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Gulfgate Home Depot Day Laborers

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Does anyone know why the Gulfgate Home Depot has SO MANY day laborers, when the Gulfgate Lowe's doesn't have any (nor does the West Loop Home Depot for that matter)? It is really getting out of control; you can barely even drive down the side street due to the car- and pedestrian traffic. Heck, my partner won't even go to Home Depot anymore because of them.

You would think they would spread themselves out a bit between locations just to make the chances of getting picked for a job that much more likely. And while "accosted" isn't the correct word, I do tire of constantly having to say "no thanks" when loading heavy items into the car.

I will say this: I'm FAR more likely to give them money than I am the people on the corner of Cullen/45, who seem happy enough to just take without giving something else (labor) in return. Yikes, I think I am losing my liberal 'hood cred!

I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere, I just can't find the thread...

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Probably get chased off from other locations. I say deal with it or your liberal hood cred will be promptly revoked!

And just remember, as unpleasant as it is, they're working hard labor all day and then going back to ten-men-to-an-apartment conditions at the end of the day.

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As of a few weeks ago there is now ~7 guys out in the parking lot asking for work at the W. Bellfort @ Chimney Rock Home Cheapo every day. According to the manager, they call the cops on them every time someone complains. uh huh.


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Does anyone know why the Gulfgate Home Depot has SO MANY day laborers, when the Gulfgate Lowe's doesn't have any (nor does the West Loop Home Depot for that matter)? It is really getting out of control; you can barely even drive down the side street due to the car- and pedestrian traffic. Heck, my partner won't even go to Home Depot anymore because of them.

You would think they would spread themselves out a bit between locations just to make the chances of getting picked for a job that much more likely. And while "accosted" isn't the correct word, I do tire of constantly having to say "no thanks" when loading heavy items into the car.

I will say this: I'm FAR more likely to give them money than I am the people on the corner of Cullen/45, who seem happy enough to just take without giving something else (labor) in return. Yikes, I think I am losing my liberal 'hood cred!

I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere, I just can't find the thread...

It has gotten worse in my opinion. I find I'm now approached as I walk out of the store. I read on this forum that the Lowes is on Wulfe property and Wulfe supplies regular patrols. Likely the day laborers prefer to avoid patrol cars of any kind.

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Perhaps we should learn Spanish, and employee some of these workers. I have PLENTY of work they could do... but I am so *cheap* that I just cannot make myself hire someone to do work that I can do...

What happened to the days when High School kids, who needed jobs, actually worked at jobs? I mean, legal high school kids could do the same work, for the same price, as illegals... but maybe the high school kids don't want to do those jobs.

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Perhaps we should learn Spanish, and employee some of these workers. I have PLENTY of work they could do... but I am so *cheap* that I just cannot make myself hire someone to do work that I can do...

What happened to the days when High School kids, who needed jobs, actually worked at jobs? I mean, legal high school kids could do the same work, for the same price, as illegals... but maybe the high school kids don't want to do those jobs.

The thing is, I have lots of work as well...old house and all that. But I don't hire them, not out of some ideal to hire someone documented, but simply because I don't know the quality of work they will do. And I don't want to waste time, so usually will hire people whose work I have seen before. Now I will say that my neighbor has a guy he regularly employs that he randomly found at HD, but he's the expection, I think.

Don't get me started on the high schooler thing. I was at the West Loop HD on Saturday buying some plants, and the checkout kid actually had earbuds in his ears! I felt like some 80 y/o, saying "the kids these days!"

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I use day laborers all the time..but not to do anything skilled..digging, cleanup, thats really about it. I have one I use weekly to help...works as hard as I do and things get done twice as fast. I would never let them do something skilled, only cause I dont know them. My wife doesnt have to help which eliminates any screaming matches that may incur. It is bad though...my wife cant go to the home store by herself.

The laborers USUALLY ( I had one lazy one) work their butt off, and for the money I pay, I commend them for it. I have yet to meet one illegal...if not citizens, they are here on a visitors pass.

Edited by GREASER
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What happened to the days when High School kids, who needed jobs, actually worked at jobs? I mean, legal high school kids could do the same work, for the same price, as illegals... but maybe the high school kids don't want to do those jobs.

Well, they're still around - they just don't hang out in front of the Home Depot.

