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Everything posted by WestGrayGuy

  1. Finally, something is going into the long vacant corner across from Farrago's in the Post Midtown Square building. This space has been empty for long time. Another Mexican food restuarant in midtown. Yippee! Sign says opening in Fall 2005 I believe.
  2. Well it looks like this diner might happen after all. Driving by a sign now reads "Coming Soon...H-Town Diner" They are seeking applications. Should be cool when it opens, I will go.
  3. I am not sure who to believe but let me tell you, Front Row Tickets got a lot of emails out of it. I even got an email from a New York rag asking what happened. I would think they might change their story to save face. Needless to say, I don't think the community will be using that outlet anytime soon.
  4. I like: Coming home from a trip to see the skyline welcoming me home, The incredibly friendly people that are surprisingly open minded, Driving down Allen Parkway or Dallas street towards downtown, Wearing shorts in December, The incredible arts/theater scene, The very close knit yet diverse gay community that seems to come together when necessary, Having the biggest Pride Celebration in the Southwest (200,000 people.... that's the city of Beaumont on the corner of Westheimer and Montrose), Having an incredibly low cost of living while having tremendous job opportunities, The awesome green canopy that covers Main Street near Rice U, The modern skyline which impresses all who visit, The fact that there are so many restaurants that I now go a certain restaurant for a certain dish, Living inside the loop where the energy is more bohemian, Living in midtown and watching the metamorphosis take place, living in large city that feels small.
  5. I have to say I am disappointed. I would think further entertainment options would be a natural fit for the second phase. The Aquarium restaurant is right there. I do think something is better than nothing and it is an eyesore currently. Putting in office space seems like the easiest thing to do.
  6. I broke down and tried the Montrose Diner. It was better than I had expected although the place was fairly empty. I had the grilled chicken with fries and onion rings combo. Quite tasty, I would recommend it.
  7. I love stories about Gay Houston History. Fascinating... Thanks for setting the record "straight".
  8. I disagree. I think the days of Richmond party strip have passed. I think all efforts should be directed towards creating a vibrant club/party district in downtown. That's just my opinion.
  9. Here's is the version of the story I have heard: Empire Cafe used to be a gay leather bar back in the day. The owner liked teenage boys, tying them up etc. After the bar closed it remained empty for a while. When it was reopened as a cafe, they discovered several young bodies wrapped in plastic in the back. I have asked the staff and Empire Cafe and they have confirmed this.
  10. I actually live a few blocks down from the home you refer to. I live at Mason and West Webster in one of "those dreadful Perry homes". I don't know the architect but I do know the owners of the house. In fact, this home is featured on a Houston Homes tour. It is quite spectacular on the inside. The view is incredible from the top floor.
  11. Since yesterday this email has made the rounds through the "community". Needless to say, people are pissed. I tend to believe this incident happened as the email contains names of the couple and names of the business owner and associate. I understand that email has made its way to the Chronicle, Houston Press, mayor's office and Channel Two. The owner of Front Row Tickets made two mistakes. The first, spewing hate from a company vehicle. (Total dumbass) And secondly, spewing hate in the month of June. June is our Pride month and we are already a little sensitive. There is nothing like something like this to rally the troops. I too wonder if this some hoax to get back at Front Row tickets. I have personally sent an email to Front Row Tickets and have yet to get a repsonse. Perhaps they have been overwhelmed by free speech?
  12. I think they call it "little man's syndrome" or the Napoleon complex. Dallas can't stand that it is not the number one or even number two largest city in the state. Poor Dallas
  13. Forum members, I am trying to get the word out about an incident that occurred this past week here in Houston. This email was forwarded to me and it really infuriates me. Despite what your personal views may be, hate should not be tolerated. Here is the email: Please read below what happened to Vernon & I on Saturday evening... Adam -- On Saturday evening my boyfriend and I were driving on Kirby. While stopped at the traffic light on Westheimer, we kissed, only to be interrupted by someone honking their horn at us from behind. When we turned around, we saw a guy and his friend yelling at us. They yelled that we were FAGS and that we should die and go to hell. They followed us down the road yelling and harrassing us. They made a right on Shepperd but not before letting us further know their views on homosexuality. Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens quite often without us being able to do anything about it. These idiots didn't realize, however, that they were in a bright yellow hummer that had their company phone number, 713 TICKETS, in big font . The first thing we did was call the number to find out who was driving the car. It turns out the owner and one of his assistants were the people shouting at us. The receptionists apologized for his boss' behavior and gave us the boss' name, Kent Maree. His assistant, who was also shouting obscenties at us, is Max Velazquez. A friend of mine, who is black, called Kent this monring to ask if this is the way he treats all minorities. Kent responded by saying that it is a free country and he can express his views as he wishes. He also let my friend know that Fags choose to be fags and they should burn in hell. Since this is a free country, I urge you all to please give Kent a call and let him know your opinion on the way he expresses his views and his business practices. Pass this on to as many people as you know so that they too can give Kent and Max a piece of their mind. Their number is 713TICKETS. Thanks for you help. Vernon Caldera
  14. I have been noticing the consturction on the bike trails lately right behind the Hobby Center parking garage. It seems like the bayou will have a rock type embankment. Should be pretty nice when complete. As far as the quality of the water goes, it looks brown because the sediment does not have enough time to settle out of the water. One portion of the master plan involves adding natural basins to allow time for the sediment to fall out of the water before it gets to the bayou. These are called "green fingers". One thing that does not help the water quality and, in my opinion, looks ugly are the concrete canals that line the banks of most of our bayous. I realize they are to speed the transfer of water in times of flooding but damn are they ugly. I had heard at some point in our history they wanted to do the same for Buffalo Bayou near downtown at Allen Parkway. Fortunately, George Bush Sr. worked to stop this.
  15. Designs created by: Rey de la Reza Architects
  16. Astroworld will NEVER overshadow Six Flags in Arlington. That is the way it is. Six Flags will not let its flagship park be outshined by some crappy park in Houston. It is all about money folks and Six Flags corporate controls the purse strings.
  17. I think the only area where highrises are sure to be approved is uptown. I would like to see them happen in midtown but it just seems that midtown is destined for midrise residential buildings (4 stores or less). Examples include: Ventana, the Calais, Camden Superblock, Post Midtown, the Edge.
  18. Taco Milagro (Miracle Taco in Spanish) will rock in midtown. Talk about instant hit if it anything close to the other one. I like the food and especially the salsas!
  19. Tampa freaking Bay??? You go to be kidding me. Okay, so I am disappointed. Does this take us out the rotation for a while?
  20. Louisiana state law says that casinos must be water based except in rare occasions such as Indian reservations and for some reason Harrah's New Orleans. Lake Charles does not qualify as an exception therefore all casinos must be boats. Baton Rouge also has boats. Another weird cajun law.... Anyone else have futher details?
  21. What's the story with the Collective at Baldwin Park?
  22. I disagree. The Superbowl helps boost the image of the city. This is especially true for Houston which has had image issues in the past. Superbowl 2009 is a big deal and I will be upset if Atlanta gets it.
  23. Im crossing my fingers.... When is the announcement?
  24. Dr Moon Urban Dental Mcgowen at Bagby next to Supercuts. He ROCKS!
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