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Everything posted by WestGrayGuy

  1. Fantastic news. Thus ends my boycott of the International Festival.
  2. I have heard that much of the staff had left or were let go. But I had not heard that the Warwick has been purchased. In fact, I spoke to them this morning about an event of mine in February.
  3. I really think we should give a "shout out" to all the fatasses in our city that pulled it together to get us back at the top. You know it was a collaborative effort. You can't keep Houston down for long! We're number 1!
  4. I have always wondered the exact address of "Aurora's house" in Terms of Endearment. Anyone know?
  5. I haven't been to CS in several years....is this part of University Drive developed now? In the ole army days...it was pretty much pasture.
  6. This is great news for CS. Its always seemed to me that "downtown" College Station was Northgate or A&M. This will give CS a central focus/identity outside of A&M. Plus any new performing arts center will be better than Rudder auditorium.
  7. I thought this location was quite successful as Crossroads Market, a gay coffee shop. I think the reason that Cabo didn't make is that they didn't court the gay community. If there is even a rumor that an establishment is not friendly, people will stop going. On the other hand, they charged for chips and salsa. This is a cardinal sin in any Mexican restaurant in Texas.
  8. Let's not forget the "fire" that cosumed the old La Strada. That place has never been the same.
  9. I am interested in all the developments along lower Westheimer (Montrose to Mason) in the early 80's. I have heard there were fires that took out most of the buildings.
  10. People can be whomever they choose online. I am an internet billionaire, I would to live in Uptown, oh yeah nothing less than a million dollars.
  11. I heard the LaSalle went under from lack of business. I have been to Halo, a big improvement over "The Club" and Club 202.
  12. I remember Christmas in the Park. It wasn't all that. I would not drive up to see it. Of course this was 5-7 years ago.
  13. It will be the online ticket outlet for a non-profit organization that I belong to. This is our website: Bayou City Boys Club We do fundraising events in the "community".
  14. I knew there were cool architectural elements there that I did not know the name of. Thanks for the definitions and pics, dbigtex.
  15. I know there are some techno nerds out there. I am looking to set up an e-commerce website at a fairly low cost. Does anyone have an opinion or experience with software packages they have used? I am looking for basic software suite with a shopping cart capability. Thanks!
  16. I have tried it out and have liked it better than Marble Slab. Marble Slab is way way too sweet it seems to me. Parking will be an issue for this location with the BW3 next door.
  17. As a neighbor of this building, I am afraid that it has been a victim of graffiti in the last week or two. This building was renovated by Randall Davis a few years ago and has lasted ever since with no graffiti. I was wondering when the tag artists would target this great building. Unfortunately it now has a Swastika and what I am guessing is the gang name of "Pelon" on it. I am actually very upset with the plans for this building. HISD will use it for offices while building the new HSPVA. Afterwards it will become a parking lot. Just what is needed, a viable storefront torn down to make room for a parking lot.
  18. The current renovation of this location is damn ugly in my opinion. The location is at 502 Main (corner of Main and Prarie) in the former Crazyhorse Cantina location. I know that is an ideal location for a fantastic bar or restaurant. The architectural elements are there unfortunately covered by what it appears to be plywood. The name of the bar looks like it was cut out by a junior high shop class using a table saw. The place seems to have a huge potential if some investor would spend some money on renovation rather than cheap crap that been there in the last few years. I have also heard the food was crappy. Thoughts/Opinions?
  19. Don't forget the possible 9/11 factor. I think it is harder to build very tall structures these days. Of course, they are building the the new World trade Center in New York. This is more of a testament against the terrorists in my opinion. I think elsewhere in the country it will be harder to build tall sturctures. I also agree, our supply outpaces our demand at this point. Houston does not need anything taller than 300 foot for the moment.
  20. I have wondered if and when the Real World would come to Texas. I personally think MTV would pick Austin. You may recall a show in the mid 90's called "Austin Stories"; it was a sort of reality sitcom. It was set in Austin displaying the cool hippie lifestyle that exists there. Austin has a cool factor that Houston or even Dallas does not have. I think the one thing that Houston has in its favor is an improved national image from the high profile events of the Super Bowl and All Star game. Things are changing here and people are noticing. I would be great if Real World came to Houston but I will not hold my breath. I mean, if Philadelphia can have it then surely Houston can.
  21. Austin's city hall is much much worse in person. To see it in full disgusting glory view it from across Town Lake.
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