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Does Obama Hate Texas?


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First came Obama's refusal to send troops to the border to help Texas...then came the things that led up to the "secession speech"...and now the Obama administration apparently thinks Texas is a foreign country.


And I don't think that giving Obama a warm "howdy" and an all-you-can-eat barbecue lunch is going to change anything.

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First came Obama's refusal to send troops to the border to help Texas...then came the things that led up to the "secession speech"...and now the Obama administration apparently thinks Texas is a foreign country.


And I don't think that giving Obama a warm "howdy" and an all-you-can-eat barbecue lunch is going to change anything.

Obama in no way hates Texas. He probably hates that A** Backwards Governor of this State. When will we be allowed to reelect a new Governor? This one is trying to hard to appeal to the off the way conservative folks.

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Not news, but funny. Blame yourselves for things like the silly "it's like a whole other country" campaign, it's more about that than it is Rick Perry.

I agree, Texas secludes itself with stuff like that slogan. It needs to be changed to something else like: "Texas, Its totally not what you think!" Because a lot of people think of Texas as a State where we ride horses everywhere and live on a ranch.

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I agree, Texas secludes itself with stuff like that slogan. It needs to be changed to something else like: "Texas, Its totally not what you think!" Because a lot of people think of Texas as a State where we ride horses everywhere and live on a ranch.

They still do? :huh:

Do you have proof of that?

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They still do? :huh:

Do you have proof of that?

They definitely do. They also think that people from Louisiana ride boats to work and school every day. I have gotten serious questions about that on several occasions from retard yankees. Basing your knowledge of an entire state on the movie The Waterboy (or stereotypical Texas movie) is not the best way to look smart.

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First came Obama's refusal to send troops to the border to help Texas...then came the things that led up to the "secession speech"...and now the Obama administration apparently thinks Texas is a foreign country.


And I don't think that giving Obama a warm "howdy" and an all-you-can-eat barbecue lunch is going to change anything.

Well, let's see. There a small issue of the Posse Comitatus Act that may prevent the president from sending troops to the border.

Not sure what things that led up to the secession speech you are talking about.

And, the Texas as a foreign country thing was on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's website, not Obama's.

But, even though you have listed no evidence that Obama hates Texas, with the things Texans have said about Obama, I wouldn't blame him if he did. And, we would deserve it.

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I think the word "hate" makes it sound very personal and it's not. Maybe not as politically favored as other states (or just politically unfavored), would be a much more likely assessment. Afterall Texas is a Red state with Rick Perry as Governor, and that in itself does Obama no good in the next election, and gives him more opposition to combat.

I also do not think Obama would "hate" our state because of what our Bonehead Governor has said.

Any Texas Republican who supports Texas Seceding from the rest of the country should consider that as a crippling blow to an already crippled Republican Party. Bye bye 34 Electoral Votes and 2 Senate Seats!

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They definitely do. They also think that people from Louisiana ride boats to work and school every day. I have gotten serious questions about that on several occasions from retard yankees. Basing your knowledge of an entire state on the movie The Waterboy (or stereotypical Texas movie) is not the best way to look smart.

I get a lot. I even had someone from the North East say to me that I speak so well and know so much about the latest urban trends (music, etc) to be from where I'm from, like this area is secluded from civilization. People from other areas in this country and especially from out side this country think that we all all some backwoods hicks and must be Republican. But then they come to Texas and see that its nothing like they think. They don't think about the urban areas when they think of Texas, they think of simi-desert ranches and cowboys. Its also known as a very prejudice (racist) place by people who live here and don't. I have never really experienced that in person, but people show their true feelings on the internet.

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First came Obama's refusal to send troops to the border to help Texas...then came the things that led up to the "secession speech"...and now the Obama administration apparently thinks Texas is a foreign country.


And I don't think that giving Obama a warm "howdy" and an all-you-can-eat barbecue lunch is going to change anything.

No, Obama likes Texas. Perry, on the other hand, hates America... why else would be bring up secession. <_<

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I agree, Texas secludes itself with stuff like that slogan. It needs to be changed to something else like: "Texas, Its totally not what you think!" Because a lot of people think of Texas as a State where we ride horses everywhere and live on a ranch.

It doesn't help when goobers show up to Rockets nationally broadcasts games wearing 10 gallon hats. I think a lot of people feel obligated to "be Texan". They love to play up the image. I don't know why. I wish at least Houstonians would set themselves apart from the Texas image and build on the internationalilty of the city instead. At least our pro sports teams (aside from the obvious one) don't have names with Texas connotations like every single other pro sports team in the state. So we have that and like it.

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It doesn't help when goobers show up to Rockets nationally broadcasts games wearing 10 gallon hats. I think a lot of people feel obligated to "be Texan". They love to play up the image. I don't know why. I wish at least Houstonians would set themselves apart from the Texas image and build on the internationalilty of the city instead. At least our pro sports teams (aside from the obvious one) don't have names with Texas connotations like every single other pro sports team in the state. So we have that and like it.

