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Houston named US road rage capital !

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Houston needs a better driving curriculum... ...People tailgate and speed in and out of traffic and don't even realize the danger they're putting themselves in.   


That's the root of the problem.  Most people don't think they will ever hurt themselves.  Even worse is the blatant disregard most have for others on the road!  And I often times find the worst offenders to be the people who have those annoying stickers showing Dad/Mom/Kid1/Kid2/Baby Darth Vader/Family Cat etc.  Or my all time favorite bad drivers are people with those ridiculous truck nutz.  I've yet to see someone with those drive with care.  Often times those truck nutz will be paired with the oversized "big rig" style exhausts coming up from behind the cab belching diesel smoke when they floor it.  These are just my observations from years of driving local freeways/roads.

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That's the root of the problem.  Most people don't think they will ever hurt themselves.  Even worse is the blatant disregard most have for others on the road!  And I often times find the worst offenders to be the people who have those annoying stickers showing Dad/Mom/Kid1/Kid2/Baby Darth Vader/Family Cat etc.  Or my all time favorite bad drivers are people with those ridiculous truck nutz.  I've yet to see someone with those drive with care.  Often times those truck nutz will be paired with the oversized "big rig" style exhausts coming up from behind the cab belching diesel smoke when they floor it.  These are just my observations from years of driving local freeways/roads.


Is there anything more fascinating than the set of 'truck nuts' on a vehicle? Hear me out. I mean, the mind races with questions when you're stuck behind an F-350 and a set of these babies wobbles in front of you as you speed along in the Texas heat. It's like a car accident dangling on the back of a hitch. You want to look away, but the hypnotic swaying draws you in.....


So many questions.....

A) Who was the first guy to make them?

B.) What possessed him to put them on his truck? Did he think that his truck needed to identify as male?

C) Who was the first person to mass produce truck nuts?

D) Are there real chrome ones and what are the most expensive pair that anyone makes / has purchased. Are there truck nuts made of precious metals? What will future cultures think of us when archaeologists uncover a set?

D) Are the Chinese factory workers who make them even able to comprehend why they're making anatomically accurate scroti (I'm assuming that's how you pluralize scrotum)? Would they be disappointed if they knew the truth?

E) Is there anywhere else in the world where something like this could catch on?


I really hope someone makes a documentary about them. I can see it now:

"Truck Nuts: A True Example of American Exceptionalism"


'A City on a Hill', The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, Manifest Destiny, Civil Rights and now..... truck nuts.

Edited by DNAguy
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^I don't know who "invented" them?  I do find the scale all too alarming!  Thankfully no one has yet to invent the counterpart to the trucknutz!


At the end of the day, despite the vast gulf between myself and someone who would want to have "a set" of these danglers, I do wish that it had been my idea.

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Lol. Try to block them, he says. There is no "trying" when you drive a 3500 one ton pickup. The person behind me can be mad all they want. If they let it happen to them, forcing them to stop to allow the nitwit to pull that bush league move, that's not my fault. If I was the driver behind me, and behind them, and so on, the car trying to merge would be sitting there until the end of the line in the open lane.

So you admit the situation is a legal merge. Why you mad? Eventually everyone gets cut off at some point.
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Does it concern anyone else that DNAguy has never taken an actual driving test with an instructor? When I first got the DL, I went through a pretty extensive series of tests. Parallel parking, correct usage of the mirrors, backing up in a straight line 50 feet, etc. How do you get licensed without proving your ability to control the car and follow the laws of the road by a certified instructor? Certainly no shot at you personally, DNA, but that scares me a little that you were granted the privilege to drive without the road course testing.

Mollusk: great story! Did you luck out with the constable sitting there, or did you knowingly set the trap and lead him in?

Like I said, Houston needs a better driving education program. Too many arrogant teens and way too many people who've never actually been "tested".

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Speaking for myself here, no amount of ball swaying could hypnotize me or draw me in. Just saying, lol.

The original manufacturer of these God awful things is this company I believe: http://www.bullsballs.com/

I assume the first person that put these on their truck, were compensating for the lack of a set of their own.

