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Crime In The Woodlands


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Yeah, I had the opportunity of living in Canada for a few months and found it to have a better overall standard of living than can be found anywhere in the U.S. The cities are cleaner, work better, have lower crime, and are just more liveable. I'm hopefully going to retire there!

Last time I checked actual FACTS, Canada was the shining Northern Star!


Canada- YES



Canada- 79.6

USA- 77.5


Canada- 4.69 out of 1,000

USA- 7.2 out of 1,000


Canada- 19.5% of the population

USA- 12.8%


Canada- 44%

USA- 38%


Canada- 15.4% and decreasing

USA- 18.9% and increasing


Canada- 1.9 per 100,000 people

USA- 5.9 per 100,000 people

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Last time I checked actual FACTS, Canada was the shining Northern Star!


Canada- YES


Canada's health insurance is more accurately described as "universal access to a waiting list." Because of this, many Canadians with serious illnesses pay out of pocket for medical treatment in the U.S.

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Canada's health insurance is more accurately described as "universal access to a waiting list." Because of this, many Canadians with serious illnesses pay out of pocket for medical treatment in the U.S.

Standard of living is not better according to the people I know there. To know what yoru money will buy, just look at the prices. The prices are the same as here on many things, so now look at the value of the Canadian dollar. Last I checked there was quite a difference, so the American dollar does not go nearly as far there as here.

OK now, is their crime rate any better than here? I seriously doubt it. Our criminals escape to there.

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Standard of living is not better according to the people I know there. To know what yoru money will buy, just look at the prices. The prices are the same as here on many things, so now look at the value of the Canadian dollar. Last I checked there was quite a difference, so the American dollar does not go nearly as far there as here.

OK now, is their crime rate any better than here? I seriously doubt it. Our criminals escape to there.

Not anymore. While at one time, the Canadian dollar was worth only 60 cents compared to the US dollar, it has risen 50%, and is now at 90 cents to the US dollar. And violent crime in the US has always dwarfed Canada's. Even with the huge drop in the US murder rate in the late 90s, the US has three times the murders per capita as Canada. While property crime is similar in both countries, violent crime in the US is far greater than Canada.


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  • 3 weeks later...

as much as i hate to report ugliness in the woodlands, i must report the following experience:

last night, around 11:30PM, i headed to the convenience store for ice cream. my nephew, with his new permit in hand, wanted to drive. we headed to CVS and on our return to grogan's mill passed an unfortunate being.

there was a woman (i think) with her skirt pulled up or pants on the ground mooning passing motorists, waving her/his hand near their backside. this person was on the wooded median in the middle of the separated road.

my fifteen year old nephew asked if we should go back?! i said, "definitely not". i hope she/he didn't get run over.

that was definitely not in the master plan. ;)


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We drove past also. There were rescue boats in the water. When I got home I looked it up. The boy was with his family playing soccer and when in to try to get the ball. The is a huge current right there and it probably sucked him under.

There's a current? In a small lake?

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Admittedly, I skipped over an incredible amount of bickering for this.

Just so you all know, most of the world is multilingual, knowing and understanding two if not three languages. It is only common practice of those born in the United States to solely use a bastardized form of the English language to communicate.

Maybe it would've done your son some good to learn the Spanish words and understand them, so he could be included, maybe that's the message you should've sent. Instead by complaining about how you don't like the fact that some kids are allowed to speak their first language, sing it to their parents too, you've promoted a certain kind of bigotry.

You have black friends? Oh really? Are they from The Woodlands? I bet they're the well-spoken ones, not the ones who God forbid work at a fast food chain. You know, ebonics is a form of English dialect. However, I bet if your kid sang a rap song, you'd be enraged about that too. But, why? Because of the language, because it didn't fit your cozy definition of "American."

Also, consider that most of the AMERICAS, that's plural by the way, is Spanish-speaking.

As for Dora the Explorer being on Telemundo--it's a popular kids' show. They're not going to bother reworking the animation to exchange the spanish words for English words. Realize that the show promotes learning certain parts of the Spanish language that little kids may have yet to learn. And, just because you speak a language does not mean you can read it. It promotes reading too.

Lady, why don't you call Walton and Johnson with your opinions? I hope they make you cry. Or worse yet, I hope they make you believe that they actually agree with you while making you looking like an incredible idiot.

