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Jerome Gray's contract not renewed with Channel 2


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Sorry to hear that. I've seen him around the community at church and while shopping. I was at the store once and looked up and saw him at the other end of the aisle. It didn't click as to who he was at first, but he must have seen my face giving that "you look familiar" look. He gave a friendly "hello" nod & smile when he saw me and I reciprocated. I'm not saying it's required of newscasters to acknowledge every Tom, Dick and Harry who glances in their direction while they're pushing a shopping cart, but some of the "prima donnas" that little frau has referenced probably would not have even shown such a courtesy. I wish Jerome the best.

Edited by JLWM8609
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So they hired him in the wake of outrage from community groups about demoting Linda Lorelle and Khambrel Marshall. One wonders if the plan all a long was to bring in a ringer like this and then cut him after controversy died down?

This is most likely what happened.

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LTAWACS, I find it odd that Gray was being used by the old boy network management at KPRC only to see the controversy involving Lorelle and Marshall dying down and 4 years later, he gets the boot for "contract dispute," which means translation: get rid of any minority prime-time anchor as fast as they can.

Rachel McNeil is still working at KPRC and I'm wondering how long she's going to be around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So they hired him in the wake of outrage from community groups about demoting Linda Lorelle and Khambrel Marshall. One wonders if the plan all a long was to bring in a ringer like this and then cut him after controversy died down?

In another era I might buy that theory. But the fact is that planning that far ahead simply isn't done anymore. TV managers only see the next three or four months, nothing more.

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How much do TV anchors make? Maybe if someone knows and can compare from a smaller city like Albuquerque or Austin to Houston to Chicago/LA/NYC, that'd be interesting.

I think between 100-200k, but it probably depends on experience and the market size. I wouldn't be surprised if Dave Ward earns at least 300k.

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How much do TV anchors make? Maybe if someone knows and can compare from a smaller city like Albuquerque or Austin to Houston to Chicago/LA/NYC, that'd be interesting.

It used to be possible to guess based on anchor longevity, market size, and station ratings. But when the economy collapsed, all that went out the window.

I know one station (not in Houston) where the top-paid anchor five years ago was making $600,000, and now the top-paid anchor is making $180k. There are a lot more things that go into it these days: The solvency of the parent company, the desperation of the incumbent anchors, the ratings of the station as a whole (not just the news programs), and lots of other things.

I know of four anchors who have taken massive pay cuts in the last 24 months, and five more who have lost their jobs because the stations could no longer afford them.

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