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Everything posted by august948

  1. It's been a few years since I flew into OAK. Do they still run shuttle buses to the nearest BART station? I heard that they were going to put in a rail connection of some sort. Sooner or later I'm going to have to go back on a business trip. Thinking I might try SFO for a change.
  2. It's interesting that each generation seems to have a "where were you when..." event that we all remember. For my generation it seems to have been the Challenger disaster. For my parents it was the Kennedy assasination. For my grandparents it was Pearl Harbor. 9/11 does double-duty with me, though I was much older when it happened. That weird feeling you have reminds me of the Mindset List ( http://www.beloit.edu/mindset/ ) put out by a couple of professors at Beloit College. In just a few years, I'm sure the list will include an entry that the incoming freshman don't remember the world before 9/11. As it is, the current list has this as it's first entry... On a lighter note, I found this as I read down the list... Way back when I attended Baylor, there was a persistant rumor that if dancing were allowed on campus, half of the buildings would have to be torn down due to clauses put in by donors.
  3. So much for "peak oil" and "The End of Suburbia", huh?
  4. It seems as though a lot of buildings are done in this sort of bland box style Is this sort of thing really popular in the architectural community or is its prevalence due more to clients coming in and saying "give me a big, cheap box and dress it up a little"?
  5. Was there yesterday and visited the Verizon destination store and the Whole Foods bar/brewery. Fresh brewed makes a big difference. We need more of that here. Nice having the parking under the store. A neat feature of the underground parking is that they have colored lights hanging over each space so you can see from a distance which spaces are open and which spaces are filled.
  6. Houston is at the bottom of the list at +8% vs fundamentals. Austin is at +19%. I think we can wait this one out. You mean like this one?
  7. Are you hoping for a drastic downturn so you can afford to move out of your parents house?
  8. Obviously, the issue would be that it quits running somewhere along your trip.
  9. So the city prohibits the use of clunker cars in Uber's service? Is that a bad thing?
  10. By which time the current oil price correction might well be over. We'll see how long the Saudi's can keep it together.
  11. Some projects will get delayed and more houses will get built, probably out in the suburbs. Rents on apartments will go down. Driving will be cheaper so we can do more. Oil and gas will keep flowing. Not too bad for a correction.
  12. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/economy/article/Falling-oil-prices-cloud-the-forecast-for-Houston-5907720.php We'll be just fine...and with cheaper gas prices it's easier than it's been in years to live off the Grand Parkway. Look for a boom in suburban house building to meet the pent up demand. It's a win for us either way.
  13. I'd like to hear the argument they used for being 20 mph over the speed limit. "But officer, it's reasonable and prudent for ME to drive over the speed limit. My car is German-engineered for the Autobahn!"
  14. It's the voting mechanism. Whenever someone votes, it displays the last post with the last voting time.
  15. Way to ignore the point I was making...completely.
  16. Debunking GasLand... http://energyindepth.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Debunking-GasLand.pdf I'd just cut and paste it but it's 11 pages long. By my count it debunks at least 50 points made in the film, and lists them by time point in the film. Here's another..."‘Gasland Part II’ director uses hoax as evidence against fracking" http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/08/gasland-part-ii-director-uses-hoax-as-evidence-against-fracking/ It seems very strange that Saudi Arabia, among many other countries, can have exported hydrocarbons for many decades, made huge profits, employed thousands upon thousands of their citizens, built infrastructure from from nothing and, apparently, you think the US can't do the same.
  17. And will it magically move from the well to Europe via a great big pink unicorn? Are you arguing that we should not export oil and gas?
  18. The Bible doesn't directly address gambling. But, it doesn't directly address dancing or shooting pool either but both activities have traditionally been looked poorly upon by certain religious denominations.
  19. May not have to wait for the legislature to decide..they will be able to go offshore. http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Casino-boat-coming-to-Texas-in-January-5845419.php
  20. It's a different business model for the same industry. Taxi companies will adjust or lose. My guess is that they will adjust. So you have at least two competitors in the same market, three if Lyft happens to also be there and maybe more if it turns out to be profitable. Should be a net benefit for consumers in both cost and service.
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