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Everything posted by gene

  1. i must have missed it somewhere but what in the heck is that odd building in the last couple of photos? everytime i drive by i wonder why it is what it is haha! (or why it looks like it does and who in the heck would occupy such a thing!)
  2. HAHA! all incredible memories for sure! i will say their music has evolved so much...especially since he achieved sobriety 3 years and 8 months ago...his voice is stronger than ever and his live performances are more powerful than ever! of course the whole band is amazing!!! crossing fingers they play a show here!
  3. Just sent all this info to my best friend and his band's management company!!! i am dying to see Blue October play this place!!! Hoping it happens as they will be touring in support of their new cd coming out this April!
  4. yeah wow love all these photos and updates...keep it up
  5. I must have missed that was happening!!! i will go back and read through unless someone wants to just let me know...is the ferris wheel down for good or just relocating it to the expansion etc?
  6. my buddy and i were shooting saturday and i brought this place up to him and he was like, oh yeah remember i told you i just moved to sort of the heights area? well i actually rented the place across the street!!! i told him to go work there as that place really is going to be awesome (although i am not sure how i feel about the different shaped arches as well haha!) (and yes he does have private parking so he wont have to worry about that thank goodness) i may go check out the tower tomorrow after work!
  7. omg that damn race!!!! it better have been for a good charity because it took me one hour to get from my home to brasil on westheimer for brunch yesterday!!!!!!!!!! (i live directly across the street from the galleria but all road heading east were completely blocked...and we were starving haha!!!) great pic though edit to say i just saw it was for the houston marathon... doh!
  8. no from what i understand Shake Shack will be where saks fifth avenue is now but at the far right corner next to the new saks they are building...(as the old saks will turn into lots of new shops and a food court and restaurants...)
  9. i am sooOOOOOOOoooOOoooOooo trying to hate this as much as everyone else but i just dont for some reason... oh well! haha!
  10. slowly but surely GRB is going to finally look awesome!!! such an exciting project! thanks for the great photos and updates!!!
  11. wow cool info about La Table as i always avoided that place after my first visit at the old version...this new version looks bright and airy and really nice... thanks for the update!
  12. this development is dying without these restaurants...they need to hurry up and get these open stat!!!! it will definitely bring more people to the shops and make it feel more lively for sure...
  13. it was packed this weekend for breakfast and lunch!
  14. man seriously so excited about this place...thanks all for the updates and photos! i plan to frequent this develepment often!!!
  15. what are you doing so close to my house and not coming by to say hi!? its been forever brijonmang!
  16. I was of course talking about the woodlands in general...when i lived there, greenspoint (gunspoint) was the closest mall and there was no shopping and like 2 restaurants so we went to Casa Elena every night (and Claytons was the only real grocery store...) may both r.i.p. Oh AND THE big thing to do was go ice skating at the woodlands athletic center then shop at Soundbox music store for record...yes, records! haha! loved that!
  17. my brother in law is in the higher ups at Howard Hughes and he loves this new development they were relocated to! we went to eat at Fogo De Chao the monday after Christmas and it was nice seeing all this new development! (i grew up in the woodlands and was one of the first people to live there in 1974...its funny because graduating highschool i couldnt imagine anything worse than living where there was nothing to do except ride bikes on cool bike paths...and now look at this place...wow! haha!)
  18. So far, the closest thing seems to be the Taverna Coffee shop which is shown here at the bottom middle facing westheimer: http://www.riveroaksdistrict.com/shops/directory but i am surprised a dessert or candy shop has not been added, although there is certainly room for one...crossing fingers for something awesome or that Taverna Coffee has some great pastry selections etc... which by the way, anyone looking for the best gingerbread cookies ever, go to Crave Cupcakes! Houston Press just named them the best gingerbread cookie in houston and they would be correct! (super soft and great ginger flavor and decorated perfectly) !!!
  19. Taken last night at Panera while getting their freaking awesome Christmas cookies (cannot figure out how in the heck to make this right side up...sorry! haha!)
  20. fyi i have never had El Real ask for my license for proof!
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