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Your predictions for 2009


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Make five predictions before January 1, 2009. In 11 months we'll revisit this thread and see how everyone did.

Here are mine:

  1. There will be signs of an economic recovery by October, 2009.
  2. There will be no new skyscrapers announced for Houston in 2009.
  3. Barack Obama's first year in office will bring very little of the Change™ expected. It will be much like any other administration.
  4. There will be no terrorist attack in the continental United States.
  5. There will be a terrorist attack in Europe.

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I concur with most of those predictions, Editor.

I fully agree with number 1 and 2. Number 3 I'd modify by saying, the course for change will be set, but we just wont start to see the turn actually start until after 2009.

Terrorist attacks outside the United States are likely, and inside the US very unlikely, but keeping my fingers crossed that one of the wont "get lucky".

I'll add this prediction: The drop in gas will stay around until Spring, then late spring, early summer, the price will shoot back up as OPEC cuts more production after a mostly unsuccessful attempt once again and for the hundredth time in 30 years to make us forget all about wanting our own energy independence. We wont forget this time, and as gas surges past the $3 mark again the call for Clean renewable Energy and Independence will be heard loud and clear. This urge for quick swift action will renew Barack Obama's administration, improving what was mostly be a year of business as usual and will help partly with economic recovery starting Fall 2009.

As for Houston... projects will finish, no new ones will start, and the developers will end up with a "we built it, so now lets hope they come" feeling.

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Make five predictions before January 1, 2009. In 11 months we'll revisit this thread and see how everyone did.

Here are mine:

  1. There will be signs of an economic recovery by October, 2009.
  2. There will be no new skyscrapers announced for Houston in 2009.
  3. Barack Obama's first year in office will bring very little of the Change
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1. There will be an assassination attempt on our president, by an american.

2. Chrysler will bomb completely and be bought out by a foreign company.

3. The Yankees will win the world series.

4. The DJIA will be back above 10000 by September

5. Comcast will raise prices

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Yesterday I was reading a column about predictions made for 2008. Nobody really foretold Obama, the commodity price explosion/collapse, and the financial panic and bank crisis. Still, ignoring the lesson of this I would say that Editor's predictions sound reasonable at the moment.

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1. The economy will get worse through December '09 and will last for at least 3 years. The govt. will continue throwing money at it to no avail

2. The Rockets will win the Western Conference Finals but lose in the Finals

3. Some of the rail lines planned to break ground in 2008 still won't be under construction by end of '09

4. The Dynamo will be looking for a new home after next season

5. Something will go drastically wrong with the new digital system the US is implement in '09 :P

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1. There will be an assassination attempt on our president, by an american.

Seems like this is and will be a popular prediction. I'll go ahead and predict that it won't happen :D


Also...Kiplinger's '09 predictions: http://www.kiplinger.com/magazine/archives...ng_outlook.html

Edited by lockmat
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1.) The United States will officially enter into its lost decade, just like Japan.

2.) Come hell or high water, GM, Ford, and Chrysler will all remain in business, with substantial government backing.

3.) The DOW will make another dip down, below 8000, before June. It will not close above 10,000 at any point during the year.

4.) Gay marriage will be legal, in New Jersey, by legislative action.

5.) At some point, oil will touch $25/barrel. Gas will flirt with $1.00/gallon.

6.) The dollar will crash.

7.) People will die in a major airline accident.

8.) Obama will not catch Osama, despite extra attention to Afghanistan.

9.) Select, inflated inner loop property values will plummet.

10.) Interest in the Green Party will surge to historic levels.

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I'm surprised no one else (including me) mentioned the weather...

I predict it'll be a slightly less active year than last season hurricane-wise. And as for Houston I predict we'll get a large unorganized tropical storm dumping heavy rains on us. Not quite as much as Allison, but enough to do a real test all the new drainage systems put into place.

Lets see what happens... weather is the hardest thing to predict.

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I'm surprised no one else (including me) mentioned the weather...

I predict it'll be a slightly less active year than last season hurricane-wise. And as for Houston I predict we'll get a large unorganized tropical storm dumping heavy rains on us. Not quite as much as Allison, but enough to do a real test all the new drainage systems put into place.

Lets see what happens... weather is the hardest thing to predict.

Ahh, the weather...

Was this not the most perfect spring/summer/fall ever? Mild temps most of the time, low humidity...I am hoping for a repeat

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Ahh, the weather...

Was this not the most perfect spring/summer/fall ever? Mild temps most of the time, low humidity...I am hoping for a repeat

No kidding. I've been in Houston nearly 30 years and can't recall such an awesome weather-year (excluding Ike).