The answer to C) is the same as A).

The plural of scrotum is scrota. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure whatever Chinese worker that is casting these things know what they are...but maybe not why they're being hung from the under carriage of a truck.

They are pretty big in Europe too. (No pun intended) They're called Brass Bollocks or something to that effect.

Edited by Purpledevil
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So you admit the situation is a legal merge. Why you mad? Eventually everyone gets cut off at some point.

I never denied it is a legal merge, Jim, I only said it's an asshole move to wait for the last minute so that you have to cut someone off and force them behind you, with no regard to the fact that they had properly prepared for the merge earlier, and were already in the lane prior to you. You'd be surprised at just how little I get cut off, Jim. I guess it helps when you drive a 1 ton with a steel grill guard that's nearing 20 years old now. People tend to take one look at the old girl and say "Eh, I think I'll wait my turn." when it's coming toward you at 65 or so mph. ;-)

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Speaking for myself here, no amount of ball swaying could hypnotize me or draw me in. Just saying, lol.

The original manufacturer of these God awful things is this company I believe: http://www.bullsballs.com/

I assume the first person that put these on their truck, were compensating for the lack of a set of their own.

The answer to C) is the same as A).

The plural of scrotum is scrota. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure whatever Chinese worker that is casting these things know what they are...but maybe not why they're being hung from the under carriage of a truck.

They are pretty big in Europe too. (No pun intended) They're called Brass Bollocks or something to that effect.


@ Purple


You, sir, might be the most knowledgeable person I've met (ish) on the subject of truck nuts. I applaud your mastery of the subject.


It also led me to my glorious new band name: "Truck nut Guru".

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^^I see what you're saying about the forced merge...  I have been in that situation more than once, and I have even found myself 1 time cutting over to keep some group of "A-holes" from trying to outsmart everyone else and then promptly lost my space in line to the guy behind me!  Amazing!  Never again!

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I never denied it is a legal merge, Jim, I only said it's an asshole move to wait for the last minute so that you have to cut someone off and force them behind you, with no regard to the fact that they had properly prepared for the merge earlier, and were already in the lane prior to you. You'd be surprised at just how little I get cut off, Jim. I guess it helps when you drive a 1 ton with a steel grill guard that's nearing 20 years old now. People tend to take one look at the old girl and say "Eh, I think I'll wait my turn." when it's coming toward you at 65 or so mph. ;-)

If your blood cells behaved as you expect others to drive you'd be anemic.

It's not a matter of being polite it's a matter of time and spatial efficiency. You sound like a very emotional driver.

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^^I see what you're saying about the forced merge...  I have been in that situation more than once, and I have even found myself 1 time cutting over to keep some group of "A-holes" from trying to outsmart everyone else and then promptly lost my space in line to the guy behind me!  Amazing!  Never again!


ahhh, arche, you need to develop the unique Houstonian skill known as "blocking off the merging lane without leaving your own."  It takes much practice, Grasshopper.

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ahhh, arche, you need to develop the unique Houstonian skill known as "blocking off the merging lane without leaving your own."  It takes much practice, Grasshopper.


Nope.  The guy went around my car and took my spot.  I know how to do it.  Now I have a bigger vehicle when I'm driving up in town (my wife drives it during the week) and I don't usually have those problems.


It was very frustrating.


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ahhh, arche, you need to develop the unique Houstonian skill known as "blocking off the merging lane without leaving your own."  It takes much practice, Grasshopper.

This is just good architectural practice. We all have invisible spatial buffers around us whether it's driving or walking through a crowded room. A seasoned driver knows when to hedge and when to use a turn signal (not mutually exclusive)


As a pedestrian I like to piss off drivers downtown who speed in the far right or left lanes by pretending to step off the curb. They notice and try to compensate which usually enrages them. What they don't grasp is that the physics involved in speeding in the far left or right lanes is that at 40mph you're going to jump the curb. It's only 6-8" high off of the road grade. See it all the time, especially in T-bone accidents. I have no problem with people going that fast in the middle two lanes but without regular bollards at intersections or an extra 6" height to the existing curbs it's plainly obvious the traffic engineers who designed it did so with speed in mind and not safety. Which leads me to believe that insurers should sue the state to improve road safety or petition to lower the speed limit downtown to 25mph. When all these new apartments start filling up, you will find my opinion stated here can and will move the needle on pedestrian and bike safety much faster than the current pace.

