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Operation Jade Helm


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I'll be the cooky guy to post something about this operation and question it.


Of course there are going to be mainly two sides to this, maybe three. 1) people labeled as conspiracy theorists 2) people who think there is absolutely nothing to worry about 3) People who don't think it's a conspiracy but think it's a little strange.


Here is the official presentation about it, which I think there are some things that make me wonder, like...



It seems civilians are potentially going to be in harms way during this exercise. Per the document:


• Safety for civilians and exercise participants is our number one priority:

 – Medics located with each element

 – Coordination with Life Flight and local medical facilities

 – Clear marking of exercise participants / Use of key words to determine exercise participation

 – Thorough Risk Mitigation Assessment – Coordination with local residents (verbal and written)

 – Fire conditions reviewed prior to each scenario

 – Fire extinguisher and other equipment located at each site

 – Public Affairs Office will make public announcement regarding exercise



WHY would the federal government put civilians in the middle of an exercise where they are potentially at risk and could require a medic or life flight? What is "other equipment" at each location? It seems to have to do with fire protection.



• Increased military presence

– Increased aircraft in the area at night

– May receive noise complaints

– Some individuals may conduct suspicious activities designed to prepare them for complex environments overseas

– Local LEO's are fully aware of the exercise

– Local footprint will be 60-65 personnel

– Personnel may be carrying weapons with blank ammo

– Some participants will be wearing civilian attire and driving civilian vehicles



So, civilians will be witnessing "suspicious activities", so I guess everyone is just supposed to let their guards down on the days their conducting this exercise. How will they know if it's the military or a real situation of the military will have people in plain clothes? If a woman gets her purse snatched, is she supposed to play along?


Why would you carry weapons with blank ammo among civilians?


This is just a little crazy, isn't it?


Maybe someone with more knowledgeable can answer some of my questions.

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this is purely manufactured internet conspiracy....come on people you can't believe everything that is on the internet. Not to mention taking something, ANYTHING out of context could be made to be sinister. Apparently a map started to float around and it was misinterpreted as such.


That being said. The actions made by Greg Abbot are the correct course of action and he has legal right to do so.


This is nothing but nonsense -.-

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OK, I'll bite (and probably regret it)...


Stonekettle Station says it better than I ever could (there is some notty language in the link) (h/t The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon).


I thought his plan to have a verterans day sale on ammo to get people into Wal-Mart was pretty funny.


But really, though, what are your thoughts on them ensuring medics, life flights and hospitals are available? Why do they need to ensure the safety of civilians if there's just going to be blanks used etc? Is it just in case a civilian accidentally is wandering about in the middle of the night and stumbles upon a drill where they're using blanks? Or maybe gets run over by a tank? Seriously, just curious why the precaution is needed?


I'm not trying to imply this is going to be a devious act, I'm just 100% honest to goodness wondering. I didn't read that entire Stonekettle post, maybe he answered it in there.

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I thought his plan to have a verterans day sale on ammo to get people into Wal-Mart was pretty funny.


But really, though, what are your thoughts on them ensuring medics, life flights and hospitals are available? Why do they need to ensure the safety of civilians if there's just going to be blanks used etc? Is it just in case a civilian accidentally is wandering about in the middle of the night and stumbles upon a drill where they're using blanks? Or maybe gets run over by a tank? Seriously, just curious why the precaution is needed?


I'm not trying to imply this is going to be a devious act, I'm just 100% honest to goodness wondering. I didn't read that entire Stonekettle post, maybe he answered it in there.


I'll answer my own question. The medical preparedness is for civilians AND participants.


Also, participants are going to be clearly marked.


(Way to read carefully, lockmat!)


I guess these exercises can still be dangerous, even though only blanks etc will be used, and that's what the medical precautions are for.


Anyone know if they have done these exercises on private property before?

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I would say this whole exercise or drill outside a military base is completely insane, and unnecessary.  Best case, this is about conditioning people to see troops out in public.  I for one don't want to see troops, Apache helicopters, military/armored vehicles or anything military related out in public.  This is not Iraq nor is this country a war zone.  Another scenario, this government is gearing itself for a large-scale war with who knows, Iran, Russia, the list of potential foes is long.  Another case, this is to practice imposing martial law (which only a military can do) due to another "9/11" attack coming (probably staged once again) or a great economic downturn that could result in large scale looting and rioting like in Baltimore (and expect a stand-down if that occurs, again like in Baltimore).  Drills also serve as a way to cover up an attempt to pull a dirty stunt on the American citizenry (example, a drill was taking place when the Boston Bombings happened).  I'm glad more people are learning about this so if something bad happens, you'll know who to blame.