---Skipping to crime:

There's virtually no crime in this city minus the illicit substance abuse and vandalism. All of it is done by a bunch of bored, bratty, white kids whose parents aren't supervising them properly. I've almost been run off the road intentionally by sixteen year olds at one in the morning, on a school night. When I honked the horn at them indicating my frustrations, they met me at the nearest stop sign, got out of the car, and threw water at my car, missing entirely. I was disappointed that they weren't even brave enough to throw the plastic bottle at my car that could've reasonably run them over on the excuse of self-defense.

You have to also consider that these obnoxious kids are probably buying lots and lots of cocaine with all that money that exists to throw around. And, baisically, that will make them both testy and daring. I literally watched some kids deal drugs right in front of a gas station. I didn't call the cops. Why? I don't really want to get involved. I'm not really a concerned citizen. My concerns did arise when one of those kids started threatening me as if she was going to get out of the car and beat me up. And, for what? Looking at her? Truth be told, I was checking out my fiance's butt while I happened to see incriminating activity. See, bratty kids who think the world revolves around them.

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The youth of today are expose to Ganster type video games ,music and the stupid mtv showing them how to were there pant's below there beehinds. Pull your pant's up and turn your hat forword and be a proud American.

Edited by Marty
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---Skipping to crime:

There's virtually no crime in this city minus the illicit substance abuse and vandalism. All of it is done by a bunch of bored, bratty, white kids whose parents aren't supervising them properly. I've almost been run off the road intentionally by sixteen year olds at one in the morning, on a school night. When I honked the horn at them indicating my frustrations, they met me at the nearest stop sign, got out of the car, and threw water at my car, missing entirely. I was disappointed that they weren't even brave enough to throw the plastic bottle at my car that could've reasonably run them over on the excuse of self-defense.

You have to also consider that these obnoxious kids are probably buying lots and lots of cocaine with all that money that exists to throw around. And, baisically, that will make them both testy and daring. I literally watched some kids deal drugs right in front of a gas station. I didn't call the cops. Why? I don't really want to get involved. I'm not really a concerned citizen. My concerns did arise when one of those kids started threatening me as if she was going to get out of the car and beat me up. And, for what? Looking at her? Truth be told, I was checking out my fiance's butt while I happened to see incriminating activity. See, bratty kids who think the world revolves around them.

Admittedly we have problems with teens. Do you live in the north of town? This thread is about The Woodlands and far north area. You are quite incorrect in your generalkization about all the crime being a result of our teens. Your experiences notably are with teens but they are incidents, not the experiences of a large number of people. White? Who is white? An Irish immigrant? A Hispanic? Who is black? A Hispanic American? An Afro American? Someone of French descent? You did not mention anyone red? How about someone yellow? I am sorry. You have a oolored racist attitude in your words.

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Yes back in Sterling Ridge. I will try to get some more information for you, perhaps the name of the responding officer.

Edit for further info: After talking to my neighbor she said it actually took 30 minutes. The officer told her it was a busy night and implied that her call wasn't serious............how would 911 know? What if the intruder had actually broken in after the call. He also told her they were getting 25 more officers in January so calls like this would be answered faster...... :blink:

Anyway, she is contacting, via email, the governance and the association.

This is why the Woodlands needs a private patrol...not just the sherriffs department.

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New Woodland's budget considering additional 1.5 million annually for more patrols. It may come at the expense of the Woodlands Athletic Center.

Sept. 12, 2006, 9:13AM

Woodlands budget process ready to start

Public safety funding expected to lead priorities


Chronicle Correspondent

The Woodlands will be facing some major financial decisions in the 2007 budgeting process, including finding funding for more law enforcement, a sixth fire station and eliminating a deficit at The Woodlands Recreation Center.

The three associations governing The Woodlands

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  • 1 month later...
:lol::lol::lol: , Puma, you just had to post that, didn't you ? Couldn't have just "Looked" and moved on. :lol: I can't talk, I am guilty sometimes also. Always liked a good "drive-by" posting.

Bo Pilgrim just called looking for you!

I have nothing valuable to add other than to comment the topic heading peaked my interest to check it out so I could see how "ugly" this woman was.

TJ I so was looking for "What else is new" from you! You feeling okay or are you worn out from chasing the Gardner! ROTFLMAO!!!!

Sorry Pum you got to keep your left up!

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:lol::lol::lol: , Puma, you just had to post that, didn't you ? Couldn't have just "Looked" and moved on. :lol:

To add to it, she could be a tranny.

Sorry Pum you got to keep your left up!

I am afraid now, your banner in your signature says I have too much porn on my PC, how does it know this with the IP and provider?

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