So now it's stupid to wear a cowboy hat. talk about narrow minded, that's not fair, you don't know the guy.

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He has every right to dress how he chooses and he should. I personally think it looks silly, but that's my opinion. I'm saying Texas will always have the cowboy image because people reinforce it. Nothing's going to change either way. People can wear whatever they want and people can complain however they want. It's moot. That's it.

I think the gangsta look and guys in skinny jeans look silly. I have no doubt some people think I look silly.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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It doesn't help when goobers show up to Rockets nationally broadcasts games wearing 10 gallon hats. I think a lot of people feel obligated to "be Texan". They love to play up the image. I don't know why. I wish at least Houstonians would set themselves apart from the Texas image and build on the internationalilty of the city instead. At least our pro sports teams (aside from the obvious one) don't have names with Texas connotations like every single other pro sports team in the state. So we have that and like it.

It's kind of like Wisconsinites wearing the "cheese heads" to games.

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It's kind of like Wisconsinites wearing the "cheese heads" to games.

No, it's not. The cheese heads are functional, they hold 3 beers and food when you take it off and invert it. I suppose a 10 gallon hat could hold lots of booze, then I would say it's the same.

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It's 'cause they're jealous. But then, who gives a rat's patoot what they think?

Well then I guess all of the Texans I have heard over the years make fun of places like California and the Liberal Northeast are just jealous of them... i always figured that anyway.

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Alot of you sound like you hate the Texas culture, and I don't understand that. This is Texas folks, and with that fact there are people that wear cowboy hats, talk with accents, ride horses, raise cattle, drive trucks, etc, etc. Why do some of you want to shun that image? Who gives a rats behind what other people think? To borrow a little of what Kimberly said, I think the gangster image and dress is the goofiest thing I've ever seen, yet for some reason it's celebrated as some "urban" concept that makes one cool.

I remember back in the late 70's and early 80's the whole country embraced the Texas culture. Now it's looked at as a bunch of back woods idiots, who don't know their ass from a whole in the ground. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I say again... What's wrong with the Texas culture, and individuals promoting it.

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I remember back in the late 70's and early 80's the whole country embraced the Texas culture. Now it's looked at as a bunch of back woods idiots, who don't know their ass from a whole in the ground. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I say again... What's wrong with the Texas culture, and individuals promoting it.

I hate to bash Bush after he is out of office, had one of the classiest transitions of power from the Bush to the Obama administrations and has been a great ex-president (just like his father).......buuuuut......don't you think Bush and the crew he brought from Texas had a lot to do with that? Bless his heart.

Note: A neat custom I learned since coming to Texas is that if you don't have something nice to say about someone adding a "Bless his/her heart" at the end makes it all OK.

Edited by west20th
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Alot of you sound like you hate the Texas culture, and I don't understand that. This is Texas folks, and with that fact there are people that wear cowboy hats, talk with accents, ride horses, raise cattle, drive trucks, etc, etc. Why do some of you want to shun that image? Who gives a rats behind what other people think? To borrow a little of what Kimberly said, I think the gangster image and dress is the goofiest thing I've ever seen, yet for some reason it's celebrated as some "urban" concept that makes one cool.

I remember back in the late 70's and early 80's the whole country embraced the Texas culture. Now it's looked at as a bunch of back woods idiots, who don't know their ass from a whole in the ground. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I say again... What's wrong with the Texas culture, and individuals promoting it.

The 70s and 80s took place before the Bush Family ruined Texas reputation. The current governor is following in the footsteps.

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I'm trying to remember well -known references to Texan culture from the late 70s and early 80s, and so far all I've got is Cissy getting the crap beat out of her in a Pasadena trailer (Urban Cwboy) and Who Shot JR? (Dallas). Not what I would call inpsirational.

Everyone likes to mock us, but ain't it funny how everyone also wants to live here? Once The Big Three shut enough plants down, it will be like 1978 all over again with all transplants from the rust belt.

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The 70s and 80s took place before the Bush Family ruined Texas reputation. The current governor is following in the footsteps.

That's not the point I was making. I was refering to those on HAIF that seemingly shun the Texas culture as it is/was, and seemingly hate the image of a cowboy that Texas is famous for. In other words, I'm not speaking of those outside the state. However since you bring it up... Why didn't LBJ's failed Vietnam policies (yes I know about Nixons to) relegate Texas as a state full of morons? And speaking of Nixon. Why didn't the whole country shun the Southern Californian culture after Nixon's failed presidency? There are many more politicians, Rep and Dem that could be mentioned, but I'll keep it simple.

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I'm trying to remember well -known references to Texan culture from the late 70s and early 80s, and so far all I've got is Cissy getting the crap beat out of her in a Pasadena trailer (Urban Cwboy) and Who Shot JR? (Dallas). Not what I would call inpsirational.

I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm old enough to remember huge chunks of the country embracing cowboy hats, opening "Texas" bars, watching Dallas, country music dancing, etc. It was a very big fad at the time, and not just here. As far as the fad being insperational, probably not.

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