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Everything posted by tamtagon

  1. The tallest building in Atlanta is taller than the tallest building in Houston.
  2. For a different exposure to Dallas: Browse the thrift stores on Jefferson Blvd. Vegetarian dinner at Kalachandji (5430 Gurley Avenue 75223) Pitcher(s) of beer at Bar of Soap.
  3. It's an old brick rectangular warehouse, 3 or 4 stories tall (I think...) - flat roof and perfect for getting tipsy and looking at the tall buildings in between sets or whatever. I've been to the HOB in Hollywood, and vaguely remember drinking (and drinking and drinking) outside, but who knows if their inclination is to include outdoor areas with new locations. I hope so, I'm part of the outdoor patio flock, I love it.
  4. The House of Blues in Dallas and Houston will have fantastic patio weather 300 days a year. The handful of "better" winter days in Houston is going to be balanced out by "better" non-rainy days in Dallas, what's the dif. Looking at the two HOB venues - Houston v. Dallas, the entertainment value could end better at the one in Dallas only if they have the good sense to build a roof top lounge; the Pavilions renderings do not indicate that amenity. Otherwise, it's going to be the same bands, the same franchised atmosphere, the same downtown setting, the same crowd - maybe that's why it's so easy to divert so much energy into the pep rally.
  5. I think the newly operational Union-Pacific RR facility is getting confused with plans for the agile port. Here's a lot of information about both: http://forum.dallasmetropolis.com/showthread.php?t=3961
  6. Sorry, I just cant keep it contained today.... The House of Blues in Dallas will be bigger and open before the one in Houston. Imagine that.
  7. Lifestyle center.... is that another way of saying open air mall?
  8. No. A stronger focus on quality and variety of lifestyle opportunities available in Houston will strengthen the city's reputation.
  9. do i sense *cough* .....................jealousy hahahaha, I'm just being nice and polite. Jealousy? no, no, not at all. In high school, I did my duty as all proud Texans should and made a choice between Dallas and Houston - which one of the two big cities I would like the most. I picked Dallas. Even in high school, naive and fresh, I was able to recognize that Dallas is the superior city. If Trump really does have plans to build in Dallas, I would have to say it's because there is finally developing a downtown neighborhood characterized by exclusive high-rise residential buildings. Every population center has that neighborhood where all the rich folks live in big expepensive houses - Beverly Hills, River Oaks, Highland Park etc., but not all cities have a this kind of tightly packed high-rise neighborhood. In Dallas, part of Uptown is immerging as this neighborhood - real dorks call it "LoMac", short for Lower McKinney. When I said Houston would also be on Trump's tower to-do list, it's because he would be foolish to omit such an important market from the Trump brand extention.
  10. If he's looking in Dallas, he's also looking in Houston.
  11. Ya, a financial perspective will shed more light on the comparison. Both the Merchantile and Pavillion projects are in the $200 million developmental neighborhood. All totaled, Victory is a $3 Billion phased development: completed Phase I - AACenter, $400 million; under construction Phase II - $1 Billion; Phase III & IV - nothing concrete so far.
  12. Crime and public education have become a cancer in Dallas. I'm led to believe a majority of the debilitating operational errors within the school district and police department are politically rooted, and that's the stupidest source imaginable.
  13. I've been to Georgia and California, and everywhere in between. I've had good salsa and it's always in Texas.
  14. The Merchantile Bank block a couple block over is the project getting the $70 million dollar TIF helping hand. Mosaic, formerly Fidelity Union, is getting a grant for the historic preservation of the structure and a % of the CBD TIF, but I cant remember how much. I think it's like $15 million???? Still a pretty penny. I think the agreement the city makes to NOT collect a % of the future tax on the rennovated buildings will be worth the investment. Dallas has already alotted something like 50-65% of the total CBD TIF across strategically located, large scale rennovations.
  15. I get that too. Hate it. It only takes a couple seconds to recognize whether or not the banner ad is going to slow down the forum from loading, and when that happens, I hit the refresh button. Sometimes I have to refresh two or three times before I'm pitched a different product on a banner ad which doenst interfere with the forum reading. I'm guessing that each refresh still counts as a banner ad hit, right?
  16. It is pretty wierd. Municipal rules prompting police to chase off homeless people from one part of town is mean to me, but worse, I think rules like that reveal a very frustrated population. I read the article and thought about political action groups citing Christian Family Values as the reason to disallow certain behaviors. These groups need to put the strong arm on politicians to correct problematic homelessness. Get the crazy people off the streets and back into institutions; those with the wherewithal to chose a homeless existance will not menace socitey.
  17. If Victory works right, the development will have grown into an extention of the downtown environment. Phase II should begin "to open" late Spring/early Summer with the last projects completing in 2007, months after the NHL All-Star game. Phase II will provide the direct pedestrian backbone between The West End and the AACenter. Time will tell how the walk under the highway will be received. Since most of the space under the highway is public parking, the thoroughfare dead zone will be minimized if not relatively active; keeping the sidewalk clean, properly illuminated with a very visible police presence will make the distance acceptible for most. The train will complete the connection making Victory an addition to the downtown environment. Victory's swanky Uptown neighbors keep getting more numerous, too. In addition to the rising Ritz-Carlton, The Crescent folks intend to build a Canyon Ranch Resort/Spa tower. The Museum of Natural History will cozy into the immediate area, as well, but there's no firm timeline for that. It's speculated additional trolley routes will decrease the highway barrier - that's taking forever though. If downtown Dallas keeps growing, then by 2010, the highway barrier between the Central Business District and Uptown may be insignificant. Rennovation of Dallas' Merchantile Bank complex seems to be similar in scale to the Pavillions. It seems there's a lot more riding on the Mercantile rennovation toward returning vitality to the historic core of downtown Dallas than Pavillion represents to Houston. The Merchantile has an excellent chance to be a very successful redevelopment, but as noted, it's a long walk to The West End. What I really want to see happen is Houston becoming part of the Trinity Rail Express. The commuter train already runs between downtown Fort Worth and Dallas, but if downtown Houston becomes a destination, the whole concept of a convenient lifestyle without a car in Texas is made. For whatever reason a person choses one area, it would be so nice to step onto a train in Houston or Dallas or Fort Worth and step off the train in a different downtown later the same day. Everything is bigger in Texas, and the maxim needs to include the urban experience.
  18. Is there something about being a powerful Texan politician which makes them corrput? First Jim Wright now Tom DeLay. I'm embarassed.
  19. Hrumph?!?! It's like the Prairie fires had corresponding HAIF fires. I never would have thought this group was so tuned to the environment.
  20. Big D is really getting some traction. Slfunk, I dont remember, had you already shared about 3J Development LLC rennovations:
  21. Well, I hate foe balconies; I would need an outside living room. I think the Republic Tower will be successful because it's a bad-ass looking building.
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