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Everything posted by wxman

  1. This kinda confirms what the poster above me mentioned: http://www.chron.com/business/article/Nonstop-flights-to-China-are-likely-this-year-4180473.php
  2. HOLY CRAP! Please tell me that is the updated rendering....please! That's 57-stories of pure sexy!
  3. Would somebody be nice enough to snap updated shots of this project? I can't see it from my place in....FLORIDA. lol. If not, I'll be back at the end of the month anyway. I can take some then.
  4. According to the article, it looks like a new office TOWER is going in that location. ...The owner of the building is planning to tear down the 10-story structure and develop an office tower in its place, Mayor Annise Parker said Thursday afternoon, addressing the store's closure and announcing a new plan to increase retail in downtown....
  5. Figured maybe it was time this should have its own topic. Seems things are moving forward with a new commercial property that Macy's currently occupies downtown. According to the article, Macy's is closing and the building will be torn down and replaced with a new commercial building. http://blog.chron.co...o-close/#9183-5
  6. It looks very spec and amateurish. I'm skeptical that's it's anything real the more I examine it.
  7. This website is a treasure trove! Any info on this one? http://www.kirksey.com/project/confidential_urban_mixed_use_plan
  8. Ran across this on the Kirksey website. Anybody have any info? http://www.kirksey.com/project/midtown_mixed_use
  9. For those interested, this new hotel will be 6 stories taller than Hilton Americas and 7 stories shorter than 1 Park Place.
  10. This is strictly my opinion, but ''yawn.'' This ranks right up there with the Dynamo Stadium and the developments on UH campus. There is much more exciting projects happening around town. I know I know, bahumbug...
  11. Is anybody a subscriber? There's a story on this development in the Chron... http://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/real-estate/article/Inner-Loop-site-to-be-redeveloped-4071822.php
  12. New 20-story hotel and apartment tower planned for the corner of Buffalo Speedway and Richmond! http://swamplot.com/tall-hotel-and-company-will-park-by-greenway-plaza/2012-11-21/
  13. Looks like the Exxon-Mobile campus has sparked more development; this time a 10-story building for Southwestern Energy. Per the article, the building is to be located at the corner of I-45 and the Hardy (which is probably just a generic location for SWV itself). http://www.bizjourna...ds-village.html
  14. I was going to draw comparison to 1 Park Place. Keep in mind that 1PP has a vaulted roof which causes the building to graze by the 500 ft mark. The building on Weslayan will have a flat roof so I suspect both buildings will be about the same height.....right around 500 feet.
  15. It'll be slightly removed from the Greenway skyline but not by much. Keep in mind that a 40-story apartment tower vs. a 40-story office tower are two very different heights. While this will be a TALL building, it probably won't dwarf the Greenway skyline.
  16. Never militant. GOP here, remember? lol
  17. I may have overlooked the answer so I apologize in advance, but how long does it take to clear the area and set the foundation? I'm trying to gauge how long it will be before we see tower cranes up and floors rising!
  18. Haha, well, I wish beyond anything to move back to Houston. I'm about a year and a half away from getting back there. But back to the topic at hand, everybody around me has been ulta supportive. Nobody around me cares. My parents were floored and dad took it bad but is over it. I eventually came to the realization that I was miserable not being able to date or express my feelings to somebody. The turning point is when my mom had asked me about a good friend of mine who's 26 and never has had a girlfriend. She asked me if he was gay. She went on to say that it didn't matter anyway because he's like family. Then she turned the tables on me and said, ''well, are you?" I lied and said no (in a very frustrated way). That night, I just walked into her room, sat on the bed, took a deep breath, looked at the clock and started crying (and shaking uncontrolably) and just blurted it out. Mom's reaction? "I know. I've known for 10 years.'' LOL. Moms, gotta love 'em. What makes it hard to come out is the social stigma that comes with it. I want to be known as the jovial guy, the weather guy (which i really am), the funny guy or whatever. I just don't want to be known as the ''gay guy.'' In my head, that is insulting. I'm so much more and I carry myself in a way that fits more in with frat guys than somebody at a pride parade. I hate that people who are ''free spirited'' at parades like that are my spokesperson for my way of life; flamboyancy, guys wearing panties, shaved legs, ect.. but then again, it may be jealousy as they are truely free of themselves and I am not. Like anybody in rehab, my days of being totally comfortable are eons away, but I can start making steps to embrace a totally awesome human being and find a chance to really find unconditional love with somebody--me.
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