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the opinion of the people i have talked too that are(and obviosluy most arent) tired of american women is that they are becoming too selfish. they think life should be like it is on TV(Melrose, OC, whatever is hot now...)

im just curious how many people feel like this

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the opinion of the people i have talked too that are(and obviosluy most arent) tired of american women is that they are becoming too selfish. they think life should be like it is on TV(Melrose, OC, whatever is hot now...)

im just curious how many people feel like this

I see what you mean (selfishness). Count me as one. Not all American women just a majority. They are out for themselves.

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You guys have to learn how to control your women. My woman tells me to go to the store and pick up some milk, I tell her "HELL NO !" then she gives me that look, and I tell her, "YOU HEARD ME WOMAN !" Then she walks away, then I get my keys and go get the milk. But I told her NO dammit. :D

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You guys have to learn how to control your women. My woman tells me to go to the store and pick up some milk, I tell her "HELL NO !" then she gives me that look, and I tell her, "YOU HEARD ME WOMAN !" Then she walks away, then I get my keys and go get the milk. But I told her NO dammit. :D


Of such things good marriages are made.

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Hell yea man, I'm sick of these gold diggers! It seems like every damn woman in america thinks she deserves somethin or is owed somethin or is worth somethin just cuz she has a *expletive*. What else do you have to offer besides a female body? The women who don't care if your rich or not are few and far between. What's the first thing they wanna know? What do you do. What knid of car do you drive. How much do you make. Where do you live. And a lot of these women live with their parents and don't work! Wtf??? But if this is what was meant by "tired of american women" then yea I agree. . .

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Quit trying to pick up women in bars. Go to church, that is where all the good women are. Most of them are freaks in the bed, especially elementary school teachers. They seem to go hand in hand.

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I see what you mean (selfishness). Count me as one. Not all American women just a majority. They are out for themselves.

Excuse me? Who are we suppose to be "out" for. Show me a man that is not "out" for himself.

This is the 21st Century. Children first, ourselves second, others third. That is the pecking order in my world. How about yours?

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Excuse me? Who are we suppose to be "out" for. Show me a man that is not "out" for himself.

This is the 21st Century. Children first, ourselves second, others third. That is the pecking order in my world. How about yours?

Good for you Martha, I applaud you, You go girl ! (psst!, don't tell any of the guys about me congratulating you. Keep it on the DL. Thanks.) MEN ARE PIGS ! And we love it. OINK ! OINK ! :D

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Was talking to a guy the other day and he brought up that he was tired of dealing with American women. :blink:

This isnt the first Ive heard that, so thought I would get some more opinions.

Anyone else tired of them?

If so, why?

North, Central or South American? My 3 North American sisters seem pretty well adjusted and never really "needed" a man to enhance their lives. They just lucked out and found the right guys.

If someone is tiered of American women, I suggest they move to another hemisphere-this one is all full up of Americas.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Myabe not all have noticed, but the ones growing up today seem to have a ridiculous idea of what life is.

They actually expect life to be like TV, and are shocked when it isnt.

Yep, I've found this to be essentially true, sadly. They are caught up in their soap opera fantasies...narcissism rules their world. A lot of good men are single and miserable because they just cannot deal with this BS.

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If you are looking for it, It ain't gonna happen. Love will find you, don't worry about it. I hear nmainguy is single. ;)

nmainguy is taken...for better or worse! Actually the better has far out lived the worse. :)


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