Memorial is unforgetable.

Oh I agree. The only thing better is to shop at Neimans with the some-what slutty Becca in August and watch the sweat soak through her Channel wool suit as she gobbles up just oodles of designer suits and bling that she can give to Juanita after her next shoot with PaperCity-well not the bling; that goes to the pawn shop.

"Oh JESS Miss Becca! Tank you so much [you cheap-ass Lynn wanna be who ALWAYS gave me the bling] por de beautiful bool Channel [which even your hidious little drooling and vibrating chiuaua wouldn't pee on].

Now I will go and stand beneath the mysterious trees and let RyanJX5 drool upon the threads of your discarded Channel. The only thing better would be to have the Meester Wyatt passing me Saddam kick-backs to me like he did to my brother Juan...who always tools Miss Becca por the xtra Pesos."

Sorry-can't help mocking the Ryans of the wanna be's. But if he want's to hang with and admire the somewhat seedier side of RO society-have at it.


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