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Brokeback Mountain


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Can anyone explain why Brokeback Mountain, starring two of Hollywood's biggest stars, is only being shown at 1 cinema in Houston (It came out on Dec 9)?


Summary written by Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana

The new film from Academy Award-nominated director Ang Lee. An epic love story set against the sweeping vistas of Wyoming and Texas, Brokeback Mountain tells the story of two young men - a ranch-hand and a rodeo cowboy - who meet in the summer of 1963, and unexpectedly forge a lifelong connection, one whose complications, joys and tragedies provide a testament to the endurance and power of love.

maybe theaters don't think people want to see it or maybe they think they might offend people, who knows??

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Becuase they are testing the waters...

From today's paper:

Brokeback starts in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco Friday, then expands to 23 U.S. cities Dec. 16. It will add theaters after a few weeks based on audience demand.


I think they should have named this movie "Bareback Mountain" if you know what I mean.

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I think they should have named this movie "Bareback Mountain" if you know what I mean.

Well, I was waiting for that one...I'm sure we all know what you mean.

I'm going to see it next week in NYC so I'm trying not to pre-judge.

The movie is about bi-sexual cowboys hiding it from their wives. It will make many straight men uncomfortable.

I heard a line from the movie today:

"I wish I knew how to quit you"

After hearing that, I said to myself "I wish I had shells for the shotgun".

That will go down as one of the classic, lame lines ever spoken in a movie-right along side of Buddy Swayze saying "Nobody puts Baby in a corner"

I had shells for the shotgun then...I should have used them.


[Oh HAIF...Ah wish Ah knew how ta quit yew]

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Greetings all....

HOUSTON, TEXAS is by all means BIGGER AND BETTER THAN THIS! Brokeback Mountain should be seen by as many moviegoers as possible.

There are many many straight heterosexuals that can easily see through the forest and locate the trees if you know what I mean....... for doesn't it seem extremely silly that in this day and age that we are still trying to screen great movies by way of "shielding them from the general public"? ........SILLY INDEED!

BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN from what I hear is simply brilliant movie making at it's finest. I cannot wait to FIND a theater to see this great prospect .......I'M THERE!



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Well, I was waiting for that one...I'm sure we all know what you mean.

I'm going to see it next week in NYC so I'm trying not to pre-judge.

The movie is about bi-sexual cowboys hiding it from their wives. It will make many straight men uncomfortable.

I heard a line from the movie today:

"I wish I knew how to quit you"

After hearing that, I said to myself "I wish I had shells for the shotgun".

That will go down as one of the classic, lame lines ever spoken in a movie-right along side of Buddy Swayze saying "Nobody puts Baby in a corner"

I had shells for the shotgun then...I should have used them.


[Oh HAIF...Ah wish Ah knew how ta quit yew]

Are you sure it's about Bi-sexual cowboys? Yes, I know they get married in the movie and have children, but it is also set in the 60's and at that time the mere thought of a "GAY" cowboy would have been unheard of, so I'm sure they were just keeping up appearances. I would say the movie will clearly show they are "Full-on Homosexual" and not "Bi". I don't think I will see this movie until I have nothing else to watch on HBO some night, I don't think it will hold my interest. :(

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Hey Midtown Coog,

I wasn't intimating that Houston was bigoted, merely wondering why a new movie release that has been nominated for various golden globes wasn't on general release, thats all.

Another reason is that they could be having a hard time getting it placed. It had to compete with Harry Potter, Narnia, and some other heavy-hitters for screens right now. They could have originally planned to release it in January or February when there would be less competition, but sometimes they'll try to squeeze in a few theaters before the end of the year so they will qualify for that year's awards. The reason so many of the big blockbusters are released for Thanksgiving and Christmas is so that they're fresh in the critics' minds when they fill in their ballots. They may have decided to take their chances against the movies that are already out instead of risking getting pummeled in the awards next year.

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Another reason is that they could be having a hard time getting it placed. It had to compete with Harry Potter, Narnia, and some other heavy-hitters for screens right now. They could have originally planned to release it in January or February when there would be less competition, but sometimes they'll try to squeeze in a few theaters before the end of the year so they will qualify for that year's awards. The reason so many of the big blockbusters are released for Thanksgiving and Christmas is so that they're fresh in the critics' minds when they fill in their ballots. They may have decided to take their chances against the movies that are already out instead of risking getting pummeled in the awards next year.

Correct, they do it all the time, they don't want to release it against heavy hitters because of revenue draw, but the studios aren't sure what might be coming out next year, so they release it limited so that it will qualify for OSCARS this year when they know it will get high praise and a few oscar nods because of no competition in certain categories.

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I think they should have named this movie "Bareback Mountain" if you know what I mean.