Edited by infinite_jim
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I was behind an F-150 with them yesterday and a woman was driving which leads us to even more questions.  :P 


Is there anything more fascinating than the set of 'truck nuts' on a vehicle? Hear me out. I mean, the mind races with questions when you're stuck behind an F-350 and a set of these babies wobbles in front of you as you speed along in the Texas heat. It's like a car accident dangling on the back of a hitch. You want to look away, but the hypnotic swaying draws you in.....


So many questions.....

A) Who was the first guy to make them?

B.) What possessed him to put them on his truck? Did he think that his truck needed to identify as male?

C) Who was the first person to mass produce truck nuts?

D) Are there real chrome ones and what are the most expensive pair that anyone makes / has purchased. Are there truck nuts made of precious metals? What will future cultures think of us when archaeologists uncover a set?

D) Are the Chinese factory workers who make them even able to comprehend why they're making anatomically accurate scroti (I'm assuming that's how you pluralize scrotum)? Would they be disappointed if they knew the truth?

E) Is there anywhere else in the world where something like this could catch on?


I really hope someone makes a documentary about them. I can see it now:

"Truck Nuts: A True Example of American Exceptionalism"


'A City on a Hill', The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, Manifest Destiny, Civil Rights and now..... truck nuts.


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If your blood cells behaved as you expect others to drive you'd be anemic.

It's not a matter of being polite it's a matter of time and spatial efficiency. You sound like a very emotional driver.

Not really. That's really my only pet peeve behind the wheel. Otherwise, I'm perfectly content. This thread made me call my nephew. Come to find out, I was wrong. If I'm in the lane already, and you merge into my lane and hit me, you are the one getting a ticket. Same holds true for drivers merging on to the freeway. They legally have to yield to the drivers already on the freeway. I did not know that! You learn something new every day. Of course, that just galvanized my stance on not letting that occur with me sitting there near the front of the line near a construction zone.

As for the balls, I'm totally against being considered any type of "expert" on the subject! Lmao...

Edited by Purpledevil
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Is there anything more fascinating than the set of 'truck nuts' on a vehicle? Hear me out. I mean, the mind races with questions when you're stuck behind an F-350 and a set of these babies wobbles in front of you as you speed along in the Texas heat. It's like a car accident dangling on the back of a hitch. You want to look away, but the hypnotic swaying draws you in.....


So many questions.....

A) Who was the first guy to make them?

B.) What possessed him to put them on his truck? Did he think that his truck needed to identify as male?

C) Who was the first person to mass produce truck nuts?

D) Are there real chrome ones and what are the most expensive pair that anyone makes / has purchased. Are there truck nuts made of precious metals? What will future cultures think of us when archaeologists uncover a set?

D) Are the Chinese factory workers who make them even able to comprehend why they're making anatomically accurate scroti (I'm assuming that's how you pluralize scrotum)? Would they be disappointed if they knew the truth?

E) Is there anywhere else in the world where something like this could catch on?


I really hope someone makes a documentary about them. I can see it now:

"Truck Nuts: A True Example of American Exceptionalism"


'A City on a Hill', The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, Manifest Destiny, Civil Rights and now..... truck nuts.

A)Probably someone from the south

B) Insecurities "down there"

C) Definitely someone in the south

D) You know Houston probably has a market for them somewhere, I mean hell we're known for putting spokes on our wheels

D2) Chinese workers are always disapointed in American products they make, especially these

E(f?)).........Stralya? Only other non-american country that's close to America

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One thing I've learned is that driver aggressiveness is not necessarily a person-based thing, it's more of a virus that pervades the area. To illustrate: I knew two independent people...one moved away from Houston to College Station and became a LESS aggressive driver while another moved to Houston and became a MORE aggressive driver.

