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Everything posted by houstonfella

  1. Yeah, you are right Tam. Weather there and here are so much alike except when those wimps in Dallas get off for "snow" days and the "snow" is .000009 inches.
  2. Plastic ... you are out there but I do enjoy your posts even though they are sometimes way, way out there. Coolness ... keep us cool cuz you can.
  3. And of course Dallas would never have mosquitoes! Seriously, though, Dallas gets real nice weather beginning in Sept. Houston usually missing those fronts because they simply stall somewhere around Huntsville and we don't get 'em. Of course, in January, we are really delighted about not getting those "northers". Anyhow, all said and done, Texas is hot; Texas is humid; Texas is the best state in the US of A. But why Dallas/FW didn't build a retractable roof stadium still baffles me. But why should I care? I'm an astronomical Astros fan. Houston invented comfortable sports. Kudos to our otherwise hot and humid and mosquito-infested swampland. But I love my town. Yes I do. Ernesto, take a hike.
  4. You are too funny to me. I love your posts as well as those of Red Scare or whatever his login is and Hizzyl You all think like I do .... we are out there but know what we are sayin'.
  5. Ouch! Had no idea that we had so many HAIFers with feelings like I have. Nagin is nagging to me. I am a democrat, but good grief, my party has to look to winners, not losers. Thanks for all your input. I am not insane in my thinking... but could be insane just because
  6. Since the park is on the east side of downtown, I like EastHo
  7. OK. It is 2:26 a.m. on Saturday morning in Texas. Dallas: 90 degrees with heat index of 93 Houston: 81 degrees with heat index of 86 Don't try getting out of your element, Dallas, because you are HOT in August up there. Yes, we'll have days in Sept. that Dallas will be so nice and cool and we'll be sweatin' but right now, we have had the best summer in years. And Houston is the most air-conditioned city on the planet. Reliant loves our money and quite frankly I love Reliant. Ernesto ... get outta here .... don't even think about it. Go straight to Mexico!!!
  8. I think it is the crack pipe. Whitney Houston would fall in love with Bin Laden or should I say Been Layden.
  9. You've got a point. Lighting up Galveston's downtown and pier area would really make a difference. George Mitchell, where are you now?????
  10. Park of the Americas. Is that too like flag waving? How about Park Houston. Sounds like a parking lot eh? Whew. I'm sweatin' this one. I'll leave it to people that have creative minds. I try hard, though.
  11. No one is pessimistic re naming the park. It is just the right name... and someone will come up with it, trust me. I remember when we were naming our newsletter at work. Heard some names that were so so and then, wella, a cool name popped up and there it was. We have lots of creative people in this town and one of them will throw in a name for the park that we can't resist.
  12. Actually, Houston has more gays than Dallas Ft Worth combined. I lived in SF in 1980 and that is definitely the gayest place I have ever been. DFW is ok, but their gay pride parade is little and, well, why bother the drive up there? Houston's Pride is No. 1 in the Southwest and more of a Mardi Gras than parade. Speaking of being out and about, no we don't kiss and make out and all that ignorant stuff when we are in straight environments. But we joke, laugh and I have given my boyfriend an occasional hug. And people in nearby tables can hear your conversations and we don't tone it down because, hey, we're here, we're queer and people need to deal with it. In Houston, we haven't had any problems with that type of thing. H-town is used to gays and interracial couples are so common that a stare would surprise me. I am sure, of course, that people have encountered rednecks which, God forbid, I won't even go there and keep my distance. I think America is getting so much better with tolerance of alternative lifestyles. That is a good thing. troyboy, you are more hip than you ever realize. In fact, you are totally cool.
  13. Kimberly, I think you and I have come up with a new season: Falling .... Fall and Spring .... But I am with you on that winter thing. It sucks. Winds howling from the north and pipes breaking because it is a friggin deep freeze. Houston, we are No. 1 when it comes to winter. Houston has two seasons: Summer and Falling. Nice ring to it. I am so clever I'm scared
  14. Is it me, or is he just working my nerves? I see him all the time with his opinionated self and there is a certain turn-off that comes over me. If it is just my attitude re Nagin, then I can cope. But does anyone else feel like, OK, Ray, I am like totally over you and your big mouth?????
  15. Speaking of Hobbit, one thing that always remains true: Houston - Expect the Unexpected!
  16. Velvet needs to stop wearing velvet in the summertime in Houston Don't worry, Dallas, your 20 degree winter nights are coming.... my banana trees are producing like rabbits because winter is elusive in H-town. I say this because I HATE winter. I HATE winter. I know others who do too.
  17. The Dome will be a great hotel playground. We have the Rodeo, Texans' games and a whole lotta s**t going on down there. A hotel on the grounds at Reliant won't have any problems with folks wanting to stay there. The deal is, make it nice - very nice - and make it a destination hotel where people want to go rather than simply another Gaylord. And lord are you gay?
  18. How about "This Park Could be Made in a Minute" lol.... seriously..... what kind of name would fit. Central no. The Oasis. Park of the Americas. Park Houston. Jeez.... this is a tuff one.
  19. When the four of us go out to dinner etc., people know. You're not that hip troyboy, but that's ok. We love you anyway. Houston is definitely the most tolerant city in this part of the nation and is only getting better. I love my town and feel comfortable here. Shucks, we have domestic partner benefits at work now. Of course it is costing me a fortune to keep my sweetheart in insurance but it is so worth it. Two thumbs way up for Houston's tolerance.
  20. Dude, the folks that come up with financing in the range of half a billion can do what they want with the dome. We po folks can only dream.
  21. I have logged in countless times this summer to check the weather in H-town and Dallas. Dallas is hotter than hell. Heat indices always are 100+. Right now, at around 4 a.m. it is 91 degrees heat index up there. OK, it is 84 degrees heat index here, but please ........ admit it Dallas, you are damned HOT and that is not a compliment. I am glad to be in Houston where our intermittent rainstorms bring the heat down to tolerable levels. Humidity, no prob. Heat index of 108, yuck..... just my 2 cents of nuttin. I love Texas, Dallas and Houston and Austin and SA and all the other towns. But I LOVE Houston.
  22. It seems like only yesterday that no one would have ever thought of taking a cruise from Galveston or Houston. Now Galveston has vaulted to No. 5 in the USofA. And Houston, too, has gone from zero to sumpin sumpin quickly. Cool. That's what water will do for ya! I think Houston isn't trying to take away from Galveston's cruise ship growth, but that Houston just wants to have a piece of the action too. Seems there is plenty to go around for both ports. Hmmm.... I might just start looking for some trips to take this winter from either port. That way, I won't have to do anything but drive my car to the port and get onboard. Yay!!!! Works for me.
  23. Cool. Thanks for the info. Didn't know downtown Houston was down to 17%. Perhaps some new towers on the horizon for downtown?
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