There was a pic of Jake Gyllenhaal in a cowboy hat under the glass counter at the coffee shop, and my friend pointed to it and goes "I want to see that...what's it called? Oh yah....Bareback Mountain". I died laughing....I said "No, Bareback Mountain is going to be the gay pr0n knockoff....its Brokeback Mountain"

Edited by jm1fd
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Are you sure it's about Bi-sexual cowboys? Yes, I know they get married in the movie and have children, but it is also set in the 60's and at that time the mere thought of a "GAY" cowboy would have been unheard of, so I'm sure they were just keeping up appearances. I would say the movie will clearly show they are "Full-on Homosexual" and not "Bi". I don't think I will see this movie until I have nothing else to watch on HBO some night, I don't think it will hold my interest. :(

Well, they marry and have kids with women. Then once a year they hook-up. Then they go back home and have more sex with women. I'm guessing they are bi-regardless the decade. I've never understood bisexuality because I've always been gay. It's as alien to me as...aliens.

I keep hearing people use the term "full-on homosexuals".

In all seriousness, I truely don't understand what that exactly means in the real world.

Anyway, it's about two men with deep and conflicting feelings for one another. I learned long ago-the hard way-to steer clear of judging relationships I knew nothing about.


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Well, they marry and have kids with women. Then once a year they hook-up. Then they go back home and have more sex with women. I'm guessing they are bi-regardless the decade. I've never understood bisexuality because I've always been gay. It's as alien to me as...aliens.

I keep hearing people use the term "full-on homosexuals".

In all seriousness, I truely don't understand what that exactly means in the real world.

Anyway, it's about two men with deep and conflicting feelings for one another. I learned long ago-the hard way-to steer clear of judging relationships I knew nothing about.


Well, "full-on" of course is something I believe we heteros have come up with to distinguish the two for ourselves, but I am sure a homosexual came up with the term first and we stole it. :lol: Maybe the only way I could describe how heteros feel about being "Bi"........ Girl Bi= Good, Guy Bi= Bad. I myself could care less what anyone's preference is, nmain, you could be sitting next to me at the theater watching this movie and I wouldn't have a clue or care what you do in your house, as long as you aren't jumping up and down on my coffee table in my living room causing a panic and trying to hit on me, we are cool ! I am the untypical hetero republican male, that would actually join you for a drink with friends somewhere(if asked) just from the conversations here, I don't find homosexuality threatening in any way shape or form. I don't think I'm gonna catch a gay cootiebug just from being around you, and if we did ever become real friends in the outside world I would eventually get to a point where I would probably feel comfortable enough to even raz you about being gay,number 1 because I'm an A-hole ! number 2 because you would be in a position where you knew I meant nothing by it at all because I would be a true friend and you would know I was joking. :wacko:

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There was a pic of Jake Gyllenhaal in a cowboy hat under the glass counter at the coffee shop, and my friend pointed to it and goes "I want to see that...what's it called? Oh yah....Bareback Mountain". I died laughing....I said "No, Bareback Mountain is going to be the gay pr0n knockoff....its Brokeback Mountain"

I don't mean to be graphic, but wouldn't that be Bareback Mountin'?

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Ok, so I saw the movie at Riv Oaks this evening. The lines were around the corner and our seats were terrible (back row!). Would I recommend the movie? Absolutely, everyone with even the smallest interest should see it. T

Pros: he guys had a very interesting dynamic, both with themselves and their family. Parts weren't easy to watch (how Ennis interacts with his daughters for example made me wish he was more loving towards them; how they come to terms with their sexuality). Anyway, it was very well done--the acting was good, the views incredible (on all counts, LOL), and the story well-told.

Cons: I was expecting it to be a really intense, emotional movie. At least for me it wasn't--it didn't really grab me the way I hoped. And it just sort of *ended*, totally leaving me hanging,

Overall worth seeing again.

Edited by travelguy_73
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Why does it seem that every thread in HAIF ends up being a discussion of homosexuality, or liberals vs. conservatives? Any chance we can keep this on topic for a change? :angry2:

editor, we are totally on topic, we are discussing a homosexual based movie ! :D

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What might happen is it could move to two or three of the larger area theaters - like the AMC Dunvale and the Edwards Wesleyan - in a few weeks...I've seen that happen with some movies that were not so mainstream but which had big stars...

You might get another "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"

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Good thing I left out the part about acessorizing with a pink feather boa.

I think your going to have to wait until this movie is release on DVD. I would hope you would spare us all the awfulness of having to see you wearing that getup you just describe. which BTW, that outfit you described, sounds like a stereotypical preconceived narrow view that a homophobic would have all gay men wear in there imagination.

I have not seen the movie. I want to see it. Please don't reveal anything that happens in it on yawls post on this thread. I will try my beast to avoid reading your post if you do this.

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I think your going to have to wait until this movie is release on DVD. I would hope you would spare us all the awfulness of having to see you wearing that getup you just describe. which BTW, that outfit you described, sounds like a stereotypical preconceived narrow view that a homophobic would have all gay men wear in there imagination.

I have not seen the movie. I want to see it. Please don't reveal anything that happens in it on yawls post on this thread. I will try my beast to avoid reading your post if you do this.

Eelimon, you mean they all DON"T wear that get up whenever they go out to the market or the movies ? WOW, I learn something new everyday ! :mellow::D

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