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Everything posted by tigereye

  1. Devon has a different shape. I think better comparison here is 1180 Peachtree. IMO, this has the sharp lines of 609 Main's body, but with the crown of 1180 Peachtree. Its a nice proposal...
  2. Your wish almost came true ...decades ago. That parking lot pic was taken from was the Bank of the Southwest Tower site.
  3. Should be interesting to see what 1110 Main Partners LP does with the Macy's Garage/Americana Bldng site once work finishes on 1111 Travis. They own both blocks
  4. Looks like there'd also be a Brazos St pedestrian thoroughfare from City Hall through Tranquility Pk & behind demo'd rear half of Bayou Place, connecting to Fish Plaza restaurant pad site. Also assuming the only the front half of Bayou Place up to Sundance Theater since they keep referencing Film Center examples. So that means the possibility of a new venue to replace the Verizon Wireless Theater. Where does the Hard Rock Cafe end up in all this? Jones Plaza had been rumored for a renovation for some time now. Interesting to see how it Tranquility Park shape up in this. With LED technology, the lighting plan for Alley Theater in particular could be a memorable addition... can't wait to see how that ends up.
  5. Correct. 1110 Main Partners LP owns both the Americana & Hilcorp Tower blocks. Last I heard, the building was to be renovated, that's why all of the existing businesses were forced out. But that was a while back ...surprised Subway is still open.
  6. I still think the planned GHP boutique hotel actually ends up here instead. IMO, it's just too prefect of a site, next to GRBCC & the ballpark, not to mention 2 blocks east of the Westin. With all the development down Texas Ave, it would make the perfect bookend.
  7. Those trees are definitely not new. They've been here, just bare for many months. No work has begun on the plaza as I walk the southbound lane daily to the office, a nice alternative compared to walking on crackhead corner. I thought Main St construction was supposed to start coinciding with Dallas St Shopping Corridor construction? I honestly can't wait as I think the roadwork will drive out the bums.
  8. I think a Pearl/Whole Foods development would be best suited for the Chronicle site facing Market Square. With the park and nearby residential towers, it could be really do well here. Plus, I think it's far enough from Phoenicia to spread coverage without negatively impacting eithe business.
  9. This is my source of disappointment. I wasn't expecting the W Hotel and didn't really care for the faux-brick exterior anyways. But the renderings at least showed a renovated Savoy potentially offering better street presence with all these windows.
  10. This is Embassy Suites-level disappointing. And the Embassy Suites may actually end up the better looking of the 2 projects. Oh well on the brightside, at least it won't be a run down vacant hobo-mansion like its neighbor, the Days Inn.
  11. It's possible this date is actually referring to completion of the entire project including apartments. I echo the sentiments of others before me, no way a garage takes 28 months to build. But I agree with Cloud, the "planned" fall start of vertical construction (as HBJ put it) may be too aggressive considering how long Block 334 took to construct its garage. So in the end, Campo will actually get his delay to hold off as long as possible in hopes construction costs fall. I'll predict a 2Q 2016 start on vertical construction on the apartments with completion by 9/18/2017
  12. I get that the article says he's deliberately slowed McGowen Station's construction but I take this is also speaking in past tense. IIRC, McGowen Station site work including garage was supposed to start last December. Construction has already been delayed, even on the garage. As for the garage, it's an amenity large enough to hand both park and apartment capacity. The mere fact that it's under construction to me means the apartments will happen at some point
  13. Not certain where everyone is getting the vibe of the apartments aren't moving forward. Campo himself is saying vertical construction on the apartment building will begin this fall. The garage is the foundation for the apartment building and has to be constructed first.
  14. The read I get on things is unlike Camden Conte, McGowen Station Apartments will move forward. The delay is obviously to allow for the garage to be built first, then the apartment building atop, a la Block 334. As for the Park, IIRC that's a Midtown Management District project (not Camden's) that is happening in conjunction with the apartments on the site.
  15. http://m.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2015/05/01/amid-low-oil-prices-camden-puts-brakes-on-houston.html?r=full
  16. Corpus TXDOT approved for a new $ 1 billion dollar bridge replacement of the current 1953-built span. Construction set to begin in 2016 and will take 5 years. When complete, the new 4-mile long span will become the longest cable-stayed bridge in the nation, 3rd longest in the world. http://www.kiiitv.com/story/28946603/new-harbor-bridge-to-be-longest-cable-stayed-bridge-in-nation http://i.imgur.com/HOotRiC.jpg
  17. Just passing this along: Nancy Sarnoff quoted Ric Campo as saying it will not start this year, maybe next. https://twitter.com/nsarnoff/status/594217713804816385
  18. Pic of the corner nook. Can't wait to see this area in particular when completed. https://twitter.com/thachadwick/status/593091653566537728 I'm at the Magnolia for the next few days for a company conference ...anyone have any requests of pics of certain areas?
  19. The view from inside GreenStreet https://twitter.com/thachadwick/status/592754268064653312 From high up... https://twitter.com/thachadwick/status/592756349622218754
  20. The Dallas name itself doesn't have to be erased from our city, just from Bagby to GRBCC where there are breaks from the other Dallas St alignments. As previously stated, given its connection to GreenStreet and Discovery Green, one option could be Green St. GreenStreet's prominent signage here already could easily help reinforce the rebranding. And since Allen Parkway flows naturally into Dallas St's current downtown alignment, a continuation of Allen Parkway could work
  21. Did we have any sort of sibling rivalry with the state of Louisiana (or vice versa)? There is a difference here, whether we choose or ignore it or not. Some will choose to take the high road and that's fine. I have a different view on this and will stick to my guns.
  22. Am I going deliberately into the Dallas threads and looking to pick fight? NO. That would be the petty nonsense that closes threads you speak of. I'm stating that in my opinion, I would not like to see Dallas Street keep its name if it's going to be marketed as a destination. Everyone is entitled to their opinion in a forum setting. If you don't like my opinion, don't respond.
  23. Don't be surprised to hear this line from our neighbors up north... "The nicest/best thing about Houston is Dallas Street" I'm sorry, I don't wanna hear this crap. Have some damn pride and give our neighbor to the north the middle finger they rightfully deserve. Rename the street.
  24. Just a random thought... Once upon a time, the East End Management District was pushing an idea for EaDo Promenade on the abandoned surface of what was Bastrop St. Original renderings showed a outdoor promenade lined with shopts, restaurants, water features and a focal point called Shenzen Garden. Renderings even came complete with KISS on stage lol. That idea turning into Sister Cities Promenade, which then became what it is today, a jogging trail. http://houston.culturemap.com/news/real-estate/02-01-11-sister-cities-promendade-plans-for-an-international-park-grow-around-the-dynamo-new-stadium/ With the new 45/69 combo trenched expressway, hopefully the possibility of 9 block-long deck park could resurrect the original vision of EaDo Promenade. The site would border GRB, BBVA and MMP ...seems like the perfect spot for EaDo Promenade, Part II
  25. Correct - Not a Pappadeaux, it is in fact a Pappas Bros Steakhouse. See end of article... http://blog.chron.com/foodchronicles/2014/08/pappas-adds-new-dining-concept-pappas-meat-co/#25891101=0
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