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Everything posted by gene

  1. thanks so much Monarch!!!! really appreciate it!
  2. haha i wish that was my body! im a photographer, and for that photograph i am the photographer, not the model...that is my noggin in the avatar pic however
  3. first off i NEED that candle!! i love candles haha! and in response to your question...IF the iPic is in the same exact building then they certainly were trying to keep that from as they pointed far to the back north west corner and said "its way over there on the 2nd story and you cant get to it today...sorry!" You asked about the decorative pavement and thats funny that i cannot remember anything about it haha...it was just so lushly landscaped and all the buildings looked so amazing once within the complex i never looked down that i remember...so maybe just regular sidewalks? but again, they went all out with beautiful landscaping...and just to decor and feel made me love it all. Security and maybe some property management types were all out and about prohibiting anyone from walking beyond the Cartier store and when you are within the compound you do get a feeling of a little mini maze of a village so you cannot see much from where you are except what is immediately around you if that makes sense... SO, get back to Houston so we can check it out when its all open...bring your wallet and i will let you know what i want for Christmas!!!
  4. here ya go and thanks again for all the awesome help! seriously love this site! hope you like it (for those that wanted to see it ...for those that didnt. sorry!!!) (note, once published or placed on the comp card etc, i am not sure which way they will rotate the photo as it looks cool standing up or upside down as well!)
  5. okay okay i would if i knew how haha! i tried the image button but since the photo isnt published anywhere (it just exist on my computer) i cant figure out how to! if someone wants to send me a private message with how to post the photo i will go back and edit this with the upload
  6. haha it was a photoshoot of a male model in speedo and goggles but super cool and when turned sideways it looks like he is diving... just a cool pic but more artsy and of the stairs and not the building! that NSFW was funny though!!!
  7. i was able to finally go check out Cartier and walk around a little bit although man security here is tight and very concerned with everyone's safety in the unfinished areas which i understand but man i just want to see the one place i can afford here and thats the movie theater! Haha! one worker was nice enough to let me know its on the back North west corner of the development on the second floor...i just couldnt get close to see it... anyway...over by Cartier i will say that walking around this development does feel special and does feel high end and super nice...i was actually excited just seeing it all up close! bet its going to be beautiful at night all lit up.... anyway...cant wait for October when most everything opens!!!
  8. i went there yesterday for a photoshoot...got an amazing photo on the stairs that lead from the sunrise building down the lost lake level that no one here probably wants to see haha but it was packed with families all walking around checking it out and enjoying the beautiful weather and this beautiful new area!!! cannot wait for it to open!
  9. if they were smart they would use some of the upper decks for restaurants etc to make the most of those views!
  10. Cartier is now open in ROD! Congratulations and while i may not be able to purchase anything there ( ), i will definitely be checking it out this weekend along with the rest of the development!
  11. Cartier is NOW OPEN in ROD! Congratulations! while i may not be able to purchase something there, i will definitely stop in...and check out the whole development! (just fyi, since i realized i posted this on the wrong thread )
  12. i wonder if they will add a "swimming with the tigers" experience? that would be really cool...
  13. i just wanted to add that the landscaping done over the past weekend along westheimer is really top notch and lush...i love it..while i didnt get a picture i am sure someone will post their awesome photo updates soon enough!
  14. "I don't know much about the project, just saw it. Looks like they're trying to expand the world's finest under-freeway amusement park!" omg that description made me laugh out loud!!! thanks!
  15. i live 2 blocks aways and it is indeed super nice...i wouldnt say that when i drive by i go omg that place is spectacular by any means as they are keeping it so far very nice, neat, clean, nondescript if that makes any sense at all...but it is nice and love that they are really trying to landscape the area with lots of oak trees and lush plants (and flowers) etc...i do like it alot and it may look way more impressive once the shops that face the street are up and open etc...i keep saying this and will say it again, i wont be able to afford or frequent most of the shops there but i dont know how to cook and i love the movie going experience so i will be at the restaurants and movie theater often! I often check in on the cam just to see whats going on as for now they have all the interior of the project blocked from pedestrians... that will change Sept 3rd when the first store opens! The other stores (and restaurants) follow in late september/october and iPic opens Oct 31st! Cam: http://www.earthcam.net/projects/olivermcmillan/rod/?cam=cchd and i didnt know you worked abroad Monarch! Where are you these days?
  16. amazing news!!! seriously excited about this project!!!
  17. wow how cool! cant wait to check this all out in person!
  18. great photos and man i am so excited to see this get a face lift in such a big way!!!
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