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  • 2 weeks later...
13 hours ago, august948 said:

That's ok...he might have use of this one for four years...


Whoever wins, I hope we keep this baby blue color for Air Force One. I really did not like the design Trump picked... too much black and red that it looked like his planes.
Not only does this blue look nice and classic but it's also such a unique color that it really stands out.

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2 hours ago, Triton said:

Whoever wins, I hope we keep this baby blue color for Air Force One. I really did not like the design Trump picked... too much black and red that it looked like his planes.
Not only does this blue look nice and classic but it's also such a unique color that it really stands out.

Agreed.  I prefer the current paint scheme, though I favor the darker blue of the current design.  Either one is better than Trump's plan.


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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, hindesky said:

Vote for tRump or his goons will come looking for you, magots must fall in line or else.


There are goons like the crackpot who sent this out and there are goons like...


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5 hours ago, hindesky said:


Except that under New York state law you only lose your voting rights while you are actually in jail.  Not likely he'll be in prison for this come November, or at all for that matter.  Maybe you'll really get him next time, though...


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