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Damn, it's HOT


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Here in the northern realms the low tonight will be 43, with a high for the next week or so of 66. We had a heat wave earlier this week, made it up to about 71.

Damn you! I am wicked jealous.

My front yard is pretty green but the sides and rear of my house look like scorched earth. I need to do a better job of focusing the sprinklers to the sides.

Scorched Earth was the best video game ever, at the time. You could hack into the basic code and rig all kinds of cheating. Anyone remember its predecessor GORILLA?

Edited by 20thStDad
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Here in the northern realms the low tonight will be 43, with a high for the next week or so of 66. We had a heat wave earlier this week, made it up to about 71.

Where are you located? It's finally warming up here in Chicago, this winter (one of the longest in a few years) lingered around until a week ago (highs were in the low 60's). Now we can put away most of our jackets & winter wear. Hopefully I'm not jinxing us as I speak or TYPE.

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We could be around 100F next week... Tuesday and Wednesday looking the hottest right now... heat index values could approach 110F... still no relief in site... so glad I just moved from the Heights back to my condo in the Med Center where I have a pool again!!! B)



Edited by HtownWxBoy
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WxBoy - the pool at my plex is already becoming luke warm. We were just joking earlier about everybody getting bags of ice to throw in.

I must say though, that the evenings have been nice with the low humidity and nice breeze. I did notice the humidities seemed to creep up today.

(From a previous conversation on humidity levels vs. humidities, etc. Spell check don't like it! -_- )

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WxBoy - the pool at my plex is already becoming luke warm. We were just joking earlier about everybody getting bags of ice to throw in.

I must say though, that the evenings have been nice with the low humidity and nice breeze. I did notice the humidities seemed to creep up today.

(From a previous conversation on humidity levels vs. humidities, etc. Spell check don't like it! -_- )

Seriously... my pool is warm, too... it's going to be like a hot tub by August! ha ha Good idea about the ice!! I was actually at the pool with a friend of mine about a week ago and my boyfriend showed up with drinks for us... and instead of ice he put dry ice in them... so we were putting the dry ice in the pool and it was all smokin' and stuff... was really neat! We made a lot of friends at the pool that day. :D

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Seriously... my pool is warm, too... it's going to be like a hot tub by August! ha ha Good idea about the ice!! I was actually at the pool with a friend of mine about a week ago and my boyfriend showed up with drinks for us... and instead of ice he put dry ice in them... so we were putting the dry ice in the pool and it was all smokin' and stuff... was really neat! We made a lot of friends at the pool that day. :D

Ooh, ooh, where does one buy dry ice? That would be a really cool party effect. (affect?) :)

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So much for those $15 water bills I've enjoyed for the last couple of years. I'm not even watering the back yard. Let it wilt.

As I stood out there tonight trying to hit some key areas with the hose, I pondered letting it all die off, and putting in xeriscaping. I'm probably not going that way, though.

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use the a/c drain water for the important plants. seems to be doing well for my mint, basil, onion, lemon balm and citrus.

What's lemon balm? That sounds like a cocktail. Are you drinking the condensation as well? :P

My primary goes right down the drain. I guess you could stop up the primary and collect from the secondary drain.

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What's lemon balm? That sounds like a cocktail. Are you drinking the condensation as well? :P

it's citronella-esque. good mosquito repellant but makes good tea and other drinks, including alcoholic ones.

My primary goes right down the drain. I guess you could stop up the primary and collect from the secondary drain.

i have my primary going outside too. since there aren't chems in it, it's also very good for bromeliads which tend to get spots from treated water.

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Ooh, ooh, where does one buy dry ice? That would be a really cool party effect. (affect?) :)

We got ours from Kroger... :) ... it is a very neat "effect" ;) . Be careful, though, it's very cold and can "burn" your skin... use tongs when handling it and if you do touch it don't hold it for very long... just a second or two.

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We could be around 100F next week... Tuesday and Wednesday looking the hottest right now... heat index values could approach 110F... still no relief in site... so glad I just moved from the Heights back to my condo in the Med Center where I have a pool again!!! B)

All I can say is that I'm glad to be a resident of Houston and not south Texas, where it's already been pushing well into three-digit territory.

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As I stood out there tonight trying to hit some key areas with the hose, I pondered letting it all die off, and putting in xeriscaping. I'm probably not going that way, though.

I read some web site that unless you let the water get at least 1" down, just light sprinkling on the grass does more harm than good. I tend to let my front sprinkler (the el cheapo kind that just goes back and forth in an arc run for 30 minutes or so and I have the greenest lawn on my street).

Anyone else know about watering lawns?

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I read some web site that unless you let the water get at least 1" down, just light sprinkling on the grass does more harm than good. I tend to let my front sprinkler (the el cheapo kind that just goes back and forth in an arc run for 30 minutes or so and I have the greenest lawn on my street).

Anyone else know about watering lawns?

A good soaking watering once a week is better than 30 minutes several times a week. During a drought like this, you'd probably need to water more than once a week, but it needs to be for 1 to 2 hours, not 30 minutes. The problem with the shallow watering is that it encourages roots to stay near the surface instead of reaching deeper.

