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Everything posted by musicman

  1. that i agree with. to be honest..this is the first yr i didn't go out to shop. still using all the 50 pack blank cd's i bought last yr for 4.99.
  2. 2, with the second being an almost total ripoff of other artists' arrangements.
  3. i believe they started in the 80's. many are still around and just dont skate as much. they do still joust, the younger ones that is.
  4. bought me a sony bravia last week cheaper than i've seen it this week. now a camera is in my sights from bestbuy.com
  5. no groundbreaking on richmond line til financing figured out. meanwhile, metro dug themselves another hole by signing a long term gas contract which locked prices for them. now that prices have dropped they are paying more than they have to.
  6. looks like whataburger is his/her favorite restaurant.
  7. ultimately it may be. they are supposedly gathering data for a few months to see traffic usage patterns, etc.
  8. i think you're talking ella wishes you a swingin christmas which is a great cd. i do agree with the ones above but would add Johnny Mathis - Merry Christmas - is probably my favorite off all time with percy faith arranging. very traditional. some others that are worth a listen andy williams - red album peggy lee - christmas carousel for the jazz fans kenny burrell have yourself a soulful little christmas ramsey lewis the sounds of christmas jimmy smith christmas 64 the christmas cocktail albums by capital records are great if you like lounge type stuff. EDIT: don't forget phil spector's a christmas gift for you. that is another classic.
  9. enjoyed the interaction between the two Presidents. good to see powers boothe back as well even if it's only temporary. the female Pres looks like she could have a mean streak which would be great.
  10. well i'm not sure who's going. if all my mom's side of the family goes then it's 30 or so people. the baker guy is elderly and really enjoys doing this with his family. they'll probably sell about 300 of them. it's just too easy to pay him! even though he's from norway, he makes great hojarascas too.
  11. musicman

    big balls

    i think he's talking like these
  12. will be doing the family thing at my aunt's. since i don't bake well, i'm bringing apple, pecan, lemon merenge and pumpkin pies from a baker in the hood. i'm looking forward to that turkey sandwich with cranberry salad as dressing for leftovers.
  13. don't buy pecan there. horrible. i'd rather eat the dot's pies and no ridiculous line.
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