What I've noticed myself is that there's hardly any cops on the road on Houston highways. In smaller cities (the smaller the city, actually) they'll be there, ready for a ticket for going over the speed limit or other shenanigans.

I always see cops on the freeways here. They are on the Katy Freeway between 610 and the Beltway (HPD). Also, around highway six and maybe out in Katy somewhere by Fry Road. The constables live on the tollway sections. I never drive on the Katy without seeing at least one constable on either side of the tollway. They are on 59/69 (HPD) also, between 288 and 610. Usually right by Lakewood Church. Now the West Loop is one freeway where I never see a cop.

I'm not even saying that mass transit cures road rage or bad driving lol. Far from it. Your always going to have traffic problems in a big city. Its just going to happen, but ours is very abnormal because we put all our eggs in one basket and expect that basket to never break! What I was proposing is a possible way to bring balance to our transportation network or we are going to have 20 lane highways one day. I mean the zombies at TXdot are already thinking of making I-45 14 lanes -.-. Not ever going to solve the problem because the car will always be a huge part of Houston, but you can at least tone down some of the negatives and to not just not do it because its going to happen anyway is something we shouldn't do.

There needs to be little things done and I think traffic would flow better. For one, raise the speed limits to 65 outside of the Loop. Second, ban all trucks (meaning 18 wheelers here) and autos that are towing from the left two lanes and make their speed limits 55. Place signs up reminding drivers to yield to faster traffic because you should always be passing the lane to your right. If you aren't going to pass a car for the next 1 1/2 mile or more then move over to your right, especially if there is a faster car approaching. None of this side by side driving nonsense. I absolutely hate that.

In the 18 months since being back in Houston, I have never experienced this road rage against me at least. I'm just a great driver I guess ;). I'm always being followed on the freeway. In fact, I got a thumbs up one time after I cut off the left lane driver that was slowing us all down and then moved over. The hog got the message and finally moved over.

Edited by Trae
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I'm just a great driver I guess ;). I'm always being followed on the freeway. In fact, I got a thumbs up one time after I cut off the left lane driver that was slowing us all down and then moved over. The hog got the message and finally moved over.


So you actually "road raged" against someone else?  Not judging you, just saying that technically what you did could probably be construed as a form of road rage - however insignificant it could be.

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So you actually "road raged" against someone else? Not judging you, just saying that technically what you did could probably be construed as a form of road rage - however insignificant it could be.

I still signaled, but I was very close, probably within feet. Clear open freeway and this fool is driving slow as hell with a line forming behind and cars moving out and having to zig zag through. I cut her off a little, passed, and moved over, next car did the same (passed me with the thumbs up), and I looked back and she finally moved over. I usually don't cut people off because there is usually a way around the slow driver. Another way traffic could be reduced is if people kept the length of say a truck + SUV between them and the car in front of you. Enough space for a truck to safely merge into your lane but you should still be passing the lanes to your right, unless you are in the right lane.

You said earlier that if you are in the middle lane, you don't move over. Thats another traffic problem, especially if you aren't passing the right lane. You are the rock in the middle of a flowing river. If you can move to the right and maintain your general speed and allow someone to pass, do it! It's simple, and much safer for everyone. When you start approaching a slower car in the right, flip that lever down, move to the left, and pass.

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Again, I wasn't judging.


I don't move over when all the other lanes are clear and there is some fool who drives right up behind me and expects me to "yield" even though both the fast and slow lanes are open.  Usually this only happens when there is 2 miles of clear road either side of said driver, yet they still decide to test the one other person in their area of road and then at the last second will change lanes usually crossing into my safety zone, where if I braked suddenly I would get clipped.  I HATE DRIVERS like that!


If I'm in the fast lane and people want to go around I move out of the way as soon as safely possible.  I don't "just drive right down the middle."


I do drive on the right lane a lot if I know there's not much to worry about in terms of merging traffic.  Most of my freeway driving isn't in the area of town most of you travel in.  When I am up in town I city drive and use whichever lanes are open/available safely.

