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Continental Airlines


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Read the details, LiveTV is not Wi-Fi, it will allow limited internet connectivity. Namely Yahoo email and Yahoo messenger. This is very similar to what we already had years ago and has sincel failed. Verizon let you connect to the physical phone in the seat and use messenger as well. It flopped.

I know JetBlue uses LiveTV - But regarding what since failed, are you talking about Jetblue's service or are you talking about something else?

I know CO will be careful to not up prices of tickets too much, because customers do not want to pay too much more for tickets.

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For several years, Verizon via the physical phone that was in the seatback allowed you to send instant messages and some limited emails (web-based and pop3 only).

You notice that phones have been removed from the seatbacks.

That is because Verizon discontinued ALL airline telephone services (at least on CO).

Google archive:;cd=1&gl=us

EDIT: Airfone was discontinued on all commercial airliners: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13509286/ - Airfone still exists for government and corporate planes.

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Continental Airlines will add LiveTV on domestic flights by January 2009.

Aircraft types to get the service include next-generation Boeing 737s and Boeing 757-300s.

LiveTV has e-mail, instant messaging, Wi-Fi, and live television

Okay, I have to ask, and you KNOW it's coming ... what happens when the person next to you sits there and keys in a porno website? What will the flight attendants do? What will be the rights of the person to view the content and what will be the rights of his/her seat-mates.

And let's not even talk about porn ... it could be something like political websites that a person disagrees with or religious websites....?

I think this is a BIG can of worms they are opening.

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Okay, I have to ask, and you KNOW it's coming ... what happens when the person next to you sits there and keys in a porno website? What will the flight attendants do? What will be the rights of the person to view the content and what will be the rights of his/her seat-mates.

And let's not even talk about porn ... it could be something like political websites that a person disagrees with or religious websites....?

I think this is a BIG can of worms they are opening.

Maybe CO will see if Jetblue had any issues like this and perhaps use precedent.

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Okay, I have to ask, and you KNOW it's coming ... what happens when the person next to you sits there and keys in a porno website? What will the flight attendants do? What will be the rights of the person to view the content and what will be the rights of his/her seat-mates.

They'll do the same thing they do when when someone watches a pornographic DVD on a laptop player or opens a girly mag in the middle of a bunch of kids -- they ask the person to put it away. I've seen it done with the magazine, though not on Continental.

An aircraft is not public property, it is the private property of the airline. You have very few "rights" on board. You certainly don't have the right to watch whatever you want, just like someone can't sit on your kids' backyard swing set and watch pornos unless you invite them to.

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They'll do the same thing they do when when someone watches a pornographic DVD on a laptop player or opens a girly mag in the middle of a bunch of kids -- they ask the person to put it away. I've seen it done with the magazine, though not on Continental.

An aircraft is not public property, it is the private property of the airline. You have very few "rights" on board. You certainly don't have the right to watch whatever you want, just like someone can't sit on your kids' backyard swing set and watch pornos unless you invite them to.

Hey, you are preaching to the choir. I agree ... I am just saying you know people are gonna push the boundaries, then there'll be infringement lawsuits, etc.

I have NEVER seen anything like this before on an airplane or DVD player in public, but when I lived in Los Angeles briefly I used to use the public library for research. There were always people cruising porn sites (not talking mild stuff like Playboy) and I never noticed anyone saying anything to them.

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Hey, you are preaching to the choir. I agree ... I am just saying you know people are gonna push the boundaries, then there'll be infringement lawsuits, etc.

I have NEVER seen anything like this before on an airplane or DVD player in public, but when I lived in Los Angeles briefly I used to use the public library for research. There were always people cruising porn sites (not talking mild stuff like Playboy) and I never noticed anyone saying anything to them.

It's probably a set channel list, so I doubt they offer will include a porn channel :blush: . And you will need headphones to access the sound for each seat, so hopefully political talk won't be an issue.

That said, DirecTV is owned by Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp, so you may have to deal with someone watching Fox Noise or Bill O'Liely in the seat next to you.

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I have NEVER seen anything like this before on an airplane or DVD player in public, but when I lived in Los Angeles briefly I used to use the public library for research. There were always people cruising porn sites (not talking mild stuff like Playboy) and I never noticed anyone saying anything to them.

I remember a scene like this: when I was younger, I was with my mother in the downtown Houston library. Some man was looking at a picture of a man's behind or something on a computer - I remember saying "Mommy, look!" and the man looking at the illicit photo had a sheepish smile... I don't remember all the details, though...

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Okay, I have to ask, and you KNOW it's coming ... what happens when the person next to you sits there and keys in a porno website? What will the flight attendants do? What will be the rights of the person to view the content and what will be the rights of his/her seat-mates.

And let's not even talk about porn ... it could be something like political websites that a person disagrees with or religious websites....?

I think this is a BIG can of worms they are opening.

For starters, this is very limited Internet access -- basically access to the Yahoo domain, plus BlackBerry e-mail service for wi-fi enabled BlackBerry devices. Also, it's not hard at all to block most, if not all, adult content.

Not in the press release, but the older 737-300 and 737-500 aircraft will also be getting the wi-fi access, but not the LiveTV service.

