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Don Julio

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Everything posted by Don Julio

  1. The Paladium was owned by Johnny Martinez. Tony Sepolio was the booking agent. It probably closed in 1957. Don't know when it was torn down, but there was no demand for huge ballrooms after 1957 (except the Pan American club).
  2. The Paladium Club was never called The Hitching Post. It wasn't a "cowboy bar," but a huge ballroom that could seat over 2,000 people.
  3. Musicians make a lot of claims. Bear in mind that they often exaggerate, distort, and invent memories and events in the process, especially if famous celebrities like Elvis are involved. It's quite possible that there was a bar called the Hitching Post and all these people played there, but just as likely, if not more so, that Proby either invented this event or confused the name of the Paladium Club.
  4. Houston Press Building C. 1930 Anybody know the street address? http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/6924/houstonpress1930lo.jpg
  5. Found this ad in the book "River Oaks: A Pictorial Presentation" (nd, c.1930). Does anybody have any issues of "The Gargoyle," the magazine for the discriminating Houstonian? http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/1546/houstongargoylead1930lo.jpg
  6. Here's the dust jacket to Sig Byrd's Houston.
  7. Here is how Byrd appeared in the Houston Chronicle in January, 1962:
  8. The Champion Sisters are George Champion's daughters. George and Bennie were Houston artists. They never "made it big" nationally. Which is meaningless, anyway.
  9. Come to think of it, I did talk to someone who knew him, and described him as "a big, tall fellow." But he doesn't appear to be much taller than the rest of the band in the photo. Oh well. Anybody remember the pianist, George Champion? He played a lot with Bennie Hess as well.
  10. Great story. Looking at the picture, I doubt Carl was 6'6".
  11. The Historic Houston section attracted me to this site. It's still the only one I look at, except this one (occasionally).
  12. Here's a good pic of Utah Carl and the Gulf Coast Playboys in Channel 13 Studios. 1958? Left to right: Herbie Treece, Utah Carl, Clem Kujawa, Sam Reece, Wiley Barkdull, and George Champion on piano.
  13. Here is the complete text of the Marie Phelps article. Visit to Frenchtown by Marie Lee Phelps (Houston Post, 22 May 1955) "Comment ca va?" It was a soft voice from the Bayou Teche country of Louisiana. "Oh! Pliz scuse. How you?" Black eyes rolled in mischievous welcome. "You come into my house?" I stood on Deschaumes Street, or was it Delia, Adalia, or Lelia? Or was I in Houston at all? The air was heavy and sweet with a tropical abundance of oleanders, cape jasmines, vines. The sumptuous smell of creole gumbo sifted lazily out of a kitchen window. Was I really only a stone's throw from that roaring artery of the city -- Jensen Drive? You're farther than that, sister. You're as far away from Jensen Drive as the Evangeline country is from Houston. You're in Frenchtown. This fascinating community, the least known facet of Houston's multiple personality, has been in existence near Liberty Road on the northeast side of the city since 1922. It is about four blocks square. The heart of the settlement may be said to lie between streets with the musical names Lelia and Roland. Here in an atmosphere as foreign as French pie and rub bo'd (sic) music live about 500 people of French and Spanish descent. They come from Saint Martinsville, Lafayette, LeBeau, Louisiana. They call themselves creoles. Most of them have very fair skin, lustrous, expressive eyes, beautiful black hair. I was struck by the patrician features of those I met, the long nose, the thin, sensitive lips. What brought these people from the Bayou Teche country to Houston, where they have stuck together thick as a family clan, yet ever apart from the city? Father Cornelius Sullivan, their priest who holds mass, teaches their children at Our Mother of Mercy Roman Catholic Church nearby, says they came when jobs got scarce in Louisiana. The Southern Pacific Railroad in Houston was offering many job opportunities in the
  14. A great deal of Frenchtown was destroyed when I-59 was being built, as this front-page article from the Informer (January 12, 1952) details. This included The Creole Club at 3101 Jerrell, which may have been the birthplace of zydeco music. Just one of the hundreds of Houston landmarks bulldozed, forgotten, and written out of history.
  15. The Pilgrim Temple was on the eastern edge of the Fourth Ward, and its most important building. I was surprised to see a photo of the building. Actually hearing people who went there was an amazing bonus. 60 cents to see Earl Hines... Houston Informer, Feb. 18, 1939:
  16. Actually, when I read questions like this, I really question how much homo sapiens have evolved at all.
  17. Most people who live outside of Texas hate Texas. Keep voting for people like George W. Bush and Rick Perry and this trend will continue.
  18. It was still open when I lived in the neighborhood (1990....). I can't seem to recall if the fountain was still working at that time. I seem to remember that it closed not long afterwards, but, like you say, it was ambiguous, because everything was still in the store.
  19. The universe is no longer "fine tuned" if the natural order can be interrupted or suspended.
  20. Lockmat, you seem to make the argument that A) The universe is perfect; if measurements were only fractionally different, life couldn't exist -- ergo, God. (The "fine tuning" argument.) and B ) The Bible is the inerrant word of the same supreme being that created the universe, i.e. God. This is a completely contradictory position. If the universe is fine tuned, then Moses could not have parted the sea, to name but one of many, many examples. The whole strength of the "fine tuning" argument rests on the premise that the natural order of the universe, having been created and fine tuned by God, is utterly inalterable in its order. If A is true, then B is false. If B is true, then A is false.
  21. If I'd devoted 15,000 hours of my life to the single-minded goal of pouring hatred and ridicule upon stereotypes of what I imagine conservative Republicans are on national radio -- and convince myself I was being "patriotic" in the process! -- you might actually have a point.
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