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Everything posted by bobruss

  1. This is a renovation and a garage. Most of the work on the building will occur on the inside so it wont ever look like a major construction site from the front side. I hope it goes well and they decide to build the high rise on the back side. Those renderings looked good.
  2. What happened to the plan to move the bus terminal? I remember reading somewhere that there was a plan in the works to relocate it. We lived for seven years in the old Wagon Yard project, at the same time they built Minute Maid. from 1997 until 2004 when we were all evicted by the fire marshall. Just around the corner was the Star of Hope and several other food drops. Some had even built a small tent city under the Elysian viaduct. We had street people in the area all the time and never was bothered or even approached. When people who live in the burbs start talking about the violence in the midtown and downtown areas, I have to laugh. Just watch the news any night and you'll see that most of the serious crime; murder, rapes, assaults, drive by shootings and break ins occur in the burbs. Remember that those people left the central city (white flight) to get away from the "Crime", and moved out to the burbs. Let them keep thinking that way. It makes it a lot easier to enjoy all of the wonderful things they have to drive back in to take advantage of. Washington Ave. wasn't much better not that many years ago. It will happen and it will happen fast since Midtown has reached the tipping point. And next will be the third ward.
  3. Smart marketing on Exxons part. Build subdivision way out in the boonies and make people use more gas to get downtown.
  4. Just can't get to excited about this project. The renderings make it look very second rate.
  5. It is nice but the downtown view will also have Greenway Plaza and the med center. Not to mention everything going up in between.
  6. Skyline view thanks for the updates. When you realize that in about two years the Astoria, the Billiton, the Apache Tower, the Hanover and the Post Oak Gables will all be added to this part of Uptown and with the addition of the proposed highrise on post oak near the Ziegler Cooper Highrises in the north end of the area, the skyline will run continuous from Woodway to 59 without much of a gap. Thats pretty amazing. Cant wait to see it.
  7. I thought he might be able to come up with something for the cistern also. That's a space I would like to see in person.
  8. It seemed I read where a group owned the building and were going to redevelop into residential or a hotel.' There was talk of it becoming a park but now this group has stepped forward.
  9. Sorry! I hope you realize what I meant. SkyHouse.
  10. Chevron Tower Hines 609 Main Marriot Marquis Skanksa Hines Market Square residential Sky Terrace Two twelve story hotels near convention center Lots of cranes and construction downtown, and this is just the confirmed projects.
  11. They are in discussions to use the space for long extended exhibits. Apparently Francois Menil was not interested in seeing the space used for anything else since he designed it specifically for the Byzantine frescoes, but over time this solution seems agreeable. I'd like to see what James Turrell could come up with. It has a retractable roof already. That's how they extracted the frescoes.
  12. I know this is off topic but since there is a discussion about facades being altered, I'd like to mention a building that is old and has a very brutal exterior that was added in the early sixties. I have seen pictures and vaguely remember it from my childhood the old Sears building in Midtown. I wish they would remove the siding and allow that building to live in its old glory. If anyone can post an image of it from its heyday I think everyone would agree that it needs back its original facade and a new life, Other than a Sears which doesn't seem to be doing that well. It could be repurposed for many different activities.
  13. They are planning to tear them all down but in phases. Those apts. represent a lot of revenue and they will keep as many as possible until a time when they can afford to turn the remaining space into some kind of commercial space that is in keeping with the overall campus. Definitely no hi rises.
  14. No, I was referring to the Richmont apartments. I live in one of the Menil houses that the apartments back up to. From what I could tell from the talk is they will redo the parking lot and cafe first while waiting for final plans for the drawing center, and I think they will build the drawing center in the area of the old n.w. Corner of the apartments and open up the fence next to the Twombley building to create a promenade to connect drawing center and Richmond Hall to the campus. They also have plans for another Twombley type space for another star artist they are courting. They also want to build a lecture hall eventually, but I don't think it will happen in my lifetime. They also recognize the importance of the bungalows and plan on renovating. As I posted before I think this neighborhood with it collection of bungalows will become an important part of their collection as one of the only intact contiguous neighborhoods of its era.
  15. I went to the Menil state of the museum panel discussion. They are tearing part of the western side and the back that backs up to the houses on Branard. They are going to build the drawing cente r being designed by a young architecture firm from the west coast. They should be getting images fairly soon. I think the empty lot with the large oak next to the Twombley will be opened up to have a walkway to the center.
  16. Although 2929 Weslayan is noteworthy to Houston, I think the Aqua tower in Chicago is much more noteworthy nationally since it was first and much more graceful being 80+ stories. 2929 Weslayan however is the most unique design in residential towers yet built in Houston. I wish the new Herman Drive 42 story wasn't going to have a flat roof on its twisting structure. I think it might have been more interesting if it had some setbacks as it went up.
  17. I love this project, but I wonder how this went under the Ashby High rise groups radar. Hanover was smart to keep this low key for as long as they did. Morningside is a much narrower street than Bissonnet but I guess they'll direct the egress out in the Kirby side direction. All the Village needs now is a grocery store. It doesn't need to be a big one, maybe the size of Trader Joe's. The village is the urban model everyone's been looking for in Houston.
  18. No, I don't, but maybe someone should consider it as a gift to the park. I was just making a comment that it would be nice to not see the power lines. I realize it takes money to do those kinds of things, but I didn't realize my comment would be taken the way you responded. I've seen others make the same comment about power lines in other areas and I just wish they could all be buried. Less stuff to get in the way of a nice project.
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