I think the primary employment for the day laborers is by sub-contractors during the week. I'm surprised Home Depot hasn't tried to capitalize on the day laborer phenomenon and create some sort of organized way of hiring one. I'd be 10x more likely to hire a day laborer if all I had to do was go to a desk, and request how many I need, versus the current process.

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Well, they're still around - they just don't hang out in front of the Home Depot.

I was in high school in the early 80s, and I didn't know any high school students who hung out anywhere looking for jobs. I think I saw a movie about some, once, though...

I think the primary employment for the day laborers is by sub-contractors during the week. I'm surprised Home Depot hasn't tried to capitalize on the day laborer phenomenon and create some sort of organized way of hiring one. I'd be 10x more likely to hire a day laborer if all I had to do was go to a desk, and request how many I need, versus the current process.

That's a great idea. Keep records on them, with notes from their employers, so you can pick the best ones for the job. But then Home Depot has to keep their work status info on file, and that's a major pain.

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if there was a desk, then there would also be some lazy ass buis. person getting a peice of the pie. This is free market. They dont have to work, you throw out a price and see how many want to work. Some will work for 6hr, and some will just laugh if you offer them less than 8.

In all honesty though, I have though about pimpin mine out for 15/hr...

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Well, it wouldn't be a perfect system, but HD could charge a fee from each of the labors, say five dollars a day listing fee? You're right, it is free market, which is why it would benefit HD to capitalize on it.

Edited by Jeebus
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Well, it wouldn't be a perfect system, but HD could charge a fee from each of the labors, say five dollars a day listing fee? You're right, it is free market, which is why it would benefit HD to capitalize on it.

Now that would be organizing a labor union, and we can't have that!

Everyone don't forget that idiot in Salt Lake City several years ago, who hired a "laborer" off the street, actually I think it was his wife who hired him, and brought him back to their home. Their home with two under age daughters. This couple, thinking they were getting something on the cheap, and doing a favor for the less fortunate, they thought, ended up with their daughter kidnapped, and held out in the wooods for several days. It was a miracle that she was recovered unharmed.

y'all be careful who you let into your home. Hire reputable contractors that pays taxes, have tools & trucks, meets a payroll, recieves invoices and pays bills. Isn't that the correct way to stimulate the economy.

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As a homeowner if they get hurt at your house, you arent liable. Talked to a lawyer already. Vertigo, Resendez is a good example, but so is the preppy killer, nice looking white guy....you have to be careful of everyone. Point is, use common sense and be careful around everyone.

When talking to these guys, I explain my friends are scared of using day lab. for fear of robbery..they usually ask some questions and get to insert what I would do if a caught one trying to rob me.

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Thanks for the heads up Flip. Here's link directly to the story.

Garcia, an undocumented Guatemalan national who had a regular job in construction until being laid off late last year, said he and the others only want to work and have no other way to find steady pay.

"We're not here because we want to be here," he said in Spanish. "We need to be."

Miles said sheriff's officials have done a few undercover stings with a plainclothes deputy in a pickup. On the last one, on Feb. 14, Samuel Perez Santos, 37, a Guatemalan, jumped from the moving truck to escape waiting deputies.

During a chase, a deputy shot him with a Taser and he fell to the ground, slamming his head and fracturing his face. He was arrested on charges of trespassing and resisting arrest without violence.

Miles said the sheriff's office decided to stop the undercover stings after Perez Santos jumped out of the pickup, and will consider other ways to enforce trespassing laws.

Garcia, who said he was among the laborers cited for trespassing in the last sting, did not hesitate to return to The Home Depot to search for day jobs soon afterward.

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nah, the Home Depot at Bellaire and BW 8 is really bad. I refuse to shop there anymore.

Hah, I used to live over at Bellaire and Kirkwood, and random weekends the so called 'minute men' that are all about getting rid of illegal aliens will ride through the parking lot making a big show with their trucks and american flags, and the day laborers will get scared and run away for the day.

I've actually seen rental cops patroling the lot, apparently the day laborers aren't supposed to be on the property. It was always interesting when driving by to see the security guard driving through the lot and day laborers hiding behind the sheds.

Although, if you want to get a cheap bicycle, that is the place to go, grab some bolt cutters and you can snag your choice of huffy. It is a varitable smorgasboard!

