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Everything posted by bobruss

  1. I think everyone has beaten this subject to death. Why don't we agree to disagree and move on.
  2. I'll take a five story apartment building with 350 people living in it over a dreary parking lot on the southside of downtown right now. Besides didn't you say there were 30 other blocks we could get the mid rise to hi rises built on. I think its important just to start getting as many people as possible into downtown and if it takes a couple of these smaller projects to grease the wheel, that's fine with me. That's more warm bodies living in downtown.
  3. I know they are moving along with demo but is there a date when demo is projected to be finished, and a time when construction of the tower will actually start?
  4. Thanks for the clarification. It looks interesting. just haven't been up in anything near it lately to see that view.
  5. Speaking of holes was anyone else around when they poured the slab for the two main towers of Greenway Plaza back when they were working on that project. I remember going there one night and seeing hundreds of cement mixers ringing the hole for the pour. If I remember correctly it was the largest concrete pour in Houston history. If I remember correctly they also had quite a few Ice trucks there to supply ice. Forgive me if I'm getting this wrong, but it seemed like someone explained they were doing it at night because of the amount of heat that that large a pour of concrete created. I believe they used the ice somehow in the pour. The hole they have dug for the new Hanover Morningside project is pretty impressive for the village.
  6. swtsig I know we are a little off topic but since you brought up the other ones I didn't notice you mention Apache. I know I read somewhere on here that Apache might not build on the site next to The Blvd. project. I hope this isnt so. It looked like a really nice design and would have really filled the gap. Have you or anyone else heard anything positive about this project?
  7. Rechlin since you obviously have access to some good views of this project. I was wondering in your birdseye view of the penthouse i notice in the background what looks to be a rooftop garden. The curve in the edge of the wall makes me think it might be the gap in the Hine's Main street building. Am I close?
  8. We walked from Sabine to Montrose last weekend and it's really going to be nice when finished. It was good to see so many people down there running biking and walking. And this is before it is even half finished. This is definitely going to improve the quality of life for all who use This area for recreation. The bridges are really nice and even though the plantings on the North side are in, it will be a while before everything starts to take hold and look natural, but you can get the feel of how the new contouring really makes a huge difference. I bet even more people start running this trail than Memorial if they can just figure out where to park.
  9. It seems like it took forever to get out of the ground. This will be fun to watch all three going up from this view. Hanover, Billiton, and Astoria. Thanks for the updates Skyline View!
  10. Urbannizer let me be the first to wish you an early happy birthday! I'm glad to bring you updates on this project. You provide us with so much inside material, and I know everyone enjoys getting it. This just happens to be a couple of blocks from my office.
  11. In terms of residential hi rises on the west side perhaps the possible sale of the police property on Washington and Houston Ave. and the Post Office on Franklin also could be the future site for a mixed use residential development. The views from there would be spectacular and Washington Ave is a straight shot into downtown
  12. What we are seeing is the tipping point for downtown. This is what the central core has needed to sustain growth and bring in more retail, and service oriented businesses. Its kind of a chicken and egg situation and in this case without the density no need for retail. I also think that for Midtown even though it has seen an incredible amount of infill over the last ten years, that once the MId Main and the MATCH centers both get built this will take Midtown to a new level. We will the start to see mid rises and hi rises being developed in the area. It won't be long before there is no gap between downtown and the Med center. I happened to be at Reliant for a cougars game a few weeks ago and when I reached the top ramp looking North through the med center from Reliant up to Downtown, and noticed what a truly remarkable view it has become and you really can see how it is starting to fill in .
  13. The problem with a pool on the SE corner is that it will be in the shade when everyone wants to sit out and get some sun in the afternoon. It should have gone on the southwest corner which is where the sun will be in the afternoons. I'm not to concerned but if they had been thinking thats how they should have oriented the pool. I'm just glad to see the building going up.
  14. So if I'm reading the rendering correctly this will not be directly on Montrose but behind the Chelsea mixed use development where Dantons is. This will be to the East of that center? Is this correct, and yes it does appear to show the pool on the southeast corner on the ground floor. Not above the garage. So its not next to the Museum towers but a little northeast of that building. It will definitely add to the cluster of museum/ Herman park/ lower midtown, highrises along with the addition of the Southmore by Hines on Caroline and the Hanover Montrose tower. I'm not even including the 42 story on and off twisting tower planned for Herman drive. This will really start to fill in the area between the med center and downtown. Now when they start adding a few towers in Midtown that have been talked about the gaps will start going away between D.T. and the Med center. Pretty exciting.
  15. I'm sure most of you have seen or heard about this but here is a link to a construction project in China. Its a 30 story hotel erected and complete in 15 days. I know its off topic but since people are always complaining about the slow pace of construction on different jobs I thought this would be entertaining to watch. https://www.youtube.com/embed/GVUsIlwWWM8?rel=0
  16. In the big picture this is a small matter. We should all be excited to see the two parking lots actually doing something positive for that side of town. I used to live in the Wagon works building on the corner of Crawford and Franklin and I can tell you it was pretty vacant over there. Now the tipping point is about to occur with this project and the three hotels about to break ground and HSPVA over there between Minute Maid and the Convention center, and people will be walking around the area maybe some service related shops will start considering development and more units will join them, and besides, not that many people spend time on the surface streets to even be aware that you can see the ball park from Main street. Everyone spends all of their time in the tunnels which I think sucks. It never looks like anyone's downtown. Its a shame more downtown workers don't spend more time on the sidewalks.
  17. Urbannizer you beat me to the list. Yours was more thorough. Sorry for the redundancy.
  18. Add to your list the Southmore residential high rise by Hines on Caroline and Southmore The two twelve story hotels near the new Marquis to go up next to convention center downtown Hines Market Square high rise Herman Park twisted high rise The Sovereign high rise on West Grey The Southampton residential by Hanover 12 stories in the Village under construction now Hanover High rise going up behind the new Whole Foods on Post Oak Apache next door Hyatt Regency Galleria Skanska old Maceys site and a few others that might will break ground
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