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I would say this whole exercise or drill outside a military base is completely insane, and unnecessary.  Best case, this is about conditioning people to see troops out in public.  I for one don't want to see troops, Apache helicopters, military/armored vehicles or anything military related out in public.  This is not Iraq nor is this country a war zone.  Another scenario, this government is gearing itself for a large-scale war with who knows, Iran, Russia, the list of potential foes is long.  Another case, this is to practice imposing martial law (which only a military can do) due to another "9/11" attack coming (probably staged once again) or a great economic downturn that could result in large scale looting and rioting like in Baltimore (and expect a stand-down if that occurs, again like in Baltimore).  Drills also serve as a way to cover up an attempt to pull a dirty stunt on the American citizenry (example, a drill was taking place when the Boston Bombings happened).  I'm glad more people are learning about this so if something bad happens, you'll know who to blame.


If they only practice on military bases, how do they train to move in real cities with real people? The military doesn't do this sort of training often, but it is necessary and useful.

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The military has been practicing all over the place since the days of Hannibal.  


If exercises were limited to bases, then the participants would eventually become accustomed to those surroundings, and those surroundings alone.  As a result, their ability to find their way in some place they haven't been before would get rusty.


Medics, etc. come along not only because somebody may fall off of a vehicle or something, but so that they can also practice their field work skills as well.


As a tongue in cheek reminder that we are part of the United States, and therefore can't really be invaded by the United States:



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Even in military colleges they do this! I was in the Corps of Cadets at A&M and I would hear my buddies talking about doing different weekend operations for their courses AWAY from the university. Usually it was on private land out in the middle of nowhere. They wouldn't do all these ops on the Quad! That would be silly and be too restrictive. Hell at the end of the year the entire Corps does something called March to the Brazos. The entire thing is planned out and drawn up as a military type operation with maps, schedules, and all sorts of stuff to plan it all out. They would even do this for football games too. It would be passed along as an operation, but we were getting ready to simply march into a stadium. We have listed as the "enemy" as the opposing team. Does that mean that we were going to kill them because they are listed as the "enemy"?


They call these operations war games for a reason because thats exactly what they are...games. Very complex and real games, but games none the less.


Mollusk brought up the point about the United States government presence with the Post Office. How about this revelation?! The fact that we have one of the largest military bases in the WORLD smack dab in the middle of Texas called Ft. Hood!!!


I could go on, but I don't want too.


In short. Yes they do these types of exercise all the time in many different locations, at all times of the day. at all types of weather, and all times of the year. They do these exercises because they can and because they should. They don't have to tell the public about it because its none of the public's business for very good reason because like anyone who is all the sudden learning about something for the very first time and has no knowledge about the history or context about what is going on....they freak out. They also don't need to tell anyone because the whole point of doing these exercises is to do it without the enemy knowing about it.

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lol, this is all "to condition us to being used to military presense"? Jesus Christ this isn't Nazi Germany in the 40's! How many people in Texas do you think are walking around with their own concealed weapon (permitted, of course)?


Take the tin foil hats off guys, you're only buying into the conspiracy.


I guess that makes me option 4) Not insane.

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lol, this is all "to condition us to being used to military presense"? Jesus Christ this isn't Nazi Germany in the 40's! How many people in Texas do you think are walking around with their own concealed weapon (permitted, of course)?


Take the tin foil hats off guys, you're only buying into the conspiracy.


I guess that makes me option 4) Not insane.


Not related to Jade Helm, I do think there are forms of conditioning going on, like what I've recently discovered about why the terrorists want to kill us. It's not what the government said it is, because of the western lifestyle we live, but it's because we are attacking them and occupying their territories etc. Read this guy, former CIA. He has a lot of videos on youtube. So obviously, the govt is "conditioning" us in this way to justify pre-emptive wars and wars that aren't really wars. http://non-intervention.com/


And I haven't looked into this much, but then there is also Operation Mockingbird. From wikipedia:


Operation Mockingbird was a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media. Begun in the 1950s, it was initially organized by Cord Meyer and Allen W. Dulles, and was later led by Frank Wisner after Dulles became the head of the CIA. The organization recruited leading American journalists into a network to help present the CIA's views, and funded some student and cultural organizations, and magazines as fronts. As it developed, it also worked to influence foreign media and political campaigns, in addition to activities by other operating units of the CIA.




Yep, let's just keep trusting out loyal government blindly, putting our faith in them wholly. NSA, CIA, please come into my house when you please via my computer and get all the info you want, I trust you!

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Former White House Press Secretary talks about how the government is open and honest. at about the 3:00 minute mark, particularly how Obama's administration did not tell him to not acknowledge the drone operation existed.


Yep, our government. The most honest truth tellers around. Got nothing to hide here.




