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New Biker Bar - Crome

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my favorite quote from the article:

"He imagines his typical customers to be couples who after dining at nearby Fleming's Prime Steakhouse are 'looking for a place to go to get a little nutty.'"

what more could we ask for? - nutty RUBS!

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I imagine the girls will be the kind you want to meet as well.

SHE:  Which bike is yours?

ME:    I don't have a bike.

SHE:  How much money do you make?

ME:    Not that much.

SHE:  Well, nice talking to you.  Waiter!  Check, please.

That's when you deliver the donkeypunch.

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How Dallas!  This place won't last. 


And FWIW, how many of y'all would consider yourself "glitzy."  Is that anglo for "bling?"

From Websters:  Main Entry: glitz - Extravagant showiness

Anglo bling.

I love it.


my remark wasn't about rejection. It was about my theory on the amount of money spent on a woman being inversely proportional to the quality of the woman... B)

...as well as the type of woman you could expect to meet here, i.e., golddiggers hunt for gold in goldmines.

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I guess I just don't understand the negative attitude to Crome. Is it because it's not your thing? You won't see me there, but I can't blame, or judge, rich people for enjoying their money in ways that don't make sense to me.

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I can`t wait to see what type of crowd this place attracts. The bikers with money that I have seen are usually dressed up like Rob Halford, for those that don`t know who that is, lets just say the guys from Mary`s could fit in, and never be noticed. This is going to be to cool, can`t wait. (sarcasm)

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i suppose it is because making fun of "RUBs" is so easy -  :rolleyes:

and waiting for some folks from west alabama ice house to come and kick their asses might be entertaining as well

Yeah, it is too easy. Besides, one who judge's his worth by his pretentious display of wealth deserves nothing less.

However, it could be fun watching people who think hard work is carrying a laptop with a longlife battery in his briefcase, manuever those hogs and dogs around. :P

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Besides - it just sounds gay (silly) to ride a 30,000 dollar motorcyle to a bar to get a Martini & lobster taco

Classic. That could be a good topic for a short film.

I have nothing against this bar. Their are plenty of other places I make fun of, but this one takes the cake.

Long live West Alabama Ice House!

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  • 1 month later...

i think it funny that everyone that is ripping on this place has never even been there. In fact it is a really nice place, the staff, the interior design, the drinks, the music and ESPECIALLY the people.

don't come down on something just because it isn't your idea of fun, or if maybe, just maybe you are a bit jealous.

You don't hear those rich people talking poorly about your West Alabama Icehouse.

If you have so much aggression about this place, simply don't go, you won't see us 'Fickle 500' at your dive bar.

So what if some rich guy has a motorcycle, big deal. There is no difference in a rich man or a poor man owning something. I'm sure the rich man works just as hard for his money than the less wealthy, in fact, he didn't get rich doing nothing.

And those gold diggers you like to poke fun at - don't forget that women work too. And not all of those pretty little faces are looking for a free ride. But then again if you offer the test drive honey, it is only polite to take the wheel.

Perhaps you should go there, leave your pre-convieved notions of what kind of place it is, and enjoy yourself. Look at the nice bikes and have a drink. You might find that hte finer things in life aren't so bad.

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"And those gold diggers you like to poke fun at - don't forget that women work too. And not all of those pretty little faces are looking for a free ride. But then again if you offer the test drive honey, it is only polite to take the wheel."

htownhottie, perhaps we were being a bit catty about the patrons and their attempts at manhood by buying an expensive motorcycle. And I certainly didn't mean to insult a working girl like yourself. Perhaps I will come check the place out. How will I know which one you are? Do you want to give me a sign?

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You don't hear those rich people talking poorly about your West Alabama Icehouse.

You might find that hte finer things in life aren't so bad.

true, i've seen plenty of yuppies at the ice house...

and i don't think anyone here suggests that this bar has anything to do with "the finer things in life"

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