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HERO Repercussions

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The problem is that some transgender persons have been harassed or attacked when trying to use the restroom of the gender they identify with. 

A recent example. Attacker was a Houston man who moved to Omaha. http://www.ketv.com/news/man-charged-with-hate-crime-in-assault-of-transgender-woman/34418648

Also important to point out that in the 220 cities where an equal rights ordinance was passed, there are no reported incidents of a man pretending to be a woman to attack women and girls in the restroom.

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The problem is that some transgender persons have been harassed or attacked when trying to use the restroom of the gender they identify with. 

A recent example. Attacker was a Houston man who moved to Omaha. http://www.ketv.com/news/man-charged-with-hate-crime-in-assault-of-transgender-woman/34418648

Also important to point out that in the 220 cities where an equal rights ordinance was passed, there are no reported incidents of a man pretending to be a woman to attack women and girls in the restroom.


Isn't what he did already illegal?


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I was working downtown back in the 80's after hours, changing out trim on faucets and flush valves in the women's and men's toilet rooms in one the office buildings, Tenneco I think. I had a tool buggy propping the door open and a paper "Out of Service" sign on the door when two women came in after being out at "Happy Hour" I presume. Upon seeing me one of them yelped out loud and left while the other just said "excuse me Sweetie but I gotta go". She proceeded about her business and then left while I was on my back under the lavatories changing out a p-trap.   


So it just goes to show you, when you gotta go, you gotta go, no matter who's in the bathroom with you.

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Here's another one that happened a few years later, this time in 90's.

I was headed into the shop one morning to drop off some job reports and time sheets. Two cups of coffee and a traffic jam latter I breezed in heading straight to the men's room passing by my invoice clerk's desk on the way. She spotted me and while holding up a folder hollered out that she wanted to talk to me about a project billing. Not taking kindly to my brush off she proceeded to follow me right into the men's room while I myself had made to the urinal "just in time". So there she was behind me, propped up against the lavatory quizzing me about my math and the amount of labor I was charging to this certain project while I answered her over my shoulder the best I could. At some point during all of this, a coworker walks in, but obviously not wanting to be part of this bathroom exchange spun around a left as quickly as he came in.


We both laughed about this months later, but her, being the task master she was, was strictly taking care of her business, while I on the other hand was taking care of mine.

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One last time and I'll quit. This one happened just a couple of weeks ago.


I was on a clinic floor at the Medical Center on my way to a meeting when I decided to stop off at the men's room beforehand. 

I had no more than taken my place at the urinal when in comes two international ladies with a boy in tow. A gwntleman in the only stall was just finishing up as the trio waited outside his door. As both of us made our way to the lavatories, mother took Neenyo inside the stall while grandma stayed outside the stall talking back and forth to each other. The guy and just looked at each other in the mirror as we dried our hands, both of thinking to ourselves, "this is just too weird".


I kind of felt a sorry for the kid because he certainly appeared old enough to handle a bathroom visit on his own. But they were clearly from another country so I'll give them a pass.

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^^ It would.  Where should a person who identifies as a woman, wears women's clothing and lives their life as a woman go to the bathroom at NRG Stadium?  The Men's Bathroom?  Really??  Transgender individuals are not very well understood by the general public and are almost universally discriminated against at every turn.  They, more than almost any other class, need some protections. But, they have just been portrayed as child molesters by "Religious Leaders" in our City.  Convince people to be afraid of something, then tell them how to vote.  How very "Christian" this whole disgraceful ordeal as been.  Not just to the GLBT community, but for Houston as a whole. 


Huge step backward for us in the eyes of the country.     


Was at NRG Stadium this evening and noticed there's a family bathroom in between each set of men's and women's restrooms.  Seems like that would be an option.


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I've gathered that many women have a pervasive fear of being attacked, especially in public restrooms.  Campaigning on fear is Political Science 101.


There are many non-discrimination laws and enforcement mechanisms out there, but the only concrete difference with this one that people could get their head around was the stupid bathroom thing. Other than that, its difference from existing law read like a codification of the needlessly divisive "who must bake who's wedding cake" dilemma.  Proponents of the ordinance might have done well to show what has happened here or elsewhere that they want to prevent or promote, but the sermon subpoena as part of the effort to prevent the referendum from occurring at all set the tone and solidified the opposition.


I don't think we're talking about a serious or pervasive issue here in the first place, and given that violations were to be Class C misdemeanors, neither did the ordinance's authors. Out in the actual world, 99 times out of 100 issues of public accommodation of people dressed or thinking a particular way are handled respectfully between individuals with opposing viewpoints without the need for ordinances and attorneys. For the one time that it could not, I don't see the threat of a $500 fine slowing down someone that determined to be an asshole.


If the vote changed the mind of someone who researched, visited and examined options and found it otherwise to be a welcoming host, well I guess that's the risk that both sides ran for making it a political issue. Maybe proponents were morally correct to force an unpopular ordinance in the name of justice, but that's entirely dependent on your interpretation.  Of all the things that Houston could do to make it a better host city, this seems like legislating over a miniscule issue that was never really a problem to begin with apart from being tangentially aligned with a politically hot issue whose most ardent advocates on both sides believe that they are morally superior to the other. It was a recipe for acrimonious resolution if there ever was one.

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Sure, that's why he's being prosecuted. But people don't do stuff like this in a vacuum. There are cultural influences. Maybe if the law said she had a right to be there he wouldn't have stormed in there and punched her.


What do morons tell themselves to justify their behavior? It's a question probably not worth parsing, but I think it's fair to assume that the cultural influence of the law would not mean much to the type of people that punch other people over issues of bathroom choice. 


Everyone else in the story, including the owner of the bar and the attacker's own former girlfriend saw the behavior as unacceptable. As cultural influences go, that dude was impenetrable.

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Look for national boycotts to hit the hotel/restaurant and convention business hard. The national backlash to our stupidity will be huge. Much bigger than Indianapolis is facing.


Copa America soccer championship coming to Houston



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