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I'm with you, arche. What actually constitutes a "slow" driver on any freeway in this city? Unless something has changed, the minimum speed limit on the freeways in Houston is 40 mph. As long as the driver maintains 40, they aren't committing any driving violation. That's all lanes of freeway traffic, not just the right ones. At least that's what I learned at the old Canino DMV some 30 years ago. The whole idea of a fast lane and a slow lane is a myth. The 2 right lanes are logically going to be slower than any of the left lanes, due to the entrance of cars onto the freeway, and those moving left one lane to avoid the usually slower moving entering vehicle.

With highway driving, there is only one driving lane on 4 lane interstates. The left lane is strictly for passing slower moving vehicles ahead of you in the driving lane. Let a county cop get behind you and witness you sticking in the left lane for 5 or 6 miles. You will get lit up and pulled over. I know, because I've gotten that ticket years ago.

I've noticed it for years now, as we make numerous trips to San Antonio throughout the year and once you get west of Katy, most people seem to change their driving habits significantly. It's a much more courteous roadway, with drivers giving a simple thank you hand signal (with all fingers, lol) or a quick kill of the headlights acknowledging that you extended a little courtesy towards them. I've seen it change over the years here in Houston, as I'm sure other longtime drivers here have. When you let someone cut in from a driveway onto the street in front of you, or slow down a mile or two to give the person with a blinker on a safer opportunity at a lane change, a simple wave in the mirror goes a long way. I think a lot of cIty drivers have got it in their mind that "aw, they wouldn't appreciate it anyways", so they get aggressive instead, which in turn just gets the other driver frustrated.

I'm not sure when or where we lost our basic courtesy to one another on the roads, but I now that I've learned that you don't actually need to get behind the wheel of a car to obtain a driver's license in this State, I can see one of the reasons why.

I've got Sheldon Cooper on the brain now, lol.

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The simple rule to follow is to keep up with the traffic in front of you. If you can't, then move to the right. If your already in the far right lane and still can't keep up with the traffic then it might be best to take a bus and let someone else do the driving. 

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I'm with you, arche. What actually constitutes a "slow" driver on any freeway in this city? Unless something has changed, the minimum speed limit on the freeways in Houston is 40 mph. As long as the driver maintains 40, they aren't committing any driving violation. That's all lanes of freeway traffic, not just the right ones. At least that's what I learned at the old Canino DMV some 30 years ago. The whole idea of a fast lane and a slow lane is a myth. The 2 right lanes are logically going to be slower than any of the left lanes, due to the entrance of cars onto the freeway, and those moving left one lane to avoid the usually slower moving entering vehicle.

Those minimum 40 signs were removed around Houston because they did not go through the proper study and it was found that it greatly impedes the flow of traffic. I really hope you aren't doing that on the freeway, creating a dangerous hazard. Its just common courtesy to yield for faster traffic. I do it all the time, unless I'm in the right lane. If I can go 65-70 in the right for my entire trip, I'll do it.

With highway driving, there is only one driving lane on 4 lane interstates. The left lane is strictly for passing slower moving vehicles ahead of you in the driving lane. Let a county cop get behind you and witness you sticking in the left lane for 5 or 6 miles. You will get lit up and pulled over. I know, because I've gotten that ticket years ago.

Good. I'm glad to see some cops enforce that rule. They need to be doing that more in the city now. It's so much more noticeable when people are following the passing/yielding rules on the freeway, because traffic is flowing so smooth and comfortably.

I've noticed it for years now, as we make numerous trips to San Antonio throughout the year and once you get west of Katy, most people seem to change their driving habits significantly. It's a much more courteous roadway, with drivers giving a simple thank you hand signal (with all fingers, lol) or a quick kill of the headlights acknowledging that you extended a little courtesy towards them. I've seen it change over the years here in Houston, as I'm sure other longtime drivers here have. When you let someone cut in from a driveway onto the street in front of you, or slow down a mile or two to give the person with a blinker on a safer opportunity at a lane change, a simple wave in the mirror goes a long way. I think a lot of cIty drivers have got it in their mind that "aw, they wouldn't appreciate it anyways", so they get aggressive instead, which in turn just gets the other driver frustrated.

