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Everything posted by gene

  1. yay the main stage! hope y'all dont mind but i will remind everyone one last time... GO SEE MY BEST FRIEND HEADLINE THIS STAGE TOMORROW AT 915PM! #blueoctober haha!
  2. yeah but tomorrow it will be so it was just a warning since i did the same thing but i saw it will be a problem starting this weekend...also i mainly meant the lawn portion as the ice skating rink had quite a few people skating and of course you could walk around the little lake/pond...
  3. yeah quite a few hotels and buildings have been decorated with banners etc! even the compass bank building here at on Post Oak in Uptown has a huge banner on it! not to mention we have a ton of Super Bowl street banners on light poles etc in my part of town...it really has taken over the city...and i love it! and hey just booked one of my best friends at the Marriott Marquis for this Sunday night in a King Corner "larger" room with Discovery Green view at 299.00 for his Honeymoon night! A group of us with be there celebrating with them that night after 730pm probably in the lobby bar...look for us
  4. went with some buddies last night to the area and walked around a bit however most of Discovery Green itself is now taken over by the various news and nfl experience venues and is closed off...however you can walk along Avenida Houston and see the restaurants and the GRB lobby etc. We went to the Marriott to show them around and show them the pool deck. Some guys were filming a rap video up there so we got to watch that a bit haha! Then went to the 29th floor since you can look out the window of the elevator lobby area there and see the texas shaped lazy river from there...then we headed to Biggios for appetizers and drinks and really love the many huge screens they have and watched some killer snowboard action on the biggest single screen in Houston maybe. I loved the french fries by the way haha! Fun night and wow our city looks great! Hope to see everyone Saturday night at Super Bowl Live!!!
  5. wow what an amazing transformation! thanks for the update photos! love that building and yep, Dream Merchant Westheimer is where i bought my first ever pair of Dr. Martens!
  6. if that top picture above is the main stage for superbowl live, then dont forget to go there this saturday the 28th to see my best friend up on the stage headlining that night at 915pm!!! just a reminder gene #blueoctober
  7. love me some shake shack... http://houston.eater.com/2017/1/24/14369622/shake-shack-steel-city-pops-east-montrose-opening-houston
  8. I was in the area Saturday for a photoshoot so afterwards i walked over to the Marriott... i introduced myself to the front desk manager and asked if it was okay to look around and she said of course and that they have many public rooms so feel free to explore...so i did! Biggios wasn't open but the bartenders let me walk around down and upstairs... then i checked out the Texas T coffee area on the ground floor which was like a mini open to the lobby Starbucks but my gosh they had some amazing looking desserts! Then checked out the Walker St Cafe which was the casual but still nice restaurant which was pretty full of people enjoying breakfast... and saw the open to lobby bar which had a nice little ambiance in a nook in the wall setting... its not the lobby's ceiling that makes the lobby look massive but the length that it stretches end to end with the shiny white floor...it really is impressive and with so many windows, its just super bright and beautiful! I walked to the meeting room levels and the rooms were what you would expect from a nice hotel with meeting rooms...nice carpets, fixtures and then outside of the meeting rooms there's lots of seating with the amazing windows and views to enjoy them from...there were quite a few areas that you could get away from it all if you wanted to. Then there is the pool area...first off there was a sign saying that this area was for hotel guests only....however there was a nice man there handing out towels and never asked myself or anyone for a room key so i walked on out to look at the pool and views from this level (6). The pool is an infinity pool and while not huge it was a good size and had about 5 people in it so i am hoping it was heated...however the lazy river had about 5 people floating in it and about 15 or so people just swimming it it...and that was heated...and the cool little bridges over various parts of the lazy river are made of see through glass so many times i would walk over someone as they floated underneath...that was cool ...on the south west end of the pool deck is a large covered area which i can imagine will be for live music and dancing or special events etc with great views of west downtown and discovery green as well...really loved that and hope to see some kind of event there some day! As i headed out i decided to take the elevator instead of the escalators i took to each floor and i got the giant astronaut greeting me on the wall inside as someone pictured on a previous thread...man i loved that! so much fun and such a cool way to remind people that we are space city! all in all i loved the hotel and cannot wait to go again and enjoy a stay, meal, game, event and/or the pool area! everyone was super nice there by the way...its almost like they all were just as excited to work there as i was to be there. SO awesome
  9. Hi! Its the large installation in the main entrance to the GRB and can be seen from outside: http://www.houstonchronicle.com/life/article/Commentary-Ed-Wilson-s-bird-and-cloud-sculpture-6849943.php
  10. Walked around there Saturday after a photoshoot and man I am so loving the GRB in person! They did such a great job with the Avenida Houston...its so great to see the ground floor being put to GREAT use with so many food options and just a nicer enhanced exterior...from the outdoor seating to the amazing fountain sculpture to the landscaping...just beautiful! The restaurants are really coming along with Grotto open for business, the Deli had staff training and looks ready to open this week, while Pappadeaux was working furiously to finish and you can tell they know what they are doing to make that happen by Super Bowl... and it also has this, which maybe i missed written about somewhere...but i did not get to see this area: https://www.avenidahouston.com/articles/post/launch-brings-houstonian-designers-to-avenida/ as much as i LOVED everything about GRB...there was one slight disappointment... I am just not much of a fan of the Bird and Cloud sculpture...I want to be and wish i was...i'm just not...it's not ugly and i don't hate it...I just don't understand it haha...even in person it looks like a giant mess of mesh...i LOVE art and THINK i have pretty good taste and this just doesn't inspire me or make me think wow that's amazing or even interesting... it just made me think wow they really were desperate to fill up such a big empty space that needed something... and for a million dollars you would think i wouldn't feel that way...but maybe that is just me..
  11. wow that article makes me so proud of our amazing city! thanks for posting that!
  12. heck yeah! thats actually my best friend Justin pictured in the first photo too! GO BLUE OCTOBER getting to headline the first night on the main stage!!! (and by the way the pay was good enough that Justin is flying in from his solo tour the day prior (New York) then flying back out the next morning to continue his solo tour (Massachusetts) just for this show!!!
  13. wow...that was even back in the ugly days of GRB my how you have grown up GRB (and Discovery Green)!!! #soproud !!!
  14. My best friends band was asked to play the Superbowl Live event and from what i know they are kicking it off on Saturday Jan 28th...yet i dont see it on the site that was posted...IF it's a go and announced i hope everyone makes it out to see them!!! stay tuned www.blueoctober.com !!!
  15. because i am a guy i would never get a manicure or pedicure at that Envision nails in the above photo but if i did i would be going there for the past 20 years...
  16. never heard of this place! http://www.hamburgermarys.com/ if someone finds out the exact location please let us know
  17. WOW whatever is happening in that lake is a pretty big deal...yikes...if someone finds out info let us know! thanks for posting those photos!!!
  18. or another Astoria...that looks to be about the lot size!
  19. i have lived on the same uptown street (McCue Rd) for 20 years and man i loved it before but really love what it has become! I agree that more and more I think it is the nicest and best part of Houston to live in for MY needs! (but yes, I do enjoy going to other parts of town like Montrose, Midtown and Discovery Green area...heck I love our city in general!)
  20. wowsa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for posting all those amazing photos!!! going this weekend to Biggios!
  21. I know i keep saying it but its just so darn true...never in my lifetime would i have thought i would be excited to go see the GRB...blows my mind haha!!! I am just in awe of this building and the area's transformation...wow!!! thank you for all the amazing updates, photos and videos!!!
  22. i may get invited to some sort of sneak preview or get a comp stay...if i do you are the first to know Bryan! Brijonmang
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