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Crime In The Heights


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ch 13 did a story on it several weeks ago.

what they need to do is put plants with thorns there. maybe they won't be so quick to defacate/have sex/etc there.

They'll get cut by the thorns and probably sue the owner. It must be frustrating for the owner to have to do ANYTHING to keep people from crapping in his yard.

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Well if he really wanted to make a statement, I guess he could do a complete 180 and adorn his yard with port-o-poties seeing as how the HOA doesn't want signs in his yard.

and they could use palm leaves to seperate the stalls. :lol:

I have a feeling someone has already Youtubed this type of madness. We have to laugh this stuff off people. All hoods have a little lunacy.

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They'll get cut by the thorns and probably sue the owner. It must be frustrating for the owner to have to do ANYTHING to keep people from crapping in his yard.

That should be easy to solve. Put a sign stating:

"Do not defecate or perform sexual activities in the bushes. If you are injured by the plants, the fault will fall on your side, and filing a lawsuit will end with failure; you will be found to have submitted a frivolous lawsuit and you will be fined."

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That should be easy to solve. Put a sign stating:

"Do not defecate or perform sexual activities in the bushes. If you are injured by the plants, the fault will fall on your side, and filing a lawsuit will end with failure; you will be found to have submitted a frivolous lawsuit and you will be fined."

Legally, and I am serious here, that might not stand up. Lawyers have ways of wiggling around just about anything.

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I have an aquaintance whos backyard faces the back of Bennos in Galveston on the seawall. He has problems every year when the spring break party comes to town. He looks outside and there are people crapping and peeing in his backyard. He has one on those little red laser beams and he shines it on them at night and it scares the "crap" out of them because they think they are about to be shot. While I type, he is putting up a six foot fence around his yard. He should'nt have to do this and ruin his view of the water. Its sad people have no respect for others property.

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I have an aquaintance whos backyard faces the back of Bennos in Galveston on the seawall. He has problems every year when the spring break party comes to town. He looks outside and there are people crapping and peeing in his backyard. He has one on those little red laser beams and he shines it on them at night and it scares the "crap" out of them because they think they are about to be shot. While I type, he is putting up a six foot fence around his yard. He should'nt have to do this and ruin his view of the water. Its sad people have no respect for others property.

Two words:

Paintball gun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Many of you have heard about the burglary on Prince Street in Timbergrove that went unanswered by police recently. If you haven't, here is the story:


I received the following email yesterday about a crime in nearby Lazybrook. I don't know this woman personally - her email was forwarded on to me by a neighbor. But I am very upset about the crime level in this area, being a Timbergrove resident myself! Does anyone have any inside knowledge of what is going on at HPD to rectify this lack of interest/response? Here is the Lazybrook email:

"Saturday, November 10:

Can you get this info out to everyone ASAP. Our home was burglarized =

today around 2 p.m. today (Saturday)and I actually walked up on the 2

guys. 2 young, thin hispanic guys. Probably early to mid 20's- both =

around 5'7"-5'9" slim build maybe around 145-165 lbs. I saw that one

had a burr haircut. They were driving a white 4 door car (either =

Chrysler or Buick) with license plate 907 CZN. I had taken a dog for a

walk for literally 15-20 minutes and while I locked the door, I didn't =

set the alarm. I actually saw them in the neighborhood at

Waltway/Shirkmere knocking on a door and noticed them because one was =

wearing a bright blue hardhat. Subconsciously, I thought it was a bit

odd but I guess middle of the day on Saturday with people home, I just =

didn't really think something bad would happen.

When I got home, I saw their car backed up in my drive with the trunk =

open. I immediately knew something then and as luck would have it I had

my cell phone so I called 911. While I was standing at the end of my =

driveway on the phone with the police, the 1st of the 2 guys came out

carrying my flatscreen TV! He saw me and I yelled for him to stop and =

that I was talking to the police. He calmly shoved my TV in the

backseat. I was afraid to approach since I didn't know if they had =

gun/knife, etc. The other one then came out carrying other stuff and

they both jumped in the car and literally drove right past me as I was =

talking to the police.

