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Everything posted by infinite_jim

  1. They've decided to break the plaza down into 4-5 areas and program each area.
  2. http://www.chron.com/news/article/Mobility-fund-fears-lead-cities-to-join-coalition-3525300.php
  3. http://offcite.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Cite_72_Modern_Mr_Jones_Koush1.pdf His office also did 1201 Louisiana (Total Plaza).
  4. I was thinking more along the lines of a head shop, sex store, night club/dive coffee bar, bike repair shop, check cashing/gold buying store, pawn shop, and fast foodie. College stuff.
  5. Anybody wanna help me revitalize my block at Gray and Main St.?
  6. I'll just put this here.http://www.isiahfactor.com/2012/04/25/hide-your-wife-and-your-kids-because-its-raining-concrete-in-downtown-houston/
  7. It would be cheaper to just buy a bike off craigslist. Then you could ride it all you want and not get stuck paying for any time over 90 mins. This is for tourists and people who don't wanna or can't bring their bikes into town.
  8. Not a fan of this plan. Since this is a gov't entity they should be working to solve the 59 elevated problem and leave the low hanging fruit of parking lot development to the private sector's whims. I'm thinking something massive along the lines of expanding the GRB literally over and under the freeway with diagonal hotel towers atop. I do like the north parking garage location though.
  9. Ft. Worth: Go see the construction of the Kimball addition by Renzo Piano, the Modern by Tadao Ando, and of course the Kimball itself by Louis Kahn. As far as food goes check out Woodshed on the Trinity River. Dallas: Here's my Dallas map from a business trip I took about a month ago. Both cities have plenty of things to see and do.
  10. Nice1; now I can get some food, eat at the park, and watch rox games on the jumbotron.
  11. I don't have a yard anymore so now I have a grow tent fitted with 200W LED's; growing the following: Parsley Thai Peppers Bell Peppers Italian Basil Chives On my north-facing patio I have decorative plants like a foxtails/ferns/philodendrons/ivy/succulents which are easy enough to ignore. @samagon: Your pecan tree sounds pretty mature if providing shade. They do better in our climate than figs or grapefruit (imagine rotting masses in your yard) and especially after last years drought I noticed pecan's are incredibly hardy too. You might be able to convince a nab to grow the fig/grapefruit and swap pecans (just a suggestion). slow day
  12. From an architectural standpoint, it would be nice if the skyline were not so lopsided by the height/shape/color of the Chase tower, a high rise in this location would address it's context in a way that could "smooth" out the height and material discrepancies (see for example the Chevron bldg by Pelli in it's synthesis of 1400 Smith and the Exxon tower). But your right in the sense that the Houston Club bldg does provide an urban pedestrian scaled bldg, but that alone can be replicated and improved upon.
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