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Everything posted by HtownWxBoy

  1. Yea, he picked Palin b/c she was a woman and he wanted to get all of the ticked off Hillary supporters... how bad did that backfire!
  2. Took my boyfriend Downtown to eat lunch Saturday after I got off work... wanted to go to HOB but it was closed to the public b/c of the Grand Opening! So, we went to the Spaghetti House... one of our fav places!
  3. OMG I LOVE IT!! That's the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear them complain!!
  4. They are just bitter and angry that America has become inspired by a Democrat and not a Republican.
  5. You're right, those conservatives who think the earth is a couple thousand years old and that a senior citizen built an arc and collected 2 of every animal on earth are really really smart.
  6. It's called being angry and bitter... they are just being an "Obama-hater".
  7. Wow! *cough* *bitter and angry* cough* Colin Powell endorses Obama for president http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27265369/
  8. So looking forward to a democrat in the white house w/ a democrat controlled house and senate... religious nut-jobs will finally have NO SAY.
  9. OMG I know it's crazy... the Lowes and Home Depot on the north loop have all of their Xmas stuff out... crazy!!
  10. Oh I totally agree. Ha ha... yes, some are ig-nert.
  11. Wow that would be awsome... taking over an entire tower! Guess we will have to build yet another tower Downtown. "Discovery Tower is designed to have 871,000 square feet of space upon completion. Hess is said to be considering leasing the extra 71,000 square feet to keep anyone else from taking space in the building being developed by Trammell Crow Co. next to Discovery Green park." This line made me chuckle... ha ha... it's like... "This is OUR tower and you can't come in! ". If there is demand for space they will want to build... securing financing would be the only tricky part w/ the way the economy is now.
  12. People in rural areas are definitely more conservative (socially especially)... and sorry if this angers people but there is probably a higher percentage of those who are prejudice or racist in these rural areas. That's not saying everyone is racist... I am saying there is a higher percentage of those who are. This also doesn't mean all of these people want to join the KKK... they may not "hate", they just may not like or trust people of a different race b/c of things they believe are true. When you live in a more diverse area like a big city you tend to become more educated and open-minded b/c you are exposed to others who are different from you.
  13. I am from eastern PA... the better half!! ha ha ha Western PA (what Murtha was talking about) is a little bit more "backwards"... there are racist people there... but there are racist people everywhere, including where i grew up. Everyone thinks Pennsylvania is liberal b/c it's in the Northeast... the cities are very liberal, but most of the state is rural / suburban... these areas are obviously more conservative.
  14. I thought it would be nice if everything opened together, but if some stores are ready to open and they can open and begin making money why not just let them open.
  15. Yea, I was hoping more stuff would open this month but what are you going to do.
  16. I'm a libertarian who almost always votes Democrat... I will be voting for Obama in this election... I don't expect Texas to go for Obama but I still want my voice heard. I am originally from PA... my vote would have counted much more up there! ha ha
  17. Whenever I go to A&F or Hollister there are always shoppers there... I wouldn't want there to be many more b/c you would be bumping into them all the time.
  18. Not sure... I believe HOB has a restaurant that may have been open... I saw them putting the finishing touches on M&S... didn't really see anything else... but I didn't really look around the entire place.
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