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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. Well, I'm not so sure. Virtually all of the black jurors (17 of 19, I think I read) were struck by the judge because they had seen the video and had formed an opinion about it. The remaining two were struck by Dick DeGuerin. But the DA's office had objected to defense request for a change of venue. If they had agreed and helped to argue for the change of venue, it might have been to a place further from the city, where people were not as familiar with the video, and where black jurors could be seated. There's something very wrong with an all-white jury in a county with 33% white people.
  2. I don't know that one could be charged. The laws of Texas are disappointing in this area. The police chief was saying that he too wished they could be charged with felonies. But my point was that right or wrong, they felt they had a grievance to take up with the DA. And besides, it wasn't just the "DA's office"...the protest was in front of the Criminal Justice Center, and was directed at various facets of the court system (all of which could be pointed out by the speakers from this location). I've been to many protests in Houston (one against Ruggles, Occupy, etc), but never one where the police took such a keen interest. I saw at least a dozen officers photographing and/or videorecording the protest.
  3. Well, Lykos didn't agree to meet with them until after the Thursday protest. And their specific grievance is that they were disappointed that only misdemeanors were filed against the officers. The DA isn't likely to put cops in jail with a misdemeanor charge.
  4. I said possibly because I'm not sure of the rules for minors on probation, but I know adults have to get a steady job. But anyway, getting a job with a criminal history can be challenging.
  5. If you've never known anyone on probation, it's a bit more than just "not getting arrested." It involves meeting with an officer periodically, random drug tests, being taken to the prisons for "scared straight" type programs, possibly getting a steady job, and various other things. You might think it was too lenient, but that's something to take up with the judge. Holley completed his probation, and yes, he's 18. Still waiting for that evidence that Holley was portrayed as a good kid in court. Where did you see this? Who said this?
  6. He was sentenced to probation, he served that probation sentence, so yeah, he served his sentence.
  7. As someone who is white and attended the protest on Wednesday, I was outraged by it. Police need to stop thinking of themselves as the executioner and just enforce the law. That means using only the force needed to apprehend a criminal and bring them to justice, not serving out street justice. Things like this are why a lot of communities feel reluctant to call the police. Not that I saw. Let's see some documentation for this claim. He was convicted of burglary and served his sentence. Lykos agreed to a meeting with several ministers and listened to their concerns the following morning. This was citizens petitioning their government to hear a grievance, and the government hearing that grievance. It's as American as apple pie. You don't own the news companies and don't get to decide what they cover. If you didn't want to watch the coverage, you didn't have to.
  8. I would. He landed on his back and rolled over into a surrender pose, first with his hands spread-eagle, and second with his hands behind his head. Are you familiar with a Use Of Force Continuum? Besides, you weren't just letting off Blomberg. You said a thug got what he deserved and nothing more. There's plenty more, because a crime was committed by those other officers, one they're going to have to answer for.
  9. Kicking and punching a compliant suspect is a crime, regardless of your own personal opinions of what thugs deserve.
  10. Toured those with a friend who is house shopping. Very nice.
  11. Nga's has been there a while. Great little place. What's the other?
  12. daniepwills and anyone else in Humble Tower already do. I live on top of a bar and on the same block as two clubs. It works out okay.
  13. I'm paying $950 for 850 square feet one block away at St. Germain. $2200 is actually quite high compared to: St. Germain, Hogg Palace, Post Rice, Bayou Lofts, Franklin Lofts, or even Commerce Tower. So no, $2200 is not "too poor" for 1000 sq ft downtown.
  14. Seems to me that they're saying that wind farms create more heat than nothing. But do they create more heat than the various kinds of powerplants, per kwh? That's the more interesting question.
  15. Seems to be working fine at the Caroline Collective, since 2008.
  16. There's a lot of doctors that take buses to the Med Center. Aside from residents, there's also the people watching their kids and cleaning their houses.
  17. I'd say it's more of a bar than a coffeeshop these days. Fun place to hang out. I took my Mom in there once and there was a stark naked guy playing guitar. Oops!
  18. My understanding is that permits are only issued on a per-day basis for special events or festivals. I've never seen a propane truck operating outside an event in downtown. The cupcake truck comes downtown sometimes, but that's it.
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