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The producers have also said that everything on the show has a real-world explanation. I'm not sure how to take that since the black smoke seems pretty sci-fi'ish.

Maybe someone fails to push the button next week and that why the hatch goes into lockdown mode. I hope so. I hate the button. Let's accelerate the plot and not push it.

I want some action to happen don't push the button and see what it does. Well it happened about 3 epsoides ago and the countdown had red symbols show up but nothing happened after that.

What I want to know is since they now have this nice shelter that they found, why doesn't very body go stay in there. I would want to stay in there, but then again I would want to stay by the coast to see if someone comes to rescue us. But then agian I would feel safer in the shelter they found.

Also, not the last new epsodie, but the one before that, remember they (Clarie Katie and the French lady) found the place where the other people took Clarie, why don't the use that to house everyone and clean them up and mabe even find a communication device to get them back home.

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My biggest beef with the show is exactly what you're asking Citykid: why is there no communication among the survivors? Why are they all not sitting around the fire every night sharing what they know. I don't think this show represents real life, because in real life your alpha personalities would organize much differently than these tv survivors have. In real life a guy like Sawyer, holding all the guns, would have been strung up by now and tortured until he told. Charlie would have been shot in the jungle by someone as well by now too. He's too Fing annoying to accomplish anything. The hobbit has to go!

When they didn't push the button last time, glyphs came up. When translated they came out to roughly say: You Die.

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The glyphs are certainly interesting and I have a feeling we may see them again next week. All that is known is that they convey some idea of death. There was also a large whirring sound that started up as the clock hit zero. An electromagnet or somethign?

I've also wonderered a little about Henry Gale. Henry Gale was Dorothy's uncle from the Wizard of Oz, which of course also has a hot-air balloon connection. He's clearly being made to look like an "other" which means we should stay on our toes because rarely is the show obvious.

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When they didn't push the button last time, glyphs came up. When translated they came out to roughly say: You Die.

That also doesn't make sense to me. If that button were so important, why wouldn't the "Others" be in charge of it? How do we not know that the Aussie dude that was in the hatch before was actually an "Other", told them the button story to keep them occupied, and blew up the plane in the first place?

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That also doesn't make sense to me. If that button were so important, why wouldn't the "Others" be in charge of it? How do we not know that the Aussie dude that was in the hatch before was actually an "Other", told them the button story to keep them occupied, and blew up the plane in the first place?

That dude knew Jack form before the plane crash, back when he was a doctor and he met him at a track and feild. He gave him advise on how to help that girls surgery come out ok and so that she could walk again. Thats strange that he knew him, that has to have something to do with the story.

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That dude knew Jack form before the plane crash, back when he was a doctor and he met him at a track and feild. He gave him advise on how to help that girls surgery come out ok and so that she could walk again. Thats strange that he knew him, that has to have something to do with the story.

That's why I think he blew up the plane

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Straying off a little, but do any of you ever forget that on the show they've only been on the island a few months, though the pilot was shot around two years ago. I read where that has become a problem with the kid who plays Walt because they say he's having a growth spurt and it's supposedly one of the reasons he's so scarce this season. I'm sure they writers had to have considered that when they cast him in the first place. He'll probably pop up as tall as Michael and with a man's voice.

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They've only been on the island about 70 days now. I think the button is being pressed as part of a psycological experiment by the others. There is no real danger, but whomever is inside must continually press the button for an unknown fear. However, this might be debunked per next weeks preview when the blast doors come down.

I've also seen a picture of Henry Gale as a prisoner up against the doctor that was about to perform Claire's abortion. They look strikingly similar.

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I've also wonderered a little about Henry Gale. Henry Gale was Dorothy's uncle from the Wizard of Oz, which of course also has a hot-air balloon connection.

So do you think there's a connection between the two? 'Cause, like, in da Wizard Of Oz, it was Henry Gale who happened to be the "the Wizard"... the secret guy in charge. Maybe HE'S the leader of the Dharma and Greg crew (or whatever the others are called). AND it was him who offered to grant everyone's wishes after it was found out who he was...including a ride home. Just a thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm stealing this from another member's blog...(Thanks Heights Yankee!)


Things to note...

bottom right, it mentions gene therapy...is that why they are stealing the kids??

zoological research facility - that would explain the polar bear and horse

upper left - the disease worsens with treatment - I think we are about to see more than a sick baby.

something about travel time not possible with 108 - isn't that the amount of time between alarms?

what do you think Gale was up to during the alarm? I'm thinking the others NEEDED it to go off for some reason, something had to happen that the button was preventing...

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in the banner at thetailsection.com, does the plane flying by Locke have the Dharma logo on the tail?

It could be. On Flight 815, it's towards the front, in front of the wings, on the right side.

The map is nothing more than red herring right now. Until you get a key to decipher it, it really has no meaning.