I'm not saying this is proof every conspiracy theory is true. But, it just goes to show that people who become informed about lies the government tells either a) start questioning their government or 2] continue believing the government is always open, honest and has nothing to hide.


The government is not immune to lying, keeping important secrets or....treason. Our govt is hardly the moral compass of our nation. 


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The government is not immune to lying, keeping important secrets or....treason. Our govt is hardly the moral compass of our nation.

I don't think anyone would argue the government tells the truth... they lie like any other organization has (from businesses to civic clubs all the way to the Catholic church). To extrapolate that into this ridiculous conspiracy theory is illogical... I could argue that since people breathe, they're going to steal something from me.

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I don't think anyone would argue the government tells the truth... they lie like any other organization has (from businesses to civic clubs all the way to the Catholic church). To extrapolate that into this ridiculous conspiracy theory is illogical... I could argue that since people breathe, they're going to steal something from me.


I'm not saying Jade Helm is a true operation takeover, something to condition us or something like that. I'm also not saying it's not.


I think it's unwise of us though, with the history of governments, to think that something like that is impossible simply because we're America. What Hitler and others did were unthinkable at the time, yet they happened.


When we say that they lie, but they're incapable of lying to that point, my question is simply, why not?


I've already posted instances where they have deceived us or attempted to. (Iraq/MWDs, Operations Northwoods, Operation Mockingbird, Drones coverup, giving false reasons for the war on terror etc).


It seems all they do is lie. In fact, we're shocked when they tell the truth.

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No said it was...I highly doubt we'd see anything better on the Republican side.


I'm not giving the Republicans a free pass. I believe in that video he says the drone program was kept secret since the Clinton administration so Bush is just as guilty as anyone. He lied about MWDs and the reason for invading Iraq. The video was only an example. I wasn't trying to pick on democrats.

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Can someone confirm or deny Rep. Gohmert's statement,  "we never named an existing city or state as a ‘hostile,’” he said in a recent statement. “We would use fictitious names before we would do such a thing.”"?


He brings up a good point. Why not rename the states after middle eastern countries or even "territory A, B, C etc"?


Full quotes:




“In military science classes or in my years on active duty, I have participated in or observed military exercises; however, we never named an existing city or state as a ‘hostile,’” he said in a recent statement. “We would use fictitious names before we would do such a thing.”


“Once I observed the map depicting ‘hostile,’ ‘permissive,’ and ‘uncertain’ states and locations, I was rather appalled that the hostile areas amazingly have a Republican majority, ‘cling to their guns and religion,’ and believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution.”


“When the federal government begins, even in practice, games or exercises, to consider any U.S. city or state in ‘hostile’ control and trying to retake it, the message becomes extremely calloused and suspicious,” Gohmert added.


He’s calling for the military to completely revamp Jade Helm, starting with the ‘hostile’ labels. “Such labeling tends to make people who have grown leery of federal government overreach become suspicious of whether their big brother government anticipates certain states may start another civil war or be overtaken by foreign radical Islamist elements which have been reported to be just across our border,” Gohmert stated.


“Such labeling by a government that is normally not allowed to use military force against its own citizens is an affront to the residents of that particular state considered as ‘hostile,’ as if the government is trying to provoke a fight with them.”


“The map of the exercise needs to change, the names on the map need to change, and the tone of the exercise needs to be completely revamped so the federal government is not intentionally practicing war against its own states.”


“It’s neither over-reactionary nor conspiratorial to call into question or ask for transparency about Jade Helm ’15 or any other government activity,” Norris said. “To those who merely think we should check our brains at the door of the White House and trust what the government does, I would reiterate to you the words of one of our government’s primary founders, Benjamin Franklin, who said, ‘Distrust and caution are the parents of security.'”


“…He also said, ‘Security without liberty is called prison.’”



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Can someone confirm or deny Rep. Gohmert's statement,  "we never named an existing city or state as a ‘hostile,’” he said in a recent statement. “We would use fictitious names before we would do such a thing.”"?


He brings up a good point. Why not rename the states after middle eastern countries or even "territory A, B, C etc"?


Full quotes:




I wouldn't believe Gohmert if he said the sky was blue. The man is a loon of the first degree.


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I wouldn't believe Gohmert if he said the sky was blue. The man is a loon of the first degree.



All it would take to disprove him would be for someone like a military representative to say that's not true and give an example(s).

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In short. Yes they do these types of exercise all the time in many different locations, at all times of the day. at all types of weather, and all times of the year. They do these exercises because they can and because they should. They don't have to tell the public about it because its none of the public's business for very good reason because like anyone who is all the sudden learning about something for the very first time and has no knowledge about the history or context about what is going on....they freak out. They also don't need to tell anyone because the whole point of doing these exercises is to do it without the enemy knowing about it.


