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Best Burger Places In Houston

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried Ray's this weekend. It was great!

I second, third and forth that. I've yet to find a burger I enjoy as well as Good Times in Denver,Co (local chain) I for the life of me I will never understand the fascination with Lucky's burgers. When I first moved back to Houston, I lived on Roseland off Richmond and was told I must go there. Sorry, a frozen flat as a pancake, a burger does not make. Ditto, my new hood and Papas, sorry, IMO

From what I've read I now have a mutitude of new burger joints to try out. As much as Niche may dislike me I shall give his recommendations a go. :blink:

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Probably very different than what everyone else is recommending but Kelly's Country Cooking has what I deem to be the best burger for the money....its big, its cooked to perfection and the price is right. It is a bit more.....country?....not sure the word for the place, but the burger is excellent and everything else on the menu is enough for two people!

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I don't dislike you. I only ranted at you once or twice. That's nothing special.

I wasn't feeling special, not in the least. I appreciate well written rants, yours are among the livelier postings. In general they tend to be straight up. I just believe your posting to my living choices were bordering on gormless. :ph34r:

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  • 8 months later...

Food & Wine magazine released their list of the Best Burgers in the US recently (maybe today). Despite Houston's reputation as having some of the best burgers in the US, the editors seemingly ignored our fair city in this list. In fact, Texas as a whole is ignored: With the exception of #9, the Perini Ranch Steakhouse in Buffalo Gap, Texas (near Abilene), no other Texas location is represented in this list.


Now, I haven't been to many of these establishments and sampled their fare, but I would wager that at least some other Texas locations have burgers which would be considered as good - if not better - than many of these.

Any thoughts on the list and this (to me) apparent snub to Texas burger eateries?

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I saw that article. What's dumb is how they include California's In-N-Out burger. Although it might rank high in comparison to some fast food burgers, it's absolutely no comparison to a good restaurant's burger. (Actually had one in Fort Worth a couple of months ago and I fail to see the fascination).

That being said I did eat a burger at the Healdsburg Bar & Grill (#22) last month and it really was good. Also ate a Super Duper Burger while in SF. Don't know for sure if it's a chain but probably one of the best fast food burgers I've ever had.

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I hate these "best" lists but this one might be the worst. I've had both the burgers at the Boston joints and neither is a good burger. They are expensive and pretentious. I've also had the burger press in New Haven and it was interesting but far from a "best" burger. In & Out is a solid fast food burger but it couldn't touch a Bernie's Burger Bus, a Burger Guy's or even a burger from Hubcap.

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I hate these "best" lists but this one might be the worst. I've had both the burgers at the Boston joints and neither is a good burger. They are expensive and pretentious. I've also had the burger press in New Haven and it was interesting but far from a "best" burger. In & Out is a solid fast food burger but it couldn't touch a Bernie's Burger Bus, a Burger Guy's or even a burger from Hubcap.

shocking to hear hubcap is good. Extremely weak seems to be the norm
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  • 7 years later...
  • The title was changed to Houston Is No. 1 For Burgers

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