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Everything posted by brijonmang

  1. No need to get this thread off the rails again... Both of these stadiums are going to look great when finished. They are playing to two very different football cultures and address them each very well. UH is greatly improving their facility (and facilities!) while keeping the seating capacity where it needs to be. The design fits in with a lot of the new buildings going up on campus so in my opinion, job well done.
  2. This is my favorite Monarch-ism to date. Also, Triton thanks for all of the updates today. Greatly appreciated.
  3. This is probably one of the most documented concrete pours in Houston history... Looking at the webcam, it seems as though they are covering up the concrete with plywood or dirt...can't really tell since the webcam images aren't as nice as all of yours.
  4. Photos from Bobruss of Southampton provided by the Hanover Company: Hanover Southampton 1 by brijonmang, on Flickr Hanover Southampton 2 by brijonmang, on Flickr Also, make sure to check out his photos on the Marriot pour from earlier today in that thread.
  5. Here are the photos that Bobruss has for the Marriott pour from earlier today. Make sure to thank him for providing the forum with them. He also wanted to make sure that Morris was credited for getting him the great images. Marriott Houston Pour 1 by brijonmang, on Flickr Marriott Houston Pour 2 by brijonmang, on Flickr Also, make sure to check out the Southampton thread also for the photos he provided there.
  6. Wow those pictures do a lot of justice to just how much rebar is actually going into this thing. That's incredible. As far as making sure the concrete is evenly distributed throughout...I would think gravity is doing most of the work. There is going to be a LOT of concrete and the weight of all that alone will force the nooks and crannies to be filled in. Also, and Purdueenginerd can school me here if I'm wrong, but there will be workers following the pump hose ensuring that the concrete is getting down where they need it.
  7. Unfortunately I don't have a cool and crisp camera so I was 'that guy' using a tablet to take a panoramic photo from the sky lobby...however, I think it came out looking pretty good considering. There are a few places where the stitching is a little off but overall I'm really impressed with the camera on this tablet. Downtown Houston Panoramic from Chase Tower by brijonmang, on Flickr
  8. Sorry this is a day late but this was from yesterday: 20140812_125525[1] by brijonmang, on Flickr
  9. I was downtown earlier and got a really crappy picture from ground level. They had just lowered the crane base in. I'll post it later this evening.
  10. I was bored tonight and got carried away playing with sketchbook mobile. Here's a sketch I am working on for the tower. 609 main sketch by brijonmang, on Flickr
  11. I don't know anything about these guys but based on your account of the situation I would invest as much as humanly possible as I feel they are trustworthy beyond contention. Good luck and enjoy your forthcoming riches. Also, in regard to the "irregular activities"...might I suggest activia or metamucil.
  12. If you check out Google maps here, there is actually a pretty cool panoramic from on top of the apartment complex at sunset. Just drag the little google guy over the building and the little circle should appear for the street view.
  13. Well since someone already spilled the beans on the first one...I'll say that I like number two and looks like something that would be going up in Toronto right now. Residential towers are a dime a dozen or maybe even cheaper than that up there.
  14. I think that's pretty sweet they are incorporating the skyline on the Houston side. Unique little touch.
  15. A little bit of color would go a long way with this building. I may photoshop that last image that Urbannizer posted to see if a color scheme would liven it up a little.
  16. It looks like the googlemaps-mobile caught the big apartment fire from earlier this year on Dallas street.
  17. I'm not sure of the specifics of the schools mentioned already but I know at Texas Tech we had $300 included in our tuition as an "athletics fee" that covered your tickets to go to every sporting event for the year. Obviously, if you didn't go to the sporting events it may be somewhat of a nuisance for you but it helped keep our programs running and if you DID go to the sporting events it turns out to be a pretty good deal. You could go to 7 or 8 football games, ~18 basketball games (boys and girls), ~20 baseball or softball games, volleyball...everything. Just swipe your student ID as you went through the gates. Sounds like the same philosophy as UH just with the initial charge. $300-$400 for an entire year of sporting events IS a great deal even if you're a poor college student.
  18. Well that fits the third quarter start time. Guess things are still on schedule.
  19. The Transbay Tower is coming to Houston? That is an ambitious master plan, but it looks great. Hopefully we can get some more info on this before too long. Thanks for all the updates today Urbannizer!
  20. Those views appear to be from last fall/early winter based on the trees and development of other buildings in the shots. Very nice views from the upper floors. Triton, I haven't seen that angle before. Uptown and Greenway kind of merge together and look really cool from that perspective. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Technically there is dirt in the lower left hand corner
  22. I would hope God's tool set would have a little more variety...say a tape measurer or ball peen hammer. Otherwise we would be hit with the cliche "God's wrench set" moniker from jealous metros.
  23. Just FYI, my comment about Swtsig was meant as tongue-in-cheek since he/she is one of the major sources of new information when it comes to developments here. Didn't mean to start a discussion on who's an expert on what. Also, I wasn't able to edit my original comment so I had to post a new one. Any one else have issues with editing a post?
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