There are theories floating around about Roussou being an other & a conspirator with Gale. I don't think so. She's certifiably whacked in the head. As for Gale, I think the others know about Roussou. I think Gale allowed himself to get caught. The others left the balloon props in place just in case someone did want to confirm his story. What they didn't count on was Rambo digging the grave up. Gale's mission was to infiltrate the losties, get in the hatch and do something with the communications/computer equipment. They've been on the island for almost 70 days and the first supply-drop just happens to fall when Henry is in the hatch? No, he wanted to be there so he could do something. Perhaps send a message, turn something on, turn something off - it'll be revealed later.

There are only 4 or 5 new episodes left, and supposedly they're going to reveal the reason the plane crashed.

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It could be. On Flight 815, it's towards the front, in front of the wings, on the right side.

The map is nothing more than red herring right now. Until you get a key to decipher it, it really has no meaning.

There are theories floating around about Roussou being an other & a conspirator with Gale. I don't think so. She's certifiably whacked in the head. As for Gale, I think the others know about Roussou. I think Gale allowed himself to get caught. The others left the balloon props in place just in case someone did want to confirm his story. What they didn't count on was Rambo digging the grave up. Gale's mission was to infiltrate the losties, get in the hatch and do something with the communications/computer equipment. They've been on the island for almost 70 days and the first supply-drop just happens to fall when Henry is in the hatch? No, he wanted to be there so he could do something. Perhaps send a message, turn something on, turn something off - it'll be revealed later.

There are only 4 or 5 new episodes left, and supposedly they're going to reveal the reason the plane crashed.

Doesn't nessasarily mean henry Gale's an other. The way the show's all twisted up, they could be saying the others fabricated the id and planted it for all I care.

But I'll stick to my prediction that the Henry Gale dude's a supervisor

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upper left - the disease worsens with treatment - I think we are about to see more than a sick baby.

something about travel time not possible with 108 - isn't that the amount of time between alarms?

That's just saying that the "Staff" hatch is too far away to accurately survey within the 108 minutes. Which means that it is obviously more than a 54 minute walk to get there, but perhaps not too much more.

However, SOMEONE did do some surveying. The "Swan" hatch is meant for two people, so one could leave while the other pushed the button. The orientation video suggested taking turns with the button such that one person would have 216 minutes. But the implication has been that the Desmond and Kelvin were not supposed to leave the hatch (Quarantine) but that doesn't explain how they picked up supplies.

There are some major mysteries about the hatch(es) yet. What bugs me is why haven't the 40+ Losties done some major surveying of the island themselves? That's preposterous that they've been there about 70 days without trying to make maps. Didn't Rousseau have some crazy maps at her hideaway? Go steal hers for crying out loud. I realize part of the island is "off limits" now as warned by the Others. In the preview for next week, looks like Jack and Kate are going to try and cross that line and make a trade: Henry Gale for Walt. We also saw Locke trying to remember the map in the preview. That's going to be tough since he only saw it for 10 seconds. I can't wait for the episode a few ahead simply titled: "?" clearly referring to the center of the map. Only four episodes left (I think).

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Newly learned info:

Hurley killed two people when he went on to an upstairs deck and make it colaps.

Hurley is simi-crazy.

A crazy girl from the same cazy house as him is on the island also.

The man that they are holding hostige is an "Other."

The reason that the food and supplies in the hatch stay fresh is because food is dropped on to the island every-so-often.

Any more???????

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Newly learned info:

Hurley killed two people when he went on to an upstairs deck and make it colaps.

Hurley is simi-crazy.

A crazy girl from the same cazy house as him is on the island also.

The man that they are holding hostige is an "Other."

The reason that the food and supplies in the hatch stay fresh is because food is dropped on to the island every-so-often.

Any more???????

Yes, one more, Hurley must have been a fan of Sex and the City because his imaginary friend looked just like one of the characters.

Kidding aside, yet another previous connection between Hurley and someone else on the plane. I'm beginning to think Hurley is the key to the entire series.

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What other connection did he have?

I'm starting to think some sort of scam artistry is the theme....lots of them so far have had some sort of scam in their pasts...

I know there are more, but off the top of my head are these:

1. During a flashback, Hurley's accountant tells him he now owns a box company. Locke worked for that box comany. Also, during one of Locke's flashbacks, he went to visit his mother who was in the same institution as Hurley.

2. The girl who announced Hurley's winning numbers was sleeping with Saywer.

3. When Jin went to go strongarm a guy who winds up giving him his daughtes puppy, Hurley was on the news on a TV in the room getting the oversized lotto check.

So now Hurley, Locke's Mom and Libby were all in the same institution with the guy who kept repeating the numbers. I think the Darhma guys had something to do with that institution.

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Newly learned info:

Hurley killed two people when he went on to an upstairs deck and make it colaps.

Hurley is simi-crazy.