Here's the really scary part. Even though they have the plate #, the =

police aren't sure they will be able to apprehend. The responding

officer was very polite and said a squad car had been dispatched to the =

esidence the car was registered to but no sighting. He was going to go

by later as well but he made a point of saying several times that they =

only have so many officers and the number of people moving inside the

loop has far outstripped the police force abilities. I really feel that =

if they stumble on the car, they might catch them (assuming the car

wasn't stolen) but if it doesn't happen today I fully expect this to =

drop off their radar screen as they can't keep up with everything. He

encouraged me to file a complaint with the Mayor's ofc, our city council =

and the police chief and for all of us effected by this kind of thing to

keep doing it until accountability for the police force is taken by the =

higher ups of our city government. It truly is up to us to help police

our neighborhoods and if I had paid more attention when I first saw them =

who knows what would have happened. At any rate, I hope people use this

instance to think more about their personal safety and that of their =

neighbors and take a lesson from my lack of awareness to increase =



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Not to discredit HPD but you will be surprised how much YOU have to do on your own to stop freaks like the ones that stole from you. In this city you almost have to be a vigilante.

One night a guy was trying to steal our dad's car parked in our drive way. We called cops, this guy heard a car approaching and started walking quikcly down the street and was trying to break into another car at the corner house. Cops were taking too long. My sis and I jumped in the car and went around the block. We spotted him walking with a big key chain with several keys dangling on them. We rushed back to the house and cops were there speaking to dad. We told HPD to go to the corner Circle K store where he was and they pulled up and busted him!

Maybe we should have been cops? :ph34r:

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FYI, the burglary mentioned in the original post happened in Timbergrove Manor, not Lazybrook.

Well, there were actually two burglaries mentioned in my original post - sorry if I jumbled them together! They were both on my mind so I thought I would throw them both out there for discussion. The first (Channel 13 news story) was in Timbergrove and the second was in Lazybrook this past weekend (which was the email that I pasted into the original post). Not exactly the same neighborhood but darned close enough.

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Well hopefully Mindy Herrera now understands the difference between "robbers" and "suspicious people".

I remember seeing her on TV. What a dummy.

In Mindy's defense, when she originally called 911, they WERE just "suspicious people" in the neighborhood. So, whoever categorized her call initially at the 911 call center did so appropriately. However, when she (and other concerned neighbors who did not make the Channel 13 news story) called back to give 911 the play-by-play of the robbery as it was taking place, 911 did not re-categorize the call to a robbery level. And, from what I understand, these kind gentlemen were in the house for 20 minutes - there are police officers at the corner of Durham and 11th at the HPD storefront within 5 minute WALKING distance away that never came. It's really unacceptable. And not Mindy's fault for the mis-categorization, but rather the fault of the 911 call center.

IMHO, of course :D

(And, no, I don't know Mindy personally)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Signs of the times aim to shame police, Metro

Homeowners hope lawn display rids them of trouble lurking at front door

The owners of a home on the edge of an upscale North Houston neighborhood and a blighted stretch of Shepherd Drive have turned their lawn into a spectacle that aims to embarrass police and Metro into taking action.

Garden Oaks residents Bryan and Valerie Klein planted a thick barrier of leafy, thorny plants and put up 17 highly visible signs that warn passers-by not to trespass, use drugs or engage in prostitution at the corner of 43rd and Shepherd, a heavily traveled six-lane thoroughfare.

The signs warn people not to defecate, urinate, dump trash or steal plants from the Kleins' yard.

full article

Edited by musicman
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Legally, and I am serious here, that might not stand up. Lawyers have ways of wiggling around just about anything.

But will their wiggling ways work?

Perhaps research into past cases and checking variables (warning signs? what? who?) may help determine the likelihood of this.

I would insist with rose buses and a sign with carefully crafted words.

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But will their wiggling ways work?

Perhaps research into past cases and checking variables (warning signs? what? who?) may help determine the likelihood of this.

I would insist with rose buses and a sign with carefully crafted words.

Or ... well-placed rat traps. That might do the trick.

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