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ya the minute men were at the gulfgate location once..as a joke to show me dumb they were, my wife went up and talked to them etc....they gave here the illegal speech, and how "those people" were killing the economy, while her and other hard working Americans etc etc..but the joke of it was she was illegal at the time..(European)

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ya the minute men were at the gulfgate location once..as a joke to show me dumb they were, my wife went up and talked to them etc....they gave here the illegal speech, and how "those people" were killing the economy, while her and other hard working Americans etc etc..but the joke of it was she was illegal at the time..(European)

No! White people can't be illegals!? Only mexicans... -_- I worked at the Office Depot and we've contacted the landlord...the police/HPD/Precinct 6...No one cares/shows up. They claimed unless "they are violating the law" they won't dispatch. I've seen fights....blah blah blah but atleast the landlord provides them with bags to clean up there mess.

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It has gotten worse in my opinion. I find I'm now approached as I walk out of the store. I read on this forum that the Lowes is on Wulfe property and Wulfe supplies regular patrols. Likely the day laborers prefer to avoid patrol cars of any kind.

This is true. I don't bother with home depot anymore. Aside from the worst customer service anywhere, they have those people blatantly loitering around outside. No thanks. Now I just go to Lowes. I've almost always seen a sherrif out in the parking lot. Much safer. Much better.

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This is true. I don't bother with home depot anymore. Aside from the worst customer service anywhere, they have those people blatantly loitering around outside. No thanks. Now I just go to Lowes. I've almost always seen a sherrif out in the parking lot. Much safer. Much better.


Best to head to Lowe's, plenty of parking, quick in and out service, hasstle free and most of the workers are helpfull or at least try to help you. That Specific Home Depot is a horse with a broken leg that won't mend just shoot it and put it out of it's misery. (I hear nearer my God to thee in the distance).

The Whataburger next door has to deal with the lurking 24-7 it seems I feel pity for them especially the employees. They must get some begging for free meals quite often, the teens have told me several times, then get hasstled as they take out the trash or clean parking lot. (yes this does happen) I avoid that burger place due to the dudes hanging around, kids get scared and they stare down the wife evenb if I am present (no respect) it's pathetic. I simply cannot eat peaceably while seeing them just inches from the glasswindows peeking in at you. Quite eerie. <_<

Remember the song "I got the feeling somebodies watching me" well they are!

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No! White people can't be illegals!? Only mexicans... -_- I worked at the Office Depot and we've contacted the landlord...the police/HPD/Precinct 6
2 nites ago i went and purchased a furnace filter and hpd was there and had 2 people in the parking lot.

with the number of contractors there, I wouldn't expect any change in numbers. several burb people i know were disappointed that their home depot doesn't have this "feature".

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Does anyone know why the Gulfgate Home Depot has SO MANY day laborers, when the Gulfgate Lowe's doesn't have any (nor does the West Loop Home Depot for that matter)?
It may have to do with who owns the property.

Home Depot had a store in Austin on I-35 between 290 and 183. The illegals there would not hesitate to approach vehicles even when the driver gave no indication of interest in them. This happened to me nearly every time I went there. Home Depot was powerless to stop them.

The new HD opened recently on I-35 at 51st at the new mall area, and not a single day worker can be found. I was told HD owns the new location, but didn

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Does anyone know why the Gulfgate Home Depot has SO MANY day laborers, when the Gulfgate Lowe's doesn't have any (nor does the West Loop Home Depot for that matter)? It is really getting out of control; you can barely even drive down the side street due to the car- and pedestrian traffic. Heck, my partner won't even go to Home Depot anymore because of them.

You would think they would spread themselves out a bit between locations just to make the chances of getting picked for a job that much more likely. And while "accosted" isn't the correct word, I do tire of constantly having to say "no thanks" when loading heavy items into the car.

I will say this: I'm FAR more likely to give them money than I am the people on the corner of Cullen/45, who seem happy enough to just take without giving something else (labor) in return. Yikes, I think I am losing my liberal 'hood cred!

I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere, I just can't find the thread...

If you're interested, and have the courage, take I45 north to Aldine Bender. Man, it is beginning to look like Westpark with all the day laborers set up and camped out in the parking lots.

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