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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. [Citation needed] I live in the Third Ward, my friend. The difference is that I do not feel like I have been violated when I observe a person drinking cheap beer on the street.
  2. I joined this Y recently. I'm going to try and get some interior pics before its too late.
  3. It would be funny if TV Johnny were one of the 150 financiers.
  4. I checked the Pete's Dueling Piano website and it still says Early 2009.
  5. 100% approval, what kind of nonsense is that? How do you get 150 people to agree to something?
  6. To be fair to Lids, they'd be doing a lot better if all stores opened on time as planned. The problem is that there is no foot traffic passing their location. Hurricane Ike slowed things down and screwed everything up.
  7. Yeah, but what about swilling expensive beer while walking down major streets? I know your thoughts, but I'm curious what his are! And if he has a problem with that as well, I wonder why he bothered to make the distinction!
  8. However, TexasVines has a problem with the ones drinking cheap beer.
  9. Ah, cheap beer, I see. How much do they need to spend on their beer?
  10. Sigh, why can't The Grove get some really awesome food to match the incredible ambience?
  11. I have to agree. I was just at the park on Saturday and it was busy as always. Though the ice was closed until 4 PM because of the "unseasonably warm weather" (hahaha, no, pretty much standard for the season).
  12. Heh, you can tell that his boxers are dirty? How close a look are you taking?? Anyway, I don't really see any women doing the baggy pants thing, not to the extent where a thong can be seen, anyway. Its much more of a male thing.
  13. People wear all sorts of ridiculous casual clothes. Its not a very good judge of a man. Says who? Says you? You may be right about that, but Texas has a lot of dumb blue laws.
  14. Not everyone owns a car so that they can drive to a hoity toity bar and drink hidden from the prying eyes of others. Some people can't afford that. Some people like to drink a 40. Walking home drinking a 40 does not limit your potential in society, and walking home from the corner store is not a job interview.
  15. There's something very strange about an artist being commissioned to paint 14 paintings (all basically just covering a canvas in black paint) and slitting his wrists before the building to hang them is complete.
  16. Well that book is still full of surprises. My mom worked at one somewhere near Memorial. I'm not clear on where exactly. Anyway, West Oaks Mall had one open up about 2 years ago.
  17. Underneath the black panel there's a sign. It starts with the letter R, so it might say Ringside. Maybe not Ringside Club, though, because I didn't spot the top of a C.
  18. Looked it up on Google Maps and rode my bike over there. I intended to trespass ( ) and see what was up. What is now 516 Milby looks to have been it, possibly. Or maybe it was to the right of that in either what is now an empty field or at a gas station that appears to have taken severe weather damage. 516 Milby is a really rundown looking building. Attached to it in the back is a building made out of metal siding-type stuff. This part of the building has a big hole in the side of it. Inside you can see a clock, some tables, a locked raised area...I saw some guys in there. Wasn't clear if they were homeless or what. I decided not to go in.
  19. Looks to be a boxing ring that was operating in 1953 and therabouts. Heh, I guess they did some racy stuff between boxing matches. That same match book is being sold on an ebay listing for $6.
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