And, this isn't really spelled out in the press release either, but there will be at least four channels of pay-per-view movies in addition to the satellite TV feeds. This will be especially useful for times when the aircraft is not in the continental US airspace (flights to Alaska, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and the Continental Micronesia flights for example), as the live television service only works over the continental US.

This announcement is in addition to the previous announcement of the installation of audio and video on-demand on most of the long-haul international fleet (757-200s and 777s), which is already in progress. Also, many of these planes will have in-seat power adapters installed, which will not require any special adapters to be used.

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There was a short story on NPR the other morning about how all of this technology is creating more un-communication than its intended for.

In other words these new ways of communicating are irking people more and more. In fact this fourm is a good example. When a person enters a reply or commment it can be taken in any number of ways by the reader. Cell phones can piss of people. Everyone has discussed trying to see a movie at a theater and seems like all the crowd is on a cell or text messaging , in a restaurant, church everywhere! Ahhhhh!!!!

People have forgot the eye to eye contact and handshake that comes with every day public relations.

In fact when I worked in International Exporting most of the Latin countries hated vmail and always hung up! They thought Americans have let too much electronics intervene with the human touch. There is nothing like speaking in person.

Now flying will be the next hellish trip. We will have to hear everyone's "personal" business while we try to relax. Yuck! :(

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That is because Verizon discontinued ALL airline telephone services (at least on CO).

Google archive:;cd=1&gl=us

EDIT: Airfone was discontinued on all commercial airliners: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13509286/ - Airfone still exists for government and corporate planes.

Do you think maybe, just possibly, they removed the phones because they werent making any money? The same "internet" service that Continental is proposing with Live TV already existed, but failed. What makes anyone think this one will succeed?

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Do you think maybe, just possibly, they removed the phones because they werent making any money? The same "internet" service that Continental is proposing with Live TV already existed, but failed. What makes anyone think this one will succeed?

Was the "internet" service on jetblue and any other airlines who carried it free? Continentals will be 'free.'

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Do you think maybe, just possibly, they removed the phones because they werent making any money? The same "internet" service that Continental is proposing with Live TV already existed, but failed. What makes anyone think this one will succeed?

They probably removed the phones because nobody ever used them. I've been flying Continental for years (gold elite every year) and I never saw someone actually use one. I think the voice and data costs were exorbitant. The only time I think it would make sense is when traveling on long international flights.

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AFAIK it wasn't something specific to Continental - It was something that affected all of the airlines (Continental, Delta, United, US Airways). Perhaps the Airfone itself was no longer popular and/or the internet gimmicks did not save it. Either way it is gone from all of the airlines.

IMO a better comparison for CO's service is Jetblue's service (the same company that will provide CO's service is providing Jetblue's service). Jetblue is still using its systems.

Jetblue and Continental are not the only airlines with LiveTV. LiveTV also serves AirTran, Air One, Blue Wings, ExpressJet, Virgin Blue, and WestJet. (From: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headli...z/5497322.html )- Note: ExpressJet operates the bulk of CO's commuter jet services, albiet I think the LiveTV is only used for standalone ExpressJet operations. However I wonder if CO and ExpressJet will ally and have LiveTV in the CO commuter jets as well.

By the way, this is why CrunchGear does not like LiveTV: http://www.crunchgear.com/2007/12/06/free-...atch-of-course/

* The 2006 entry stated: "The service is limited to Yahoo! Mail, Messenger and Wi-Fi enabled BlackBerries will have access to their BB mail and messenger."

Do you think maybe, just possibly, they removed the phones because they werent making any money? The same "internet" service that Continental is proposing with Live TV already existed, but failed. What makes anyone think this one will succeed?
They probably removed the phones because nobody ever used them. I've been flying Continental for years (gold elite every year) and I never saw someone actually use one. I think the voice and data costs were exorbitant. The only time I think it would make sense is when traveling on long international flights.
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Read the press release again, it will cost roughly $6 for coach class.

Does this mean they remove the free "in-flight entertainment" (i.e., bad Hollywood flicks and unfunny sitcoms)? They seem to replay the same programs over and over, so maybe this will be a good thing.

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Does this mean they remove the free "in-flight entertainment" (i.e., bad Hollywood flicks and unfunny sitcoms)? They seem to replay the same programs over and over, so maybe this will be a good thing.

On CO's different areas, per direction, the same type of film is shown.

The domestic and Canada entertainment catalog divides films by the following sectors: http://www.continental.com/web/en-US/conte...grid_200802.pdf

* North America westbound

* North America eastbound

* Houston to U.S. West Coast and western Canada

* Western Canada and U.S. West Coast to Houston

I also wonder if the $6 fee allows access to the in-flight movies or if the in-flight movies are free. Maybe I should ask Continental.

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Overall this seems like a good thing. I'd rather pay $6 for something I want to watch rather than sit through something free that I don't care to watch. It will also be much easier to watch something if the TV is built into the back of the seat in front of you versus the current location where they're attached to the overhead bins (or the really old ones, with the CRT TV lodged into the ceiling).

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  • 5 months later...
  • 9 months later...

I'm traveling to LAX and saw continental has a non stop flight for $998(it said economy)! I check southwest the exact same flight around the same time is only 240 round trip with taxes. Granted i would have to drive to IAH to fly and burn my 1000 bucks...Is this the reason they aren't making any money?

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