They should do these drills and exercises, we're the world's policemen and are proud of that.  But they have to tell the public about these exercises when doing them outside military bases (which they admit is not the norm).  Accidents do happen, so it's better to be cautious about it.  I don't care what they do in military bases, like you said, it's not the public's business and that's what the bases are for; to train and play war games.  However in this case, the public now knows as they should, so can the public take pictures and load them up on facebook or twitter?  How about taking video showing our special op soldiers conducting their actions in the cover of night?  I would say they can, so what really is the purpose of doing these exercises if they are legitimately being done to prepare our soldiers to fight America's enemies?  Since we will expect this and can see what's going on, anyone can document this crap and post it on the internet.  And I sure as hell don't want to hear anyone blame the people if they do just that. I'm hoping many people do, so they never attempt this bullshit psyop on us again!


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This thread honestly completely confuses me. What exactly are you all trying to say or are concerned about? It seems like you're arguing for the sake of arguing. It is a conspiracy... well maybe not... but it could be... so we should sort of not but still be cautious?

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This thread honestly completely confuses me. What exactly are you all trying to say or are concerned about? It seems like you're arguing for the sake of arguing. It is a conspiracy... well maybe not... but it could be... so we should sort of not but still be cautious?


I think on one hand, we're giving the government way too much trust despite a plethora of evidence that says they shouldn't be trusted to freely to do whatever they please without some degree of questioning. On the other, I'm not 100% sold that it is a conspiracy to cause harm, either. I'm in the middle. 


The point of the thread is to discuss the facts and like Abbott and other congressmen have done is to take steps to ensure that they're not up to no good. Maybe 80 or 100 years ago I would have put more trust in our government, but their actions don't allow that anymore.


Our media and government don't want us to ask questions. Why not? They want us to blindly trust them. Instead, they write sarcastic news pieces about the story in an effort to ridicule instead of debate. But it should be publicly debated because our government is slowly becoming more controlling, is it not? 


A good question might be, why shouldn't we question them?

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I don't trust the government, but I find the paranoia about this totally overblown. It's just a wargame to test the troops and learn what the unforseeable things are. As mentioned in the plan, they're going to announce things to media before they happen. Medics are on hand just in case there's any unexpected incidents.

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I don't trust the government, but I find the paranoia about this totally overblown. It's just a wargame to test the troops and learn what the unforseeable things are. As mentioned in the plan, they're going to announce things to media before they happen. Medics are on hand just in case there's any unexpected incidents.


It's probable that's all this is - a war-game.


I think sometimes questions are raised in a certain context that don't allow them to be seen for their validity. I think this is one case. This is being reported as war-games vs looney toons people and so possible legitimate questions aren't being taken seriously, at least not in public discourse. At least the military is addressing some concerns.


For instance, if what that congressman said is true, that he never saw any war-game exercises where real cities and states were labeled as hostile instead of renaming them with a fictional name, why is this the first time it has been done? If it's not true, they should come out and say so.


And why as some have pointed out that the areas labeled red actually could be considered hostile since they're populated with lots of people who like guns, their constitution and have problems with the direction the federal govt is going? Is that just coincidence? Why did they decide to label those areas as such?


I think those questions could be seriously asked to the military at a press conference, by phone or a one-on-one environment. And I think they would require an honest and fair answer.


Does the military make decisions like these coincidentally? If so, fine. Of course, even if for some reason this actually was practice to militarily police our own people they wouldn't admit it, but at least try to give a answers to these questions. Maybe they did that in the local meetings and I missed it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are massive exercises being conducted by many countries all over the world this year. What we need reported however is a baseline. We all know that exercises are not something new. But is the size and amount of participants of this magnitude different? If so, maybe it's just the new norm? 



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Since this thread has started, I've learned of James Rickards who was part of teams that created historical bailouts and has the pentagon and defense department as one of his clients. His take is that there is an impending financial crisis that will be worse than the Great Depression although he doesn't predict exactly when it will happen.


My thought is, if the govt knows this is going to happen, Jade Helm could possibly be in preparation for riots? Who knows, just speculating. Or of course, they could just be preparing for war overseas.


Long video:


Short video (not James Rickards)


Oh, and by the way, TSA screeners, at least lately, are pretty much worthless




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How would the goverment know for certain about another "Great Depression" in the very near future? I don't know about you, but that whole period of time wasn't particularly kind to humanity around the globe. Why the hell would the government deliberately screw over the nation and thus the Earth's well-being as a whole? It just doesn't make any sense, and he ultimately comes off as just another crazed lunatic desperate for attention.

As for the TSA, well, what did you expect? :P

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