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My sister brought this to my attention -- The AMC network is producing an original series called "Mad Men" about the advertising industry in the early 60s in New York City. The trailer and gallery don't show much of the set, but if you're a fan of mid-century modernism, I'm sure the show will be a feast for your eyes.


The series' executive producer was also executive producer and writer on "The Sopranos." Should be good. It starts in July.

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the music sure isn't period.

It could be just that the trailer has more modern music to attract viewers, but the series would have period music.

Or it could be a bomb, like last year's movie "Marie Antoinette" which featured modern music including "I Want Candy." :wacko:

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The trailer I watched has music by Amy Winehouse that is new but could probably pass for period. Everything else looks authentic. I can't believe the producers would be so stupid as to repeat the "Marie Antoinette" mistake, but at the same time they probably don't want it sounding like some golden oldies show, so cool jazz, even newer stuff, might work fine. They sure seem to have nailed period names. There is one character called Midge.

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It's about time. Lets hope it's authentic as possible. Hopefully the sets and wardrobe or as historically accurate as possible otherwise it won't work. It has to be well, like the girls in the avatar to your left.

The last time there was anything on tele that came very close to being authentic 60's was Crime Story Executive Producer Michael Mann of Miami Vice fame, show ran circa 1986-1988. Cars, backgrounds, music everything was a good as it could get.


Glancing at the photos provided the thin ties are right on the rest of the cast needs to be worked on. Last good 60's film was John Water's Hairspray 1989. They did a hell of job replicating a swinging, twisting era. Big hairdoes, peddle pushers and A-1 perfect music. You thought it was 1962, really!


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The trailer I watched has music by Amy Winehouse that is new but could probably pass for period.
i just went to her website. she's does have a dated feel but one of the songs was a complete ripoff of the beat from a late 60's marvin gay/tammy terrell duet.
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the music sure isn't period.

While the music is modern, it is period inspired. It is based upon the music of the 50s and 60s, so it fits very well with the theme of the show.

Great song too.

i just went to her website. she's does have a dated feel but one of the songs was a complete ripoff of the beat from a late 60's marvin gay/tammy terrell duet.

That's called a sample, not a rip off!

Common practice in music for about, oh, 300 years.

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That's called a sample, not a rip off!

Common practice in music for about, oh, 300 years.

that's not a sample, this is newly recorded. when you sample you take something that has been recorded and reuse it in another recording. the record player was invented in the late 1800's and tape recorders came after that.

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that's not a sample, this is newly recorded. when you sample you take something that has been recorded and reuse it in another recording. the record player was invented in the late 1800's and tape recorders came after that.

I'll rephrase...

Music has been used and reused for years.

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It's about time. Lets hope it's authentic as possible. Hopefully the sets and wardrobe or as historically accurate as possible otherwise it won't work. It has to be well, like the girls in the avatar to your left.

The last time there was anything on tele that came very close to being authentic 60's was Crime Story Executive Producer Michael Mann of Miami Vice fame, show ran circa 1986-1988. Cars, backgrounds, music everything was a good as it could get.


Whoah Whoah Whoah... Try this one: American Dreams.

I love period shows so I'll probably be giving this one a try.

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  • 1 month later...

Been watching it since the Labor Day marathon. Excellent show as well as an great period piece. The problem with such shows is that they start out keeping the look authentic but slowly retreat the longer they are on the air. This happened to such shows such as "Happy Days", "The Wonder Years," and "Lavern & Shirly." Heck, it even happend to "Crime Story"....the pilot was great but the series faltered.

Just look at the later seasons of "Happy Days." Most of the cast quit using Bryllcreem and began sporting late 70's era hairstyles...for a show set in the late 50's!

On "Mad Men" I'm really enjoying the different work ethic....smoking & drinking in the office....what a life! That's a question for you "experienced" workers out there....was it really like that in the office?


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Been watching it since the Labor Day marathon. Excellent show as well as an great period piece. The problem with such shows is that they start out keeping the look authentic but slowly retreat the longer they are on the air. This happened to such shows such as "Happy Days", "The Wonder Years," and "Lavern & Shirly." Heck, it even happend to "Crime Story"....the pilot was great but the series faltered.

Just look at the later seasons of "Happy Days." Most of the cast quit using Bryllcreem and began sporting late 70's era hairstyles...for a show set in the late 50's!

On "Mad Men" I'm really enjoying the different work ethic....smoking & drinking in the office....what a life! That's a question for you "experienced" workers out there....was it really like that in the office?



If you see website Bite the Shark, it details how most of the shows you just mentioned flopped and just totally lost their premise.

Best/worse example was Happy Days started off as pure 50's and slowly the cast had 1976 hair style's and clothes. As a teen in school we hated that show, it was too plastic and squeaky clean. We just wanted to torture Joannie & Chachie.

and just look at old films from the 1940's up until the 60's. Seems in almost every scene the actors all light up a cigarette every where. It all seems bizarre now but then it was just normal (even in passengar airplanes) cough, cough.

What is most noticeable in older films and TV shows and songs are the sexual harrasment and inuendo that was quite acceptable then.

These days you whistle at a girl in the office or compliment her dress and its... Sayanora fella! :lol::blink: >:)

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Jump the shark.

Thats it! It's been a long time since I checked it out but it is non-stop hilarity!

They just never get enough of slamming Ted McGinley is it? Neighbor on Married with Children.

Almost every show he ever appeared on or was a guest ends up dying out quick. Like he is a TV curse. I mean they have it in for him big time. When you think about it, hell it's true. It all started when he started appearing on Love Boat, then it all went downhill. :lol:


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  • 9 months later...

Does it seem pretty accurate to everyone? I mean like in detail and sets and such?

Hopefully it won't "Jump The Shark" like other period shows like "That 70's Show" did. That one did quite well until that redheaded broad started saying 2000-ism's like "Wad up" or "Talk to the hand" or other sort of current lingo. She really blew it and the rest of the cast followed with modern hair styles and current trendy slogans. :angry:

If a show is to be convincing it has to really stick to the crux of the story ie; dress, mannerisms, etc.

Yo wad up y'all?


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I bought season 1 and watched the first few episodes. Good stuff. Especially in the first show they make the mistake of milking the period detail for laughs (a new secretary gets an IBM Selectric and someone says "We have the latest technology here") but once they get past that the story is very serious. If anyone has ever read "Revolutionary Road" you'll understand.

Btw, I read that the second season jumps two years after the first (1962 instead of 1960).

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I bought season 1 and watched the first few episodes. Good stuff. Especially in the first show they make the mistake of milking the period detail for laughs (a new secretary gets an IBM Selectric and someone says "We have the latest technology here") but once they get past that the story is very serious. If anyone has ever read "Revolutionary Road" you'll understand.

Btw, I read that the second season jumps two years after the first (1962 instead of 1960).

Hopefully the wigs are not so noticeable? I hate it when they are so obvious. If you recall the orginal John Water's comedy Hairspray, they did one hell of a great job of duplicating the look, music, phrases etc. You can view over & over and not catch any mistakes. Again, that original FILM was fantastic not the musical crap or latest remuddle. Never saw but you simply cannot redo a John Waters classic. :angry:

I am so glad the narrow ties are back in style! Where's my Beatle boots? ja

Edited by Vertigo58
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