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1. There will be an assassination attempt on our president, by an american.

2. Chrysler will bomb completely and be bought out by a foreign company.

3. The Yankees will win the world series.

4. The DJIA will be back above 10000 by September

5. Comcast will raise prices

Didn't #2 already happen once before?

In fact, hasn't all of this happened once before?

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1. The economy will begin to rebound... Dow above 11000 by end of year

2. President Obama will end the year with an approval rating above 60%

3. Winter '08 / '09 (once it's over) will be remembered for being abnormally cold and snowy for much of the Nation

4. Gas will be back above $2.00 a gallon but will remain below $3.00 a gallon throughout the year

5. Gay marriage will become legal in at least one more U.S. state and at least one other foreign Nation :wub:

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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Predictions for 2009:

1. Everyone on Haif will lose weight and be in tip-top physical and mental shape.

2. Become even more popular than ever.

3. Look 15-20 years younger.

4. Win a huge amount of $.

Hey my BMI is boderline 19. Weight loss is unhealthy to me. :angry2: Tip-top physical and mental shape is good. :)

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1) An entirely new music genre will arise.


1) A new music artist will have upbeat, clever songs that catch people's attention.

2) At least one Houston mall will shut (Northwest Mall is on the endangered list)

3) Pepsi's hideous new logo will bomb.

4) The Trans-Texas Corridor will get axed due to budget concerns

5) Amtrak will shut down.

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1. Airlines will ask for bailout by June.

Not gonna happen. They are wallowing like pigs in all the cash they are raking in on fees. Fees, fees, and more fees. Even though jet fuel, like gasoline, is cheap... they keep the fees.

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1) Thanks to Obama's lame CIA pick(Leon Pinetta), America WILL be attacked. :(

2) The truth about Goldman Sachs will finally hit the mass media. From their total control and manipulation of oil commodity prices to their takeover of our government; Niederauer, Zoellick, Paulson, Bolten, Rubin, Thain, Jeffery, & Gensler. The 'Banksters' run America.

3) The crime rate will skyrocket in the Southeastern cities: Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, & Miami.

4) Attendance at sporting events will plummet. Record low numbers for latter half of year.

5) DOW will dip below 6,500. (It's 9,015 today)

6) When oil was $33.00 three weeks ago, I predicted it would go above $50 in 2009.

Only $1.40 to go already!($48.60 today) Yeah, I'm already taking credit for this one. :blush:

7) Our summer was mild because we had a 'La Nina' in the Pacific in 2008.

I'm wishing, begging, and pleading for another one in 2009.

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1) An entirely new music genre will arise.


1) A new music artist will have upbeat, clever songs that catch people's attention.

2) At least one Houston mall will shut (Northwest Mall is on the endangered list)

3) Pepsi's hideous new logo will bomb.

4) The Trans-Texas Corridor will get axed due to budget concerns

5) Amtrak will shut down.

Good call... looks like this just happened, though it's b/c Texans were too much against it.

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4) Attendance at sporting events will plummet. Record low numbers for latter half of year.

Interesting item for the list. One has to wonder how those seats are going to stay filled. Maybe we won't see it here, but I, for one, am not buying my usual package this year. I'm not even downgrading to the cheapest one. Just not buying, period. My job situation is too unstable right now, and Mike Hampton? :wacko:

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1. Astros will make the playoffs but lose first round to the Mets or Phillies. Texans will finish 10-6 but not make the playoffs. Rockets will lose in the conference finals to the Lakers who will lose to the Celtics in 6. People will still not care about the Dynamo.

2. One or more of the following people will die: Fidel Castro, Amy Winehouse, Dick Cheney, Gene Wilder, Gene Hackman, or Gene Simmons.

3. There will be a significant terrorist attack in Dubai, Paris, or Madrid, with a publicized failed major attack in NYC, DC, or Atlanta. Obama will catch Osama.

4. There will be another bridge collapse somewhere in the midwest, significant dam break in China, and a significant earthquake on the west coast.

5. Steve Jobs will retire and APPL stock will plummet. The to-be-announced ZunePhone and AtariPhone will both be busts and along with the G1 Android phone will still fail to outsell the Iphone.

6. Meatloaf will have a top 10 Billboard hit.

7. There will be a major UFO sighting seen by 100,000+ in the U.S.

8. Dreamworks' "Monster vs Aliens" will have a stronger opening weekend than Pixar's "Up"

9. EADO will be ridiculed, none of the hotels planned for between DG and MMP will break ground.

10. On the last day of 2009, RedScare will still be on top the Haif Financial Challenge Leaderboard.

Edited by Highway6
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