A crazy girl from the same cazy house as him is on the island also.

The man that they are holding hostige is an "Other."

The reason that the food and supplies in the hatch stay fresh is because food is dropped on to the island every-so-often.

Any more???????

Yes. It also means that Libby knows about the numbers the same way Hurley knew about them. Remember that crazy dude in the ward that kept repeating them? Maybe that's why she's significant.

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I know there are more, but off the top of my head are these:

1. During a flashback, Hurley's accountant tells him he now owns a box company. Locke worked for that box comany. Also, during one of Locke's flashbacks, he went to visit his mother who was in the same institution as Hurley.

2. The girl who announced Hurley's winning numbers was sleeping with Saywer.

3. When Jin went to go strongarm a guy who winds up giving him his daughtes puppy, Hurley was on the news on a TV in the room getting the oversized lotto check.

So now Hurley, Locke's Mom and Libby were all in the same institution with the guy who kept repeating the numbers. I think the Darhma guys had something to do with that institution.

They're all going to be connected in some way. It's a dead story line now (no pun intended) but the night jack met his (now ex)wife, the man that he didn't operate on was Shannon's father.

Did anyone mention that the girl whose house Locke was inspecting last week was Sayid's girlfriend? I don't have time to go back and read the whole thread at work, but I never thought those two would be connected!

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They're all going to be connected in some way. It's a dead story line now (no pun intended) but the night jack met his (now ex)wife, the man that he didn't operate on was Shannon's father.

Did anyone mention that the girl whose house Locke was inspecting last week was Sayid's girlfriend? I don't have time to go back and read the whole thread at work, but I never thought those two would be connected!

DDDAAAAAMMMMMNNNNNN!!!!! Didn't notice that!!!

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I know there are more, but off the top of my head are these:

1. During a flashback, Hurley's accountant tells him he now owns a box company. Locke worked for that box comany. Also, during one of Locke's flashbacks, he went to visit his mother who was in the same institution as Hurley.

2. The girl who announced Hurley's winning numbers was sleeping with Saywer.

3. When Jin went to go strongarm a guy who winds up giving him his daughtes puppy, Hurley was on the news on a TV in the room getting the oversized lotto check.

So now Hurley, Locke's Mom and Libby were all in the same institution with the guy who kept repeating the numbers. I think the Darhma guys had something to do with that institution.

I've been trying to not read this thread eventhough im a big fan... didn't want to clutter my brain up moresoe than it is trying to decipher everything.

But anyways, since Heights Yankee and HeightsGuy shared stuff I had very much missed.. I will too... since I havent seen it mentioned in this thread yet.

In the Sayeed flashback episode, at the end when they're in the truck about to drop him off in the desert..

Kate's dad is in there too.... shows the picture of young Kate to Sayeed.

Course, maybe y'all caught that, and it wasd so obvious that why it hasnt been deemed mentionable.

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I've been trying to not read this thread eventhough im a big fan... didn't want to clutter my brain up moresoe than it is trying to decipher everything.

But anyways, since Heights Yankee and HeightsGuy shared stuff I had very much missed.. I will too... since I havent seen it mentioned in this thread yet.

In the Sayeed flashback episode, at the end when they're in the truck about to drop him off in the desert..

Kate's dad is in there too.... shows the picture of young Kate to Sayeed.

Course, maybe y'all caught that, and it wasd so obvious that why it hasnt been deemed mentionable.

Didn't notice that either! Damn I suck!

I notice only a couple, like Jack passing by in a Shannon flashback, Hurley listening to a DriveShaft cd in his, and Hurley's lottery win showing up I think in Sun's

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I've been trying to not read this thread eventhough im a big fan... didn't want to clutter my brain up moresoe than it is trying to decipher everything.

But anyways, since Heights Yankee and HeightsGuy shared stuff I had very much missed.. I will too... since I havent seen it mentioned in this thread yet.

In the Sayeed flashback episode, at the end when they're in the truck about to drop him off in the desert..

Kate's dad is in there too.... shows the picture of young Kate to Sayeed.

Course, maybe y'all caught that, and it wasd so obvious that why it hasnt been deemed mentionable.

I did see that, but I forgot about it until just now. Having known all the main characters were going to be connected begs the question "why were shannon and the brother whatshisname killed off?" I kind of got the impression more people would be dying off. Remember the commercials were saying "Another passenger is Lost forever..." I thought it was going to become a regular thing. At some point in the next few episodes they are going to tell the backstory between Bernard and Rose. I'm very interested in that.

Does anyone think Locke will eventually tell people about the wheelchair? Maybe he divulge it to his new friend "Henry." Orrrr... someone else on the island is going to put 2 and 2 together and remember him, thus spilling the beans.

Has anyone seen the Usual Suspects? One of my all time fave movies and based on a similar premise to what I think we're going to find out on LOST...

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