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The Great Hizzy!

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Everything posted by The Great Hizzy!

  1. That's actually what inspired the name. And as for the ten stories of parking... I'm curious as to how this would be handled asthetically, especially given the current environment that exists on that block, not to mention the new parking garage across the street that has sparked so much recent controversy.
  2. I just like the fact that 2727 Kirby is going up with so little play-by-play or color commentary (it's like this year's Spurs/Cavs final ).
  3. I'd asked that question elsewhere, 19514. I hadn't recall seeing an actual tenant roster on the website before (River Oaks District) and wasn't sure if this was just a new update with tenants they were soliciting or tenants with whom they basically had at least a handshake agreement. Like Trae, I'm hoping that it's closer to the latter.
  4. Just the idea that in addition to Hines 47 there's the potential for yet another tower of similar height (if not taller) only a couple of blocks north. These two projects COULD really do wonders for adding consistency to the asthetic and social landscape of the "new" Main Street, from the Pavillions to Main Street Square and then on towards Allen's Landing. If the city is really on its toes and the two projects (Hines 47 and their other proposed tower) come to fruition, they could really promote Main Street as being the long lost social spine of the entire region, not just the city (I'm assuming the two new Hines towers would facilitate a variety of retail opportunities on the ground floor). And I speculate with Red... a LEED tower of that height (40-stories or more) is likely to be a bit more expensive than other towers that are of similar height but without the LEED characteristics.
  5. Is this the first time that they've gone to the trouble of listing actual prospective tenants? I don't recall seeing such a specified list on the website before.
  6. I'm going to start calling this building Hines 47 until it gets an official name.
  7. Interestingly enough, I noticed that Hilton Hotels acquired land recently near Reliant Park (on S. Main) to build a new hotel, so if a new hotel and convention center project IS to be the future of the current Astrodome, it will have even more area competition by the time it opens. It would be nice to see some progress being made on the redevelopment of the former Astroworld site. That would give us a better idea of what that area of town will be like in 5 - 10 years.
  8. No San Jac monument? Isn't it within the city limits, technically speaking? Anyway, I'd certainly add the Meacom fountain, too.
  9. I can't wait to read the bickering, condemnations, exhaltations and commendations regarding the design of the complex. With something like this, there's sure to be all kinds of opinions.
  10. 47-stories won't be for some chump project either. You could get around 700 feet with that sucker. >
  11. I find it really odd that there's no sign on the construction site saying what the project's going to be. Nevertheless, you are right in that they are coming along like gang busters.
  12. My kingdom for the renovation of that entire block. I'll even throw in the turkey sandwich I'm currently eating.
  13. Ugh! One lash with a wet noodle for you, 'Coog. In any case, I'd like to know when the city is going to redo Washington. Does anyone know if its in their near future plans?
  14. So this will be in Allen? I wasn't sure at first but based on the map, that appears to be the case.
  15. Musicman stole my thunder. Traffic and parking are getting worse. I was just down at the Boardwalk this Saturday at about 9:00 PM and there wasn't any place close to park. You basically had to park a good four or five blocks away (no big deal for me but for others...?). Anyway, it's a nice boom to the area but Kemah's always been set up to be a sleepy little coastal community, with modest residential development with some retail mixed in. That's long gone out the window. I can see the residential landscape of the neighborhood changing just in the way the areas on the western end of Clear Lake are starting to change, with high rises and multi-unit dwellings with choice views of the surrounding scenery. Tillman's going to have to expand the grounds to accomodate more parking in the long term. I just don't see any other way around it.
  16. I agree. Let's hope. And those renderings just look like some plain Jane Auto CAD graphics just to give the viewer an idea of the general size and height of the structures. Anyway, thanks for the update, guys.
  17. I don't think you could classify these posts as generally excited. Many are skeptical and even if this thing is real, there seems to be a bit of a collective . I guess the best you can say is that at least they wouldn't be trying to pull this off outdoors.
  18. That's oh so Sand Lot-ish... "Smalls, you're killin' me!"
  19. There's construction going on right now but I can't remember what's going up first. Someone with a better memory than mine needs to identify it.
  20. Well, speaking of promoting downtown retail... I would imagine that if this is successful, it would be a big step and heating things back up. http://houston.bizjournals.com/houston/sto...25/daily57.html It'd be nice if they got crackin' on the Sakowitz Bldg. redevelopment, too.
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