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A good soaking watering once a week is better than 30 minutes several times a week. During a drought like this, you'd probably need to water more than once a week, but it needs to be for 1 to 2 hours, not 30 minutes. The problem with the shallow watering is that it encourages roots to stay near the surface instead of reaching deeper.

I tend to water every other day for about 30 minutes. Like I said, my front looks wonderful compared to the neighbors (they seem to have just given up and let the sun do what it may). Honestly, I am much more concerned with my plants than my grass.

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I've used the sprinkler and watered by hand, usually for an hour or so. Most areas in my front yard look great, but there are 2 spots where it's brown. I think those are the spots that get the most sun, others get the shade from 2 trees and the house at different times.

Watering is also the best way to entertain an 18 month old for as long as you're willing to watch her. She thinks it's the greatest thing ever. I think we'll do it again tomorrow morning, last time was yesterday evening. I know to avoid the high sun because it'll just burn things, so I try to do it before 10 or after 6.

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WxBoy - the pool at my plex is already becoming luke warm. We were just joking earlier about everybody getting bags of ice to throw in.

I must say though, that the evenings have been nice with the low humidity and nice breeze. I did notice the humidities seemed to creep up today.

(From a previous conversation on humidity levels vs. humidities, etc. Spell check don't like it! -_- )

I agree. I have definitely noticed lately that the evenings are extremely pleasant once the sun starts going down and the dry breezes begin to blow.

But I'd rather it rain. It's JUNE for crying out loud - where are my afternoon storms?

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I got a few raindrops in downtown Galveston a few hours ago out of what was blowing in from the Gulf. I doubt they made it very far inland, though.

It didn't.... went into Galveston Bay and pretty much dissipated.

On a side note, some of the forecast models are hinting at maybe a break in the heat wave finally... maybe towards next weekend... may get us back to at least "normal" temperatures... we will see.

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I played golf today, it really wasn't that bad. Some clouds, more than lately, and a solid breeze the whole time. If I'm planning on being outside for a good while and expect to sweat it doesn't bother me near as much as sweating in my work clothes going from car to door.

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I played golf today, it really wasn't that bad. Some clouds, more than lately, and a solid breeze the whole time. If I'm planning on being outside for a good while and expect to sweat it doesn't bother me near as much as sweating in my work clothes going from car to door.

There were definitely a good number of clouds early afternoon when I woke up (not lazy, worked night shift overnight)... they seemed to dissipate a great deal by late afternoon.

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There were definitely a good number of clouds early afternoon when I woke up (not lazy, worked night shift overnight)... they seemed to dissipate a great deal by late afternoon.

Hey Htownwxboy, looking at the mos numbers, i think it may be under doing it a bit. This is going by memory and it is almost 2am, but i wanna say heights were to approach 594 and 850mb temps pushing 24-26 degrees...we could all see temps WELL into the hundreds by Wednesday and Thursday as the ridge retrogrades into west Texas.

With a northerly flow (whether it be NE, N or NW), this would provide our first 20% chance of rain we've seen in a while by Monday of NEXT week...not tomorrow. I'm not looking for much. I believe the NAM did advertise a weak cool front, but won't bet the farm 'til right before. I'm playing the snow card on rain at the moment meaning I'm not going to put it in the forecast 'til I see rain falling from they sky.

As a disclaimer, I absolutely LOATHE the heat.

Edited by wxman
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Hey Htownwxboy, looking at the mos numbers, i think it may be under doing it a bit. This is going by memory and it is almost 2am, but i wanna say heights were to approach 594 and 850mb temps pushing 24-26 degrees...we could all see temps WELL into the hundreds by Wednesday and Thursday as the ridge retrogrades into west Texas.

With a northerly flow (whether it be NE, N or NW), this would provide our first 20% chance of rain we've seen in a while by Monday of NEXT week...not tomorrow. I'm not looking for much. I believe the NAM did advertise a weak cool front, but won't bet the farm 'til right before. I'm playing the snow card on rain at the moment meaning I'm not going to put it in the forecast 'til I see rain falling from they sky.

As a disclaimer, I absolutely LOATHE the heat.

Yea I saw earlier today the ECMWF had 850 temps to around 28C for Thursday... that would put us well over 100F... it's going to be HOT HOT HOT! Any break in the heat won't come until AT LEAST next weekend / early NEXT week... we shall see. I spoke with my family up in the Northeast again today and they are miserable... nothing but cold and rainy weather up there... we are getting the opposite!

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How many days has it been that we've had temps in the upper 90's? Also, I can't remember our last rain and none is in the forecast for the foreseeable future. How far behind are we on rainfall?

I guess the saving grace is that the humidity has been running on the lower end at 40% +/-.

Anybody remember the summer of '79 or 80 when it was so hot that the roads started buckling?

I hate this hot weather too. We need RAID to get rid of this high pressure ridge. It is like a cockroach, it keeps coming back. The summer of 1980 was very hot and also Hurricane Allen made landfall in South Texas. It almost made landfall as a Category 5.

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