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Flu Shot


Flu Shot poll  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you NORMALLY get a flu shot?

  2. 2. Did you get one this year b/c of H1N1?

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I keep hearing there's a swine flu scare. I do have nephews but I don't have my own kids, so maybe that's why it's not such a big deal to me. Maybe it's because I've never got a flu shot before. But even with this H1N1, I'm not worried. The same people who are dying of it are the same who die from the normal flu, the young, old and sick.

So what about yall?

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I keep hearing there's a swine flu scare. I do have nephews but I don't have my own kids, so maybe that's why it's not such a big deal to me. Maybe it's because I've never got a flu shot before. But even with this H1N1, I'm not worried. The same people who are dying of it are the same who die from the normal flu, the young, old and sick.

So what about yall?

I've got an infant child, so I may push for a vaccine for her. As for my wife or myself, getting the vaccine is improbable at best. Like you said, it's not likely to do much but give us the sniffles and a fever for a few days.

As for statistics, I recently heard this thing was killing about 20 people per week. I have no idea if that number is worldwide or just in the US. Either way, that number is barely a blip on the population radar. I personally fear this flu about as much as I feared the bird flu. I think we're working our way through the animal kingdom, and I won't be concerned till we make it to the tiger flu or the tyrannosaurus rex flu. Those flues sound way tougher than something named after this guy:


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I HAD swine flu last april.

It's not fun, my immune was already compromised by another flu I had earlier in the week, but fought off.

The feeling that I was HOPING for was death. I'm sure a HAIFer or two would have liked it, but I was praying for it. LOL.

It was the worst feeling. Ever.

As soon as they're available, I'm getting the shot.

If you're smart, you'd get it too.

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I HAD swine flu last april.

It's not fun, my immune was already compromised by another flu I had earlier in the week, but fought off.

The feeling that I was HOPING for was death. I'm sure a HAIFer or two would have liked it, but I was praying for it. LOL.

It was the worst feeling. Ever.

As soon as they're available, I'm getting the shot.

If you're smart, you'd get it too.

Why would you get a shot if you already contracted it in April? Was it diagnosed back then as H1N1? Since you obviously survived it, I think your body is your best weapon, not the shot.

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I don't remember the last time I got a flu shot. Elementary? Intermediate? I only get sinus infections, the worse of which I've coughed up jello blood. A steroid shot & a bottle of antibiotics never had me feeling so great! Not to mention better skin. The media hears of some new threat, people panic, overreact, and thus lysol comes out with new commercial "fights H1N1". You won't hear about H1N1 next year. It'll be something else.

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So based off of our small sampling of ten people, is the H1N1 scare just a creation of the media? Or do yall know people who have gotten the shot b/c of it? I'm not sure of anyone here at work.

The vast majority of people in the Houston area have not even had the opportunity to get a shot because the supplies have not been widely distributed yet. Am I scared? No. Will I get the shot? I don't know because none has been made readily availalbe to me. I get the regular flu shot mainly because it takes about 10 minutes out of my day to ride the elevator downstairs and get one at the office. If it were any more hassle I probably would not.

There is no conspiracy: it is simple epidemiological fact that a rapidly mutuating airborne virus has the potential to become a deadly pandemic. You can ignore the risk, or not. But there is still risk.

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I was in Manhattan during Sept & Oct waiting for the birth of first grandchild--there is an incredible amount of public information about the swine flu-- Billboards-- Radio -- TV Newspapers---ALL STRESSING THE IMPORTANCE OF GETTING THE VACCINE- apparently there have been enough deaths in NYC that free injections of flu shot are offerred at elementary schools in NYC-- the line outside the private doctors office where I went for a "regular" flu shot was "scary" it made you feel that Doom could be imminent-- I had never taken a flu shot before since i am allegric to eggs and felt i would have a bad reaction-- but all that information bombardment made me think I could protect the new baby--and I have to admit--staying in Manhattan I come in contact with a Kazillion more people daily than I do here in Houston-- anyway--all that Thrust from NYC health officals for all pregnant women and women with infants to get the H1N1 when it became available at public health locations-- the private doctor didn't get any--my daughter goes to the public health center--with birth certificate of newborn in hand -(left baby at home)and was turned away because she didn't meet the "protocol"----what protocol? a room full of woman were waiting-- but my daugther was turned away--she's still waiting for the private doctor to get the vaccine--

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NBC is reporting "Employees & traders at the NY Stock Exchange, bankers at the financial firms, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, along with employees at the New York Federal Reserve all have access to the hard to find H1N1 vaccine. This while some NY hospitals, along with 100s of pediatricians and obstetricians scramble to secure vaccines for their high-risk patients."

Go figure.

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NBC is reporting "Employees & traders at the NY Stock Exchange, bankers at the financial firms, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, along with employees at the New York Federal Reserve all have access to the hard to find H1N1 vaccine. This while some NY hospitals, along with 100s of pediatricians and obstetricians scramble to secure vaccines for their high-risk patients."

Go figure.

It helps to have friends in high places.

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My employer also offered free shots. I didn't event think twice about it, just deleted the email.

I get a lot of vacation time for my job as well as some sick time, but sick time must be drawn from vacation time first, so I don't really want to spend my vacation time on illness if I don't have to.

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Just got my swine flu shot a few minutes ago. Offered free from my employer.

Are you sure it was the H1N1 vaccine or just the regular flu shot? You may work in healthcare or are at risk, but otherwise I didn't think they were available to the general public yet, especially employers.

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I get a lot of vacation time for my job as well as some sick time, but sick time must be drawn from vacation time first, so I don't really want to spend my vacation time on illness if I don't have to.

Me to. I hate taking a day off when I'm to sick to enjoy it. Honestly I can't imagine anyone not wanting to get a flu shot. Having the flu sucks and I want to avoid it.

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