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Everything posted by houstonfella

  1. Question. With all the vacant office space in downtown Dallas, does that mean they have given up on filling downtown Dallas and are focusing on Uptown? I see, kinda, like that happens in Houston, in that Energy Corridor can't get enough space, but downtown still has like 19 percent vacancy or something. Probably just the way we do it down here in Texas. ?
  2. The Jennings Island twin towers would be so cool. I really hope that this can come to fruition. I know there are enough gazillionaires in the Bayou City to afford a 4th home over there.
  3. NYC is small in land area and filled with high rises and taxis. I wouldn't give a plug nickel to live there. Been there too many times and was sooo glad to be back in H-town. Did enjoy Avenue Q (the musical) though.
  4. We've got Clots and 10-11 records. Am I missing something here??????
  5. SA is a cultural wasteland. Sorry, that is strong. It isn't, however, Houston or Dallas or Fort Worth in this regard. There is much work to be done in SA. To brag about its size, you have to realize the lack of amenities that, when compared to the bigs, SA just doesn't have. But SA certainly has lots of cool things and I see a happening future and wish the Alamo City well. I'd rather spend the night on the SA Riverwalk than spend the night in Austin or Dallas; the Riverwalk is very unique.
  6. Next weekend: hot air balloons ... about 500 of 'em. I have a friend who lives on Clear Lake and can't wait to have omelets and champagne and OJ.
  7. bret.... we'll be disappointed too. You seem like a Houston fit. I have enjoyed your posts and, even if you cannot make it down here, stay tuned.
  8. Last night when I drove to the Texans' game I noticed the Dome. It definitely could use a tenant. With the right mix, this thing could work well. I'd love to have a room there and a place to put my head after the game and spending a zillion dollars on those 7 dollar beers. Bring it on.
  9. Van Gundy had better start winning some games for that to work Hurry up Pavilions. We need you! Virgins too.
  10. Just between us or is it we Texans? .... August is hotter than hell - no matter where you are. Houston's a little cooler but the humidity runs up the heat index to near the triple digit mark. D-FW hits 103 etc. almost daily in August. But the cool thing in Houston is we are the most air-conditioned city in the world. Astros, Texans ... we play in or out ... in Oct. roof opens, in August definitely closed. Don't have to worry about baseball in 97 degree heat. Plus, winter in Houston is only an extension of fall into spring. I haven't lost a banana tree in years from a freeze. Not even when Galveston got blanketed with snow, what a couple of years ago? But we all tire from the heat come September. Enough is enough .... and then October (it is anyone's guess if halloween will be cool, warm or hot). Houston ... it's worth it.
  11. Don't under estimate Houston's tolerance. Interracial couples don't get a second look. My best friends: a black and white couple (oh, by the way, gay).
  12. Here in the Bayou City this week, over 2000 became American citizens representing 117 countries. Diverse Houston. Perhaps that is my favorite thing.
  13. I found this link from Dallas Morning News IAH Growth
  14. Let 'em have their fun. After all, Dallas needs something to brag about.
  15. I agree that the Heights, Montrose or similar neighborhood would be great for FW fella moving down. That way you won't have a long commute and are close to all Houston's cultural things. Welcome to H-town. And we have had a particularly cool summer. No triple digits.
  16. SF and LA have better summer weather for the games. Also, they are ultimate tourist destinations; makes sense to me. SF seems the better of the two, but either city has what it takes to make the events a success.
  17. Is a blob with many different names a more unique blob than with one name? The blob that ate North Texas, er, southern OKIE, with many names is still a blob. That's life in the bigs.
  18. If you circle 16 counties, parishes, whatever, in southeast texas known as Greater Houston, you'd have 6 mil folks as well. In reality, of course, Houston retains its America's Fourth City title and Houston alone is big, sprawling and getting bigger. Of course, our Fortune 500 companies (2nd only to NYC) paint an impressive portrait. Not to say Dallas and its 750 Oklahoma counties shouldn't be considered a force to take lightly. But Houston and her Bays and Gulf of Mexico should never be under-estimated. And we constantly get under-estimated by the northestern press and california as well. Great going, I'd say, to Texas' two 'mega tropolises.' If Houston and Dallas were not growing and competing, then we'd lose out in Texas. That, fortunately, will not happen. Let's go Hou, Dal, Aus, SA, and any other city in the Texaplex that would like to brag on its own merits. Texas is No. 1 in my heart and I love watching our metro areas kick butt ... this one is for Atlanta, Chicago, Phoenix, etc. So, Dallas, go ahead on with your 6.2 or is it now 6.6 million population? But one thing is for sure, this sunbelt state knows how to grow 'em big.
  19. I have always thought how crazy. Houston to Austin. No freeway. Not even a friggin toll road that has no traffic lights. Must be the fuzzy math.
  20. I totally agree that Essence belongs in New Orleans. I would have preferred it to be anywhere but in Texas. Let's just say, "Don't let the door hit you in the rear end on the way out of Houston."
  21. Official NBA finals thread. Except the threads are about the friggin soccer world cup. Am I missing something here? Or is it that Mark Cuban's chokers are less entertaining than the Belgium Burpers?
  22. Thanks NMain for that drawing. If it works out that beautifully, I will totally elated about the project. Since it will be the premier park for downtown, it has to be the best.
  23. I would like for some of the dirt they are excavating be placed to make the area have some small hills along with a lake, fountain etc. A little elevation etc. would make a far more lovely park. I think.
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