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Arby's? Do you mean the one next to Whataburger?

If so, that is where I (we) ate. We always have great food and great service from the owner.

Oops, yeah. I didn't know that's what it was called. The torta I had was just okay, nothing great. She charges way more compared to other taquerias.

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Oops, yeah. I didn't know that's what it was called. The torta I had was just okay, nothing great. She charges way more compared to other taquerias.

Well, she does have overhead, and she does have to make a living. I've never really been to too many other taquerias, but I never thought/think I am being over-charged.

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Well, she does have overhead, and she does have to make a living. I've never really been to too many other taquerias, but I never thought/think I am being over-charged.

yeah, i guess its not outrageous, it's just a dollar or two cheaper everywhere else.


Would it be legal to convert a chron article into a .pdf file and put it on the wiki?

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I know a lot of New Yorkers pronounce it that way. Didn't know too many other folks did.

Yeah, they say it like that b/c the street is not named after the city, but a person. I'm not sure I've heard anyone pronounce the city like that.

I wish outsiders would get New Orleans correct.

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Yeah, they say it like that b/c the street is not named after the city, but a person. I'm not sure I've heard anyone pronounce the city like that.

I wish outsiders would get New Orleans correct.

Yeah, and isn't there a famous actor (John Huston) that is pronounced Houston, not How-ston...

... this just adds to the confusion.

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I always heard and was told there is a big street in Greenich Village called Houston Street and they (New Yorkers) pronounce it How ston street.

Maybe wiki can confirm?

So there are two ways to pronounce it is my point. No one is wrong.

Think about how we pronounce Montrose.

In Colorado the city is also called Montrose but pronounced Mont Rose. Get it? :D

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Do yall ever pretend that you're not from Houston and that you're a visitor, and try to see Houston through a visitors eyes? I do it every so often, especially when I'm going down 45 to downtown or on Woodlands Parkway. We all know that freeway is not the prettiest until you see the skyline, but Woodlands Parkway is weird. You'd think you were in the middle of nowhere if nobody told you thousands of houses, commercial and retail were tucked behind all those trees.

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Sort of related, when I broke up with a guy in a particularly bad way, part of the therapy was driving the 610 loop in the middle of the night, listening to 'our favorite album' while chain smoking and drinking coffee until I got so sick of it, it made me crazy.

Of course now, nobody has whole albums to suffer through, and gas is kinda high.

Edited by crunchtastic
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Any of yall seen this, The Rise of the Houston Skyline?


I didn't even know there was a museum of Houston. Does it have a physical location or just a website?

From the website:

The Museum of Houston is a digital repository and online museum accessed through the Internet.

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Kennedy has malignant brain tumor, doctors say

A cancerous brain tumor caused the seizure Sen. Edward M. Kennedy suffered over the weekend, doctors said today in a grim diagnosis for one of American politics' most enduring figures.

"He remains in good spirits and full of energy," the doctors for the 76-year-old Massachusetts Democrat said in a statement.

They said tests conducted after the seizure showed a tumor in Kennedy's left parietal lobe. Preliminary results from a biopsy of the brain identified the cause of the seizure as a malignant glioma, they said.

full article

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Want to post something but you're not sure it warrants it's own thread b/c it'll only last a couple posts, or it's more of a knowledge sharing story rather than a discussion type story, and you don't want to put it in the Anything You Want thread in fear that it'll get lost in the random madness? This can be the place that puts those fears to rest.

That's how I feel sometimes. Anything You Want is good for random stuff like sharing that you put cheetos in your PBJs or the 50 worst album covers, but I'd like for this to be about things more relevant to this forum and Houston news.

And if we post something in here and it DOES warrant it's on thread, but we just didn't know it at the time, a mod can separate it.

We'll see if this takes off.


Here's small news that people may or may not care about but I thought was interesting...


Hollywood came to Houston May 20 when former President Jimmy Carter and Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey were among the celebrities gathered for the world premiere of the HBO film "Recount."

Hosted by Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy, the event included a panel discussion involving Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker about the country's progress toward election reform since the Florida affair rocked the nation's confidence in the electoral process.

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Kevin Spacey is a really intelligent professional actor. I would have appreciated hearing what he had to say. Thats it for me I guess.

I've seen Spacey on a few talk shows and he definitely has some opinions about the war and Bush. He went on a rant on a couple of shows against both. He SEEMS intelligent and picks interesting roles, but it would be interesting if someone can pin him down and have a conversation that doesn't involve his movies or politics.

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Thinks Joshua Packwood is a hunk! :D

Whoever he is, he's somehow related to that "Recount"/Spacey article, right?

The season finale of "Lost" is next Thursday and I looked at the spoilers. No self control. This show is weird.

And this is too, right? uf! :(

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News: My daughter graduated from second grade today. The whole class sang The Beatles' "Blackbird" with sign language at the ceremony. I cried.

If Kevin Spacey was not humming along in the audience, take it else where! :lol:

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Yeah, I was kind of wondering what the difference was. But what's uf?

I learned it spanish class many years ago. The correct spelling may be, "Ugf!" but I can't remember. It's kind of like, "doh!"

I know for a fact that neither Jim Carey nor Ben Stiller have trampolines in their backyards.

yall are just too funny, aren't yall?

News: My daughter graduated from second grade today. The whole class sang The Beatles' "Blackbird" with sign language at the ceremony. I cried.

and you too

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