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It wouldn't bother me so much if they didn't have it on the loudest setting. Vibrate is more than enough when you're in a quiet office.

It's just plain rude. If he is out of the office and his phone is beeping like that, I will go into his office and shut it off, or close his door (hope he has his keys).


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Anyone watching the stock market??? As bad as it is right now, we've still got about 2.5 hours left. This storm is a nice follow-up to Ike

Time to BUY! :wub:




Smartly that it. :blush: Maybe to lower your average cost...buy way undervalued stocks...

Edited by JJVilla
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh lighten up, even Fast Eddie Felson thought that was funny......

Paul Newman rest in Peace oh great one, one of the last of the true great 20th-century movie stars, man he leaves a pretty wide void. Some people don't know that he done a lot of great things in his personal life. He was such a low key guy, didn't really fit into the typical "Hollywood" mold. Married to the same gal, Joanne Woodward, all those years, when wife swapping in that business, was as common as changing your socks. Of his great success, more than $200 million, have been donated to charity. That's a big chunk of change. And for us gear heads, he was a car guy. Successful race car driver and owner, just the quintessential cool dude. I actually got to shake his hand and talk to him at Daytona in 1995. Was surprised he was as small a man as he was. On the screen he was bigger than life it seemed. But make no bone about it he was a car guy. When he was at the race track, he did want to talk about acting or Hollywood, but he'd wear your ear out when it came to cars.

Rest in Peace Fast Eddie, tell Fats we all said hello...............

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Oh lighten up, even Fast Eddie Felson thought that was funny......

Paul Newman rest in Peace oh great one, one of the last of the true great 20th-century movie stars, man he leaves a pretty wide void. Some people don't know that he done a lot of great things in his personal life. He was such a low key guy, didn't really fit into the typical "Hollywood" mold. Married to the same gal, Joanne Woodward, all those years, when wife swapping in that business, was as common as changing your socks. Of his great success, more than $200 million, have been donated to charity. That's a big chunk of change. And for us gear heads, he was a car guy. Successful race car driver and owner, just the quintessential cool dude. I actually got to shake his hand and talk to him at Daytona in 1995. Was surprised he was as small a man as he was. On the screen he was bigger than life it seemed. But make no bone about it he was a car guy. When he was at the race track, he did want to talk about acting or Hollywood, but he'd wear your ear out when it came to cars.

Rest in Peace Fast Eddie, tell Fats we all said hello...............

I know, I need to lighten up. It just seems like we're losing a lot of (famous) people lately. To be honest, I am not a big fan of Newman, outside of his salad dressings.

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My BF just took delivery of ANOTHER Greatful Dead dvd. Never been released before, etc, etc. As far as I can tell, they are just as poorly lit onstage in Egypt in '78 as every other nighttime show from the mid 70s on. I know they have more than 6 songs, but it's very hard to tell them apart.

Grumble. All about the compromise ....he's had a tough week. At least the Dead aren't really noisy.

Guess I'll be posting more than usual for a Friday night.


Not a Dead Head.

Thanks for listening.

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"I was in the kitchen ready to do the housework and filled up a bucket with water," one villager, Anna, said. "I was going to mop the floor with it but I immediately noticed a sweet smell from the tap and it was also slightly yellow.

"I called my neighbours and they turned on their taps and it was the same. The word quickly spread and everyone filled up bottles and plastic containers with the wine."


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  • 4 weeks later...

I just got back from watching my neice and nephew for a couple of hours. We were sitting on the floor playing Polly Pockets when I discovered, because I almost put my hand in it, that my neice has an entire collection of boogers on the side of her nightstand. Turned my stomach!

Did any of you have such a thing as a child? I know it isn't unheard of for a child to have a booger collection. I remember hearing that Mel B of the Spice Girls had one under her bed as a kid. Why do kids do this?

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I just got back from watching my neice and nephew for a couple of hours. We were sitting on the floor playing Polly Pockets when I discovered, because I almost put my hand in it, that my neice has an entire collection of boogers on the side of her nightstand. Turned my stomach!

Did any of you have such a thing as a child? I know it isn't unheard of for a child to have a booger collection. I remember hearing that Mel B of the Spice Girls had one under her bed as a kid. Why do kids do this?

They're not big enough yet to smoke and need something to do with idle hands??

The way I figure, it's poop, boogers, gum, masturbation, cigarettes/weed, not necesarily in that order.

You can do your part by ensuring they at least are listening to quality music while doing all of the above.

Ignore the boogers and make them listen to some good music. It will work out.

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You can do your part by ensuring they at least are listening to quality music while doing all of the above.

Ignore the boogers and make them listen to some good music. It will work out.

i recommend in a gadda da vida

Edited by musicman
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I just got back from watching my neice and nephew for a couple of hours. We were sitting on the floor playing Polly Pockets when I discovered, because I almost put my hand in it, that my neice has an entire collection of boogers on the side of her nightstand. Turned my stomach!

Did any of you have such a thing as a child? I know it isn't unheard of for a child to have a booger collection. I remember hearing that Mel B of the Spice Girls had one under her bed as a kid. Why do kids do this?

in short; everyone needs a hobby.

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I just got back from watching my neice and nephew for a couple of hours. We were sitting on the floor playing Polly Pockets when I discovered, because I almost put my hand in it, that my neice has an entire collection of boogers on the side of her nightstand. Turned my stomach!

Did any of you have such a thing as a child? I know it isn't unheard of for a child to have a booger collection. I remember hearing that Mel B of the Spice Girls had one under her bed as a kid. Why do kids do this?

Yeah, be glad she's not a teenage boy and all the toilet paper starts getting used up...

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You can do your part by ensuring they at least are listening to quality music while doing all of the above.

Ignore the boogers and make them listen to some good music. It will work out.

Too late. Yesterday I sang a line from a song from "High School Musical" (yes, I have seen it) and asked her if she knew where the song was from, hoping she'd say no, she got it right. She's also gotten into "Hannah Montana", which my sister introduced to her. I'll never understand why. My sister is a rodeo volunteer and took her to the Miley Ray Cryus concert last rodeo season which was standing room only, but they got in free and I think found an empty seat. She never even mentioned "Hannah Montana" before then, but now she's all about it. She's almost 7. I guess it was a matter of time.

When they're in my supervision I will not turn on the Disney Channel or the Nickelodeon teen shows.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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Thanks, Boston, for letting us stay unique :)

...Second, I don't think Mainzer-Cohen has ever met a Back Bay development project she didn't like, no matter the size, use, or design. She criticizes 20-year-old zoning codes as antiquated. The truth is that she supports an anything-goes approach that would effectively do away with zoning and turn central Boston into another Houston...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone ever used Rosetta Stone to learn a new language?

I've gotten through the first lesson for Spanish so far. I think it's really going to help. Thankfully, I have plenty of people to practice with as well.

I just wanted to see how well it helped anyone else.

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