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Everything posted by gmac

  1. I certainly don't disagree with you. I was simply pointing out the error of the quoted post.
  2. Defined as: "the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings." I don't see anything in the dictionary definition that requires historical preservation for something to be "architecture".
  3. My goodness, you're having a hissy fit. Quelle horreur! It's a v e r y long stretch to come up with what you wrote, based on that simple post.
  4. It says the GHP spent $8.5 million to get fancy new offices, so they can better welcome important visitors. https://www.houston.org/partnershiptower/
  5. That looks like Bridgeland's school cluster. https://communityimpact.com/houston/education/2016/04/20/education-village-concept-takes-form-site-cfisds-12th-high-school-bridgeland/
  6. Why not? Downtown has been subsidized forever.
  7. At least! They need to be punished for being too poor to afford high-rise living. Peasants.
  8. You and I just have a fundamental philosophical difference about what Houston is. It is far from "country and backwards" but I am glad you got that off your chest. It relieves your stress
  9. Of course. I won't rest until we are all riding horses again and forging trails. I know you know there is a difference. Well, I HOPE you know there is a difference. Is the government building this railway?
  10. You got me. I'm not really very experienced with trains. I have only ridden about 100,000 miles in more than a dozen nations, so I'm pretty much a rookie. I'm fine with this project if it doesn't cost taxpayers a dime and no eminent domain force is used.
  11. In the end, this is all just a huge boondoggle. It's not that far to drive to Dallas, and if you're in a real hurry, hop on a flight. No one needs a train between the two cities, really. It is just a "want" by folks who think it would be neato.
  12. 20 million bucks to make sure the poor darlings don't get rained on. I don't see them building anything to stop fee-paying students getting crapped on while their pockets are picked. And another thing -- you kids get off my lawn!
  13. Yep, BFS, you have malware.
  14. It would be HI-larious if UH finally got into the Big 12, and Texas and Oklahoma promptly moved to the Pac-12.
  15. Great. Thieving another $450 million from the city.
  16. They should build over the parking. That would encourage walkability.
  17. Monkeys? Really? I wish I had known apes attended classes at those two institutions. Would have made for some great photos! Good ol' Karim loves (and leaves) the ladies and the ponies. I don't know what he does with the ponies when they are past it.
  18. I'm amazed that you guys can live with just a Keurig, a washcloth and a yoga mat. Oh, and a pack of scrunchies for your man-bun.
  19. For the foreseeable future the middle class has no place in densely urban centers. The money is just not there, unless you allow slumlords to build. You also will have no workers for the minimum wage jobs that keep your trendy cafés and coffee bars running, unless you import the poor folk from the suburbs. I absolutely get that some/many of you wish for an urban utopia with whisper-quiet trains that run on time, and cool, architecturally-wonderful structures, populated by cyclists and pedestrians. That ain't gonna happen here.
  20. Very interesting piece here -- http://www.chicagobusiness.com/section/hq-- that explains the Chicago moves. Very minor mention of the "young talent" factor.
  21. Good luck with that, as the newly-formed entity goes bankrupt almost immediately.
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