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Note duplicate topics combined.

And yeah, how very strange...

Wayne mentioned that Blogger was down too, maybe they share the same servers.

This Swamplot blogpost is showing a deadlink as well, but it was working this morning.

I posted on the Auto Dome article.

Edited by Pumapayam
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a whois shows the domain name expires on april 28th of 09 so that tosses out the idea that the hosting bill was not paid and someone else stole it.....but it is registered at godaddy so anything is possible there!

the espresso forum has post from as far back as 07 so that takes out the idea it is a new forum that swamplots owners just came up with

I would say there is a ns directing problem



the two look to be totally unrelated and hosted on totally different servers with different companies so who knows

Edited by TexasVines
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Do not adjust your internet set . . .

Yes, something mysterious has happened to the site. So far, it does not appear to be a domain server problem.

Contributions from any of you with mad site-hijack-sleuthing skillz are welcome.

Thanks for your concern!

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WELL, WE MISSED you. So why don’t we do something about it? A shiny new Swamplot editorial team is now in place (well, most of it — more on that later), testing out the furniture and getting ready to resume this site’s obsessive coverage of the Houston real estate landscape. Our regular barrage of daily updates will return shortly.How soon? Watch this space. Or, if you prefer to be notified of Swamplot’s relaunch date by email, make sure we’ve got you on ourmailing list, and you’ll be the first-ish to know. You can add yourself to the list by filling out the form here.


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Robinhood Condos had a HOA President who was notoriously litigious and would go after people who criticized or even people who reported accurately on the facts (Houston Press, Swamplot, etc). Their private investigator tracked me down and they subpoenaed me because of innocuous comments I had made on Swamplot. They asked me a bunch of crazy questions like if I worked for or owned Swamplot (the owner of Swamplot was using a pen name and they were trying to uncover his true identity).

I had to take a day off of work for that shit show.

Edited by kylejack
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Robinhood Condos had a HOA President who was notoriously litigious and would go after people who criticized or even people who reported accurately on the facts (Houston Press, Swamplot, etc). Their private investigator tracked me down and they subpoenaed me because of innocuous comments I had made on Swamplot. They asked me a bunch of crazy questions like if I worked for or owned Swamplot (the owner of Swamplot was using a pen name and they were trying to uncover his true identity).

I had to take a day off of work for that shit show.

So were you the one who made the "bust some heads" comments, or was that a set-up?

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Absolutely not. All of my comments were innocuous commentary on the situation.

I won't speculate as to who made which specific comments, because I don't want to get sued for getting specifics wrong, but a forensic specialist determined that some of the hostile comments against Robinhood Condos were made from an IP address associated with the HOA President, through an anonymous proxy service. 

Edited by kylejack
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Robinhood Condos had a HOA President who was notoriously litigious and would go after people who criticized or even people who reported accurately on the facts (Houston Press, Swamplot, etc). Their private investigator tracked me down and they subpoenaed me because of innocuous comments I had made on Swamplot. They asked me a bunch of crazy questions like if I worked for or owned Swamplot (the owner of Swamplot was using a pen name and they were trying to uncover his true identity).

I had to take a day off of work for that shit show.


that is actually awesome. do a whois for swamplot and it comes up with some shell in AZ that specializes in anonymity for owners. a bit serious for an architecture blog.


Absolutely not. All of my comments were innocuous commentary on the situation.

I won't speculate as to who made which specific comments, because I don't want to get sued for getting specifics wrong, but a forensic specialist determined that some of the hostile comments against Robinhood Condos were made from an IP address associated with the HOA President, through an anonymous proxy service. 


That whole story went from being just a really messed up situation, to one weird story. That HOA president guy was a crazy person.

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone else get a weird vibe from the "Sponsored Posts" on swamplot? I get it, they need the money to operate...but isn't a slight conflict of interest to play up these developers and projects and investors while reporting on the same groups of people?

I'm glad it's returned, so it's not like it's stopping me from reading it.

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