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Everything posted by nmainguy

  1. That's pretty much what you get when the bishop-who is no expert on design and architecture-tells the architect what kind of dome to put on top. The rest had nowhere to go but downhill. Once again, Houston settles for the mundane.
  2. I wonder if labarbera and coog delicate flower when their spouses get their SS or veterans benefits upon death while I and my partner don't. It seems like they want to delicate flower and moan about a "gay agenda" that clearly isn't working for the benefit of gays. Of course I'm assuming coog is heterosexual...with special rights?
  3. Could you email me a copy of the homosexual agenda? The only one I've seen is the one that talks about heterosexuals having special rights vs. homosexuals with only second class rights. I'm sure there's a copy you guys are just hiding from us?
  4. Have no fear. The House of Saud-our "Partners in Peace"-will do whatever is nessessary to preserve their pornographic wealth and totalitarian iron grip on their subjects. Lucky for the Sauds Cheney and Bush didn't finish off Osama when they had the chance in Afghanistan. The civil war in Iraq has given them some breathing room-until Osama's thugs strike again. Maybe in Riyad this time? Then you can start worrying about how much it will cost to fill up your SUV-never mind what happens with Iran.
  5. It was probably the chron's masthead. Hearst didn't buy it until 1987.
  6. I'm saying nothing says property values like Friday night pig races.
  7. Pig race plan leads to dirty argument Upset by moves of a Katy Islamic group, shop owner nearby will hold weekly contests http://chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/4373941.html
  8. I don't know what that is on the top. I'm still searching for more pictures. Yep. Actually those are the two buildings facing Texas under the new "modern" crap facade. Purdy, huh?
  9. I don't think any of us have a problem with the fact Dallas doesn't have an NFL, MLS or MLB team...we just find it amusing that you get so defensive.
  10. Actually Arlington gets a new stadium and an NFL team. Dallas still has neither.
  11. You should have seen the beautiful buildings they covered up with that crap. And now all they're doing is cleaning crap.
  12. It's difficult-if not impossible to have a discussion when one side insists it's emotion based opinion is equal to another's objective research based on scientific study and fact. To ignore evidence that is widely accepted is to display a certain level of intellectual immaturity. Respected scientists the world over have come to the conclusion human activity is a major cause of global warning. The evidence is available for those that wish to pursue it. In the same vein, world-class researchers, scientists and scholars agree all kinds of stem cell research is medically advantageous. Unfortunately, anti-intellectuals continue to attempt to hold sound science at bay with emotion based political dogma. All anyone can do is produce the decades of serious scientific study and hope that it penetrates the illogical bias that seem to reside in so many. Come to think of it, it's like the "big girls" asking the grown-ups to leave the room so they can perpetuate their comfortable myths.
  13. I am absolutely pro-choice. The fact that you seem to be OK with the government telling you what you can or can't do with your body is your issue. It's not my job to educate you on the facts. All I can do is present them. If you choose to ignore them, that's your choice. BTW, a person's status as a Republican and/or a Christian is irrelevant to the facts. I think we've been thoughrouly educated on Christian Republican Family Values when it comes to enabling child predators and the use of meth as you pay for male prostitutes. Lectures on the morality of abortion and stem cell research seems rather lame after that.
  14. I have to agree. London is an example as well: I'd prefer St. Peterburg limit their developement to low-mid rise heights across the Neva. I love the new designs-just not so much for St. Peterburg.
  15. In any event, hundreds of thousands of embryos are discarded annually. It's your choice to cling to the falacy that they aren't-which is odd since you claim to be married to a "scientist." I especially refuse to discuss abortion with people who can only shoot back with an unsubstantiated accusation such as: In any event, were I to engage in a discussion about stem-cells and abortion, I would take west's suggestion that it be done elsewhere.
  16. The bill's supporters contend the government's funds would be authorized only for research on some of the approximately 400,000 fertilized embryos that are discarded annually by fertility clinics because the would-be parents no longer want them. The embryos are harvested as part of in vitro fertilization, which typically yields many more than are needed for fertility treatments.
  17. Perhaps the topic is in the wrong place since the title refers to both citys. Feel free to lobby the moderators and/or editor to have it moved if it bothers you this much.
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