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Everything posted by skwatra

  1. "Federated Department Stores announced today that about 330 of the department stores it acquired when it merged with May Co. will take the name Macy's. ADVERTISEMENT The name conversion applies to Foley's, which is arguably Houston's best known home-grown retail name." Merger will turn Foley's stores in Macy's
  2. there is still a JSC shuttle that runs between NASA and the USA buildings on Gemini (near the Bay Area P&R, metro has a stop there), as well as NASA to the NBL and Boeing (north on Space Center near EFD). every 30 minutes during the day. it is employee only though.
  3. can you guys enlighten me on what to do uptown? i'm mainly talking about going out at night to bars/clubs. seems like the places there are more spread out, nothing like main downtown. whenever i have friends in town, i take them to kemah, the space center if they're interested, galleria/waterwall during the day, and we got out one night in the village, one night downtown usually. i haven't really thought about going out uptown, it would be nice to go someplace that's vibrant all the time. visitors always mention how downtown is so dead outside of weekend nights from 11-3am. but they do have a blast downtown, we get a cheap hotel, hit specs for some deli food and liquor, then hit the clubs. the problem is, the next day everything is closed and there's not one person on the streets.
  4. history of baseball and tobacco i agree baseball's boring in general, but its the only sport we've got right now! plus going to games can be exciting, i think minute maid has a great atmosphere. yes, the beer's expensive, but that's why you're supposed to get tanked before the game, makes it more fun too. well there is WNBA too, maybe i should try going to one of those games...
  5. 62 games left, and we have 10 more home games then away - which is good since we're a league leading 34-12 at home. things are looking much better then they were only a few weeks ago, but the NL East is still really tight, and the cubs probably aren't going to go away. its going to be a good race. i saw my first walk-off homerun last night, it was great being there. too bad our attendance average is down several thousand from last year, hopefully that will pick up for the rest of the season.
  6. i thought it was split as well (westbound richmond, eastbound westpark) at first, but after rereading the article i think 19514 is right- so the choices are to go all the way down westpark, which is not preferred by metro because of low ridership predictions. the other option is to go west down richmond and turn south at either timmons, weslayan, or just after that to avoid the afton oaks neighborhood. the east and westbound will be together, not split by several blocks in this proposal. but we shouldn't spend too much time on this cause it'll just change 10 more times.
  7. what are the dotted lines going north-south along timmons and weslayan supposed to be?
  8. that is scary, and cool. though it looks to be a 747 - large airplane and it looks pretty small. i'm sure its 1000's of feet away. and one of our pilot posters probably knows the FAA regulations on this...
  9. welcome. and good post, i agree... for the most part (my brother lived in coppell, and we have friends in mesquite, so i get to see a lot of dallas - old and new, which makes the feel not much different from houston)
  10. skwatra

    The Shuttle

    you don't need a telescope to see it. even without one, its cool to see station/shuttle crossing the sky, just looks like a fast moving star.
  11. we have that ability (two places to play bball), we have minute maid and the astrodome. and rice.
  12. i guess it doesn't matter because there's not baseball. but i'm sure if we did get the olympics, the IOC could work with MLB to schedule a road-trip during that time. astros just had a 10-day road trip. Minute Maid could also be used for track and field events, qualifyers and such.
  13. true, but it used to be clear. and depending on your definition, it can be considered a lake: 1. A large inland body of fresh water or salt water.
  14. yes NASA 1 and Bay Area are a mess, but they are pretty easy to avoid. all the "north-south" streets really don't have much problems. once NASA parkway is completed, it should help things out alot during the rush hour. kemah does cause a lot of problems on NASA 1 approaching 146, and the Kemah bridge turning into the boardwalk can get pretty bad. i don't think there's anything they can do about that right now... its amazing how they keep expanding all these neighborhoods, i don't really notice much now, but when i was off to school, everytime i came back there was a new shopping center or 100 new homes where there use to be green. i don't think the new condo will cause traffic problems given the location, at least i hope not because i live a few blocks away...
  15. never heard of sundowners... sundance grill is still open, which is in the area you described overlooking clear lake. http://www.sundance-grill.com is that what you're thinking of?
  16. not sure if you didn't follow the concept, or if i'm not understanding you, but there is no difference for the right turners from the smaller roads. they will still get a green light to turn right when the others on the small street get their green to turn left. the only thing i see is during high traffic, people on the larger road would try and get in the right lane and cause accidents/slow downs.
  17. ok, this is off topic but it is about stop lights and it reminded me about something i wanted to mention for a while. in central florida, they have intersections designated as "right lane continuous green" i've seen this in other places as well, but most recently i've been spending time in cocoa beach and KSC. basically, if there's a road heading north and T'ing into a larger road, the westbound larger road will have a right-lane continous green, so when the smaller road needs a left turn, those cars will turn into the closer westbound lane, and the farther lane will still have a green. before the intersection, there is signage on the westbound road, and a barrier is created (4 ft poles a few feet apart) keeping people in their lane. and of course, the right lane always has a green light. i think this would be great for streets like Memorial, Allen and NASA parkway to name a few. what do you guys think? i know i'm going to hear a lot of "houston drivers can't handle that" but like anything, it would take some time and accidents for people to get used to it. check out page 31 of this report for a graphic: report from NCDOT
  18. isn't it a bit too expensive to maintain and operate the dome for high school use?
  19. exactly, we lived in the NE for 8 years and didn't mind a bit. after being down here, i just ask the question, why deal with it? now i only go north in the non-winter months. i know girls down here that put on their scarves and gloves when it gets below 50, mostly because its a fashion statement and they never get to wear them down here. so if it gets a little colder they claim they're freezing.
  20. i actually prefer 59 over 45 to IAH because of the lack of traffic, and its about the same distance.
  21. ^i think you're both right. the sprawl has to already be there to justify the commuter rail, but then the commuter rail will cause the suburb to grow even faster and lead to more sprawl.
  22. i have a friend in boston who's hair would regularly freeze in the morning as he made his way to work from the bus to the T. i don't see that happening here. dry or humid, the "winter" here is so short it doesn't really matter. a few days near freezing every few weeks if that. just like the summers up there, it can get really hot and humid in the NE, it's just sporadic, unlike our summers which are so long. and the humidity is generally pretty low here in the winter, anytime we get a front, which is when it gets cold, all the moisture is pushed out.
  23. december through february - average lows in the 40s, highs in the 60s. they'll be a few days in there in the 30s, and sometimes several days in the 70s. seasonal weather averages
  24. 16k churchgoers in the summit having to shuffle seats, that would be fun to watch!
  25. i always found AA and CO to be about the same price for domestic, but would opt for the direct flight. but SW is cheaper, more flexible, and hobby is much closer for me. if i'm flying international i would take continental, delta, or NW or one of their affiliates like Air France or KLM to keep my miles together. for this, AA was never cheaper then my other options, nor are there as many flights. someday i'm going to take advantage of one of continental's last minute weekend deals to mexico...
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