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Everything posted by MidtownCoog

  1. New Orleans has one, too. And it has (had) a cool little rotating bar at the top called "Top of the Mart". It was nice. They used to call the building Internationl Trade Mart. They had to change the name becuase too many illegals thought it was a new K-Mart.
  2. The banh mi is a nice fit, but NYC already thinks they invented it. At least the NYC section of Chowhound.com does.
  3. I've had the kolaches in Praha but they didn't seem the same. Too sugary. And I don't recall seeing one with sausage. All the sausage I saw look like what you find in Wenceslas Square and served with a bun. Yum!
  4. I can see it now: "When visting Houston, be sure to avoid the "poor roads". Not poor in quality per se, just filled to capacity with poor dumb bastards who can't afford the toll." Everybody follow the dancing ball and sing along, now: "Oh ye'll take the poor road and I'll take the rich road, An' I'll be to work before ye', ... "
  5. It reminds me a lot of the horizontal farm that I had in college:
  6. Anyone with a brain already takes the HOV or a Park and Ride bus downtown from the burbs. The daily drivers are the exception.
  7. This would be cool. Vertical farming in the big Apple http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6752795.stm
  8. Read the front page from Chron.com and also the top of your browser's status bar. Whatever, dude. And that's why there are story lines that are longer right below it. They still have more real estate on the screen. Houston & Texas Mobile food vendors in Harris face tougher rules Nation Survey: Parents would back stronger limits on media violence And Ch 2's Rachel McNiel said the same thing last week. What the hell is she trying to save? Brain space?
  9. Has anyone else noticed the trend in the Chron and also in TV news when referencing Harris County? Lately they just say "In Harris". That just seems sloppy and lazy. Example: Mobile food vendors in Harris face tougher rules http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headli...ro/4900830.html
  10. I was over there yesterday checking out the new townhomes close by. Whoda thunk it.
  11. I saw a "GE Hybrid test bus" downtown a few weeks ago. It was blue. No people on it.
  12. Par-tay on par-tay people. Hotels remind me of work.
  13. The Summit - 4th row, floor. 1989ish. REM with Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians. Lost our damn car after the show due to tryptamines We saw Prince at Hofheinz Pavilion back in 2000 or so. Great venue but only seats 8,000. That was what made it great.
  14. Who the heck hangs out at these hotels, anyway? Why would a person from Houston want to hang out at a hotel in Houston?
  15. Why is this city always broke?
  16. I just don't see the Houston and 'Que connection. Sure, it's a staple like water and white bread, but it's more central Texas terriroty. And what makes that unique is the use of beef and mesquite. That's what seperates Texas 'Que from the immators and emulators. Not to mention the pig picklers back East.
  17. Fajitas works. I am too full on a Monday to go order a plate and take a picture. I spent all weekend eating Tex-Mex, of course. One thing that is Houston is kolaches. I could hardly find them in Dallas. The sausage kind, of course, even though a real Bohunk will tell you that's not a true kolache.
  18. I am on that schedule now, but suddenly, parts of my grass is red-ish and heavily seeded. It's a trip. The rest is lovely.
  19. Randy Lemmon says Weed and Feed only hurts young trees. Warning: Most weed-and-feeds contain Atrizine which burns roots of young trees and shrubs. http://ktrh.com/pages/gardenline-lawn.html
  20. Parking is nuts in that lot. I can barely find a spot to pickup my Ponzo's Deluxe.
  21. Hou-Stoned (HP) interview to Kotkin: And he must be talking about Old Man Kinkaid when he mentions "Boston by the Bayou
  22. Randy Lemmon says this is the way to go: http://www.medinaag.com/gardprod.htm
  23. Nothing wrong with that. This is not unique to Galveston. Look at Fredericksburg, where my interloper relatives live. Too bad New Braunfells couldn't have hold onto that, too.
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