I'm not sure when or where we lost our basic courtesy to one another on the roads, but I now that I've learned that you don't actually need to get behind the wheel of a car to obtain a driver's license in this State, I can see one of the reasons why.

I've got Sheldon Cooper on the brain now, lol.

If someone has their blinker on, its the nice thing to do to let them in front of you on the road. On the freeway, its a little different. I'll let you in, but you should enter with some assertion. Some people have no one in front of them, but just want to change lanes as you and others are about to pass them anyway. Like wtf are you doing? Those are the people I dont slow down for. Letting someone in from a driveway is nice too. If its a red light, I'll let you in front. If its a green light, it just depends. Sometimes its best to just go and not stop the line of traffic behind waiting to go through the light. Other times, the person turning fr the driveway can make it into the line safely and quickly as I just let my car roll and instead of instantly pressing the gas as the light turns green. Lets traffic move and lets the person in.

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If just a few more folks would heed #s 2, 3, and 4, driving would be much awesomer and less ragey here!


2. Drive Conservatively

Aggressive driving isn’t just terrible for your mileage — it increases the wear and tear on your vehicle by a significant factor. Gunning it off the line might be fun, but considering acceleration is when your car is burning the most fuel, it’s also the worst for your tank. Unless it’s an emergency, there’s no harm in taking a little extra time in driving more carefully, and both your car and your wallet will thank you.

Coupled with rapid acceleration is rapid braking — the faster you slow down, the more speed you lose and have to make up once cruising speed can once again be obtained. There’s no sense in speeding up to a red light — it only results in a loss of momentum if it turns green before you come to a complete stop, which in turn translates to more speed you’ll have to make up, and thus more gas consumed.


3. Avoid Unnecessary Braking and Stopping

Piggy-backing on the former point, braking is among the more harmful factors to your mileage, simply because it only translates into more acceleration on the other end. Complete stops should only be executed unless absolutely necessary; compared to traveling at cruising speeds, it takes a tremendous amount of energy to get a 3,000-plus pound vehicle rolling form a complete standstill.

That being said, coasting is your friend, particularly in traffic. No need to sit on the bumper of the car in front of you — you won’t get any further ahead anyway. Staying at a slow roll will not only be easier on your fuel economy and your car’s components, but could also help keep traffic moving more consistently than a stop-start-stop scenario


4. Maintain a Reasonable Speed

As has been discussed, slowing and speeding back up won’t be doing you any favors on the MPG front. Staying at a consistent speed that isn’t too fast (but isn’t too slow, either) will allow the car to operate at an optimum point so it doesn’t need to expend great effort to maintain speed. As the speed increases, the air resistance holding the car back becomes great, so the engine needs to expend more power — thus, more fuel — to overcome it. The generally accepted happy medium is at about 55 miles an hour, so a little bit below most highway speeds.

Further, cruise control can be immensely helpful in saving gas if used correctly. “Only use cruise control on flat roads,” EcoModder explains. “On hilly roads, cruise responds to changes in grade — by feeding in more throttle on the uphill and releasing on the descent — in the exact opposite way an efficient driver would.”




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Rapid acceleration is kind of necessary for getting on freeways, especially if curves or shortness forces you to be slow on part of it. And WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T STOP BEFORE ENTERING THE FREEWAY AND TREAT AS A YIELD! You'll get rear-ended and/or P.O. the people around you...unless it actually is a metered ramp, but only a few of those exist in Houston.

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Rapid acceleration is kind of necessary for getting on freeways, especially if curves or shortness forces you to be slow on part of it. And WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T STOP BEFORE ENTERING THE FREEWAY AND TREAT AS A YIELD! You'll get rear-ended and/or P.O. the people around you...unless it actually is a metered ramp, but only a few of those exist in Houston.


Be grateful that we don't